Sunday, July 07, 2024

Do You Want To See The Fallout From The Supreme Court Ruling.

It didn't take long for the trans community to be affected by the recent court ruling by judge who was appointed by President George W. Bush and promoted to his current position by Trump.
By Devan Cole
July 3, 2024

The Biden administration cannot enforce new anti-discrimination rules in health care for transgender Americans, a federal judge in Mississippi ruled Wednesday, citing a recent landmark Supreme Court ruling that weakened the power of federal agencies.

The preliminary injunction from US District Judge Louis Guirola comes just two days before the new protections were set to take effect. The George W. Bush appointee said his block on the federal protections will apply nationwide.


But the rules were swiftly met with legal challenges, including from a group of Republican state attorneys general who argued that HHS overstepped its authority when it issued the new rules and that they would be harmed by a loss of federal funding for not complying with the changes.

Guirola agreed, ruling that HHS had wrongly leaned on a 2020 Supreme Court ruling that said federal civil rights law that bars sex discrimination protects LGBTQ workers when it issued the new rules. The Biden administration has in recent years used the court’s ruling in the case, Bostock v. Clayton County, to create protections for LGBTQ+ Americans.
This November will elect a president who will appoint another Supreme Court justice and hundreds of lower court judges… your vote is important!
But we are not the only ones affected by the court's ruling, this is the beginning of the attack on regulatory agencies.
Thomas said he wants to go after OSHA after the court took a sledgehammer to government agencies this term
The Independent
By Alex Woodward
July 3, 2024

The Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to a key federal agency that oversees workplace safety, which conservative Justice Clarence Thomas slammed as a “far-reaching” authority that threatens Americans’ constitutional rights.

On Tuesday, Supreme Court justices declined to hear a case that questioned the constitutionality of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an argument backed by right-wing legal groups and 23 Republican attorneys general.

The challengers had hoped to find a sympathetic court, on the heels of two major rulings that took a sledgehammer to regulatory agencies and the government’s ability to go after lawbreakers.

Only Justices Thomas and Neil Gorsuch wanted to hear the case.
The Republicans what to bring us back to the 50s back before OHSA, EPA, and FDA, back to the age of burning rivers, smog, and workplace accidents... back to the days where companies could do anything they want for a buck.

So what will it take now to pass a regulation? Do you think that our health care will be passed in Congress? With this court ruling the regulatory agency cannot pass any regulations, they all must be voted on by Congress!

I’ll vote for the man with Integrity, Honor, & Character not for the sleaze bag.

1 comment:

  1. I am increasingly beginning to believe that there is a far right conspiracy to overturn government that we have come to accept. If the extreme right ends up controlling the three branches of government there will be governance. I worked in a federal department for over thirty years. With few exceptions Congress deferred to the proper government agency to develop regulations for the law implementation. This ruling is total insanity. SCOTUS has run amok. Congress cannot get its act together now, let alone having Congress having to provide more detail as to its thoughts in passing the law in the first place. Whenever an agency is proposing a regulation it is printed in the Federal Registry with a time period for opinions and changes before its implementation.
