Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bad News…

This isn’t a fun post, I write about all the sh*t that is piling up against us.

First off from the Salt Lake Triburne,
Opinion: I’m tired of young, transgender Utahns like me being used as political pawns
I am a friend, student, athlete, son and brother — but, most simply, I’m a person.
By Leo Pickron
July 20, 2024

My first interaction with trans rights was in 2022 with the introduction of HB11. In the coming months, I planned to compete in school sanctioned sports, and I was worried this would be impossible. I felt let down by legislators attempting to limit such a small number of teen athletes, but I felt safe with Gov. Spencer Cox, who was willing to fight for us and vetoed legislation banning transgender girls from competing in high school sports. Gov. Cox had said it would be OK. As a young, naive Utahn who had yet to be let down by our politicians, I believed this empty promise.

Over halfway through Gov. Cox’s term, the Utah Legislature advanced onto my healthcare. I spent dozens of hours attending legislative hearings with my family. A year after I started hormone replacement therapy, a decision made by myself, my parents and my doctors, Gov. Cox signed SB16, a bill that indefinitely barred minors from beginning gender affirming treatment. While I was “grandfathered” in and would not have to immediately stop my treatment, I knew that somewhere in the state of Utah there was a child entering the wrong puberty, just as I had, and unable to get necessary medical care.

Anti-trans laws had stripped my childhood innocence away. That was the moment I lost faith in Utah’s elected leaders’ ability to protect me. Gov. Cox had fallen back on his promise; it was no longer OK.

Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting both medical care for transgender youth and abortion
The Nebraska Supreme Court has upheld a law restricting access to both medical care for transgender youth and abortion
ABC News
ByMARGERY A. BECK Associated Press
July 26, 2024

A Nebraska law that combined abortion restrictions with another measure to limit gender-affirming health care for minors does not violate a state constitutional amendment requiring bills to stick to a single subject, a majority of the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled Friday.

The state’s high court acknowledged in its ruling that abortion and gender-affirming care “are distinct types of medical care,” but found the law does not violate Nebraska’s single-subject rule because both abortion and transgender health fall under the subject of medical care.

The majority relied, in part, on a passage from an 1895 ruling to find the state constitution offers wide latitude on what composes a single subject.

“Ultimately, ‘if a bill has but one general object, no matter how broad that object may be, and contains no matter not germane thereto, and the title fairly expresses the subject of the bill, it does not violate’” the state constitution's single-subject rule, Chief Justice Mike Heavican wrote for the court.
While this ruling doesn’t address our healthcare per se it does address the law affecting our healthcare, I imagine that there will be other law suits addressing out healthcare.

A Florida school board appeared unlikely Tuesday to fire an employee whose transgender daughter played girls’ high school volleyball in alleged violation of state law, but postponed their final decision until next week.

The board is in Broward, one of the state’s most politically liberal counties, with twice as many Democrats as Republicans, and a large LGBTQ+ community. In recent years, attention on transgender children has spiked as conservative leaders seek to make trans rights a hot-button issue both in Florida and across the country.

Most of the nine members of the Broward County school board appeared ready to reject Superintendent Howard Hepburn’s recommendation that Jessica Norton be fired as a computer information specialist at Monarch High School, where her daughter played on the varsity team last year.

But many also said they didn’t think Norton should go unpunished for violating the state’s Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Republican-led Legislature approved in 2021. The law, which the Broward board lobbied against, bars trans students from participating in girls and women’s sports.

Republican Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire has signed a bill that would ban transgender athletes in grades 5-12 from teams that align with their gender identity, adding the state to nearly half in the nation that adopted similar measures.

The bill passed by the Republican-led Legislature would require schools to designate all teams as either girls, boys or coed, with eligibility determined based on students' birth certificates "or other evidence." Supporters of the legislation said they wanted to protect girls from being injured by larger and stronger transgender athletes.

Sununu signed the bill Friday, saying in a statement it "ensures fairness and safety in women's sports by maintaining integrity and competitive balance in athletic competitions." It takes effect in 30 days.

Megan Tuttle, president of NEA-New Hampshire, a union representing public school employees, criticized Sununu.

"Public schools should be safe, welcoming environments for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity," she said in a statement. "Shame on Governor Sununu for signing into law this legislation that excludes students from athletics, which can help foster a sense of belonging that is so critical for young people to thrive."

This is bad, really bad!
Man accused of stabbing transgender teen 18 times at Miami airport
The 17-year-old was having a meal on the floor when she was attacked with a butcher knife Sunday. Officials say they aren't yet ruling out hate crime charges.
NBC News
By Mirna Alsharif
July 23, 2024

A man accused of stabbing a transgender 17-year-old girl with a butcher knife at Miami International Airport on Sunday was arrested and charged with attempted murder, police said.

Alexander Love, 29, was charged with first-degree attempted murder with a deadly weapon and attempted premeditated murder, according to an arrest report from the Miami-Dade Police Department.

Officers responded to Terminal J around 11:30 p.m. after reports of a stabbing, officials said in a news release. The victim was eating a meal while sitting on the floor when, officials say, Love attacked her without provocation, stabbing her about 18 times in her face, head, arms, shoulders, neck and legs before he tried to throw her over a safety retaining glass, officials said.

"The victim was able to escape the attack and ran down the stairs to the third-floor level, which is where the officers found her," police said.

She was taken to a local medical center in critical condition and had emergency surgery, officials said. Her condition Tuesday afternoon was not available.

I saved this for last…
I won't stay silent about the scars from my transgender experience
I won’t back down to bullies
Fox News
By Prisha Mosley
July 25, 2024

Young people are very susceptible to ‘social contagion’: Prisha Mosley
Did you know that you could “catch” Gender Dysphoria? Do you catch it like the common cold? Though sneezing or coughing?
When I was a child and suffering from numerous mental health issues, I learned about transgenderism. Vulnerable and in distress, I was given false hope by the pseudoscientific idea that I could become a boy.

Encouraged by doctors that this could solve my issues and alleviate my unhappiness, I began a medical journey to make a "female-to-male transition" that left enormous physical and emotional scars. It did not solve my problems, but rather created new ones.

My breasts are gone and what’s left in their place feels numb or painful. I haven’t decided which is worse - I miss one when I experience the other. Unnecessary prescription hormones have damaged my voice, my skeletal structure, and my hormonal system.
That is the narrative that the right-wing is pushing… that the doctors are forcing you into transitioning.

First of all she must have been over 17 or 18 to get the surgery so she wasn’t a child and she was old enough to give her consent. Second, I doubt very much that she saw the doctor only once and that it was a series of office visits and I will be that they asked her many, many times about why she thought she was trans.

So exactly how did this ‘social contagion’ come about? Did they lock her in a room a room and beat her with a rubber hose until she signed the consent letter?
In the June 12 issue of the Santa Fe Reporter, ahead of the one-year anniversary on June 16 of New Mexico’s HB 7 taking effect, Independent Women’s Forum paid for an advertisement featuring my story.
Maybe what they are not upset at you, but at you telling others that it is wrong for everyone?
New Mexico’s HB 7 forbids public entities and associated individuals from "restrict[ing] or interfer[ing] with a person’s ability to access… gender-affirming health care." Essentially, this bill discourages anyone from telling young people like me about the risks associated with attempting to medically "transition."
That is just bull! The law does not prohibit explaining the risks with transitioning but rather with programs like conversion therapy.
The ad in the Santa Fe Reporter included a QR code linking to IWF’s Identity Crisis documentary series, which tells my story and the stories of numerous others who experienced transition and ultimately "detransition." I think it’s information that children and their parents deserve to have.
According to research something like 13 percent detranistion.
A new study published in LGBT Health found that 13.1% of currently identified transgender people have detransitioned at some point in their lives, but that 82.5% of those who have detransitioned attribute their decision to at least one external factor such as pressure from family, non-affirming school environments, and increased vulnerability to violence, including sexual assault. The study was authored by researchers at The Fenway Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard Medical School) and is believed to be the first rigorous study of the factors that drive transgender and gender diverse people to detransition.

“These findings show that detransition and transition regret are not synonymous, despite the two phenomena being frequently conflated in the media and in political debates,” said Dr. Jack Turban, fellow in child and adolescent psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine and lead author of the study. “For most people, it appears detransition is forced upon them. Our results highlight the extreme barriers transgender people in the U.S. face when trying to live their lives authentically.”
I have known three people who detransitioned and they all detransitioned because of eternal reasons… family and jobs. Two out of the three that I know detransitioned because they couldn’t find a job and the other detransitioned because of family reasons.
A growing body of literature shows that exposure to discrimination and stigma increases the risk of poor mental health outcomes among transgender and gender diverse people. But findings from “Factors Leading to ‘Detransition’ Among Transgender and Gender Diverse People in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Analysis” suggest that stigma and discrimination should also be understood as obstacles to safely living in one’s gender identity and expression.

The study also buttresses public statements by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Public Health Association opposing the 82 bills that have been filed in a majority of states this year that would contribute to the external factors that lead to detransition, such as making it illegal to provide gender-affirming health care to children and teenagers, or restricting transgender students’ access to school facilities and/or participation in school activities.
We do not know why Ms. Mosley detransitioned, was it family pressure? Was it religious pressure? Or did she realize that she that transitioning wasn’t for her? Or did she realize that she wasn’t trans? We don’t know.

However, I know a child who transitioned before kindergarten and that was twenty years ago and she is a happy woman today.

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