Monday, July 15, 2024

Cuckoo Awards

Well today’s Cuckoo Award comes from across the pond in Britain… A conservative want to license bicycles!
Councillor suggests mandatory number plates and penalty points for cyclists — so that bikes are on “level playing field with lorries, vans and cars”

A Conservative councillor has called on the Worcester City Council to introduce mandatory number plates for cyclists in order to “create a level playing field with lorries, vans and cars”, after the popular cycle hire scheme Beryl Bikes was introduced in the city last month.

Councillor Alan Amos, who’s the only remaining Conservative councillor on the Worcester City Council after the Tories lost six of their elected representatives in the 2024 elections, put forward his suggestions to the deputy council leader Jabbar Riaz, arguing that more needs to be done to enforce penalties for cyclists who break the law.

He sought assurances, following the introduction of the Beryl Bike scheme in June, that monitoring will take place to ensure that users do not cycle along the pavements and taxpayers’ money is not used to subsidise the scheme.


He said that he believed cyclists who ride on pavements or ride dangerously should be give penalty points, just like motorists caught breaking the law, reports Worcester News.

Now I can understand the part about giving out tickets to bike riders* but I am afraid but the whole thing sounds like a Don Quixote quest of tilting windmills.

So this week’s Cuckoo Awards goes to Councillor Amos!

*A couple of months ago when I was driving on Capitol Ave. in Hartford a car stopped to make a “Right Turn on Red” and as the driver started to proceed with the right turn after the driver stopped a bicyclist went zipping through the red going straight down Capitol Ave. narrowly missing the car. The driver of the car did everything right but the bicyclist ran the rad light and deserved a ticket. So I can understand why the councilor a ticket but he is going about it the wrong way.


  1. Cyclists continually flaunt traffic rules and need to be regulated better than they are right now. Off road bicyclists also behave in a way that is dangerous to others in state parks and also go places where wheeled vehicles are not allowed. Something needs to be done.

    1. It is already the law that bicyclists must obey the traffic laws… it just that is way down the list of police department priorities and having license plates on bike will not make a difference. They don’t enforce the laws now they won’t if the bikes are registered.
