Tuesday, July 09, 2024

You Are In My Face!

How many times have you heard that said?

Out in the tropical state of Hawaii the have great non-discrimination laws an angry woman appeared and verbally assaulted a number of drag queens.
Beth Bourne made a huge scene that was caught on video when she accosted several drag artists at a resort in Hawaii. One of the drag queens spoke to The Advocate about what happened.
The Advocate
June 26, 2024

This weekend, the serene shores of Honolulu’s Alohilani Resort were disrupted by a shocking outburst that echoed through the corridors ofHawaii’s island paradise.


Dressed in casual summer attire, Bourne confronted the group, dressed as hotel staff to blend seamlessly with the resort’s ambiance, with pointed questions and baseless claims. Her voice, captured on video, boomed across the lobby, “I’m worried about the boys of my community who think that they could become women because they’re effeminate, care, and they like wearing makeup, and they like wearing drag.” She escalated her unfounded fears into controversial territory, wrongly asserting, “We have boys that are having their penises cut off because they think they can become women."

Genital surgeries are not performed on children; such procedures are reserved for consenting adults, with some surgical interventions like breast modifications occasionally offered to older teens under strict medical guidance.
I talked about this incident last week but I want to point out another aspect of this that I think sums it up nicely.

The Daily Beast wrote in an article,
“I am not okay with children being exposed to drag queens,” she wrote. “Several other Alohilani hotel guests told me they also found it offensive so I spoke up to the manager yesterday.
So, we made you uncomfortable and for that you want us to hide in a closet? You know when they passed laws like you want? When they passed the Jim Crow laws because they were uncomfortable with Blacks around their children.

The “In-your-face” attitude and how it is all about protecting the children. How they want us back in the closet so they don’t have to tell their children about us. That is what it boils down to, she said it, “I’m worried about the boys of my community…” Why?

Why would it be a bad thing?

Because they are worried that their children will ask, “Why is that man dressed that way?”

When I came out to my niece and nephews when they were in their pre-teens, their response was, “Okay, can we go out and play now?”

P.S. On Facebook I am getting ads for Mom's For Liberty! Boy are they barking up the wrong tree!

I was just reading a blog on how word meaning changes and that brought back memories of one of the reasons I stopped doing training... the morphing of words.

I was with a group doing training for homeless shelters and I usually do my PowerPoint be myself but this time there were four trans people in the planning meeting before the presentation and we never made it pass the definitions. None of the four could settle on a definition of a single word.

When the day came to do the presentation not one of them showed up. So I did it with my definitions and said, "If you get a hundred trans people in a room you will get a hundred different definitions." 

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