Friday, July 26, 2024


That is what the Republicans colleagues are saying to Rep. Burchett about his racist remarks.
U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett, a Knoxville Republican, could face censure from his House colleagues after he called Vice President Kamala Harris a "DEI hire," a new report says. His GOP colleagues are joining the chorus by repudiating his comments as racist and sexist.

Politico reported Democratic Reps. Tony Cárdenas of California and Jasmine Crockett of Texas plan to introduce a censure resolution. It's essentially a condemnation of a member's behavior or speech.

On the same day this week on Capitol Hill, Burchett called presidential candidate Harris and former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle a "DEI hire."
Let’s see…
  • House women: 92 Democratic women and 33 Republican women in the House, Republicans.
  • House minorities: 113 minority members of Congress serve as Democrats, compared to 30 serving as Republicans
  • Senate women: 15 Democratic women and 9 Republican women in the Senate
  • Senate minorities: Senate Republicans, Black =1 , Hispanic = 2, and American Indian = 1; Senate Democrats, there are 8 minority Democratic senators
  • It's worth noting that: The vast majority (80%) of racial and ethnic minority members in the new Congress are Democrats, while 20% are Republicans.
via Perplexity AI
“Her ethnicity and her gender have nothing to do with this whatsoever. This is about who can deliver for the American people and get us out of the mess that we’re in,” Johnson said at a press conference.
So why do you think that the Republicans are saying back-off on the race Vice President Harris?

Could it because the Republicans know that they are vulnerable to a label of racism? And that they are trying to get the Black vote so they don’t want to bring up race?

Then we have the VP candidate calling childless couples "childless cat ladies...

You have to understand where he is coming from.

The Republican party is kowtowing to the evangelical Christians who believe a woman's place is in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. So to them any women without children is not a productive member of society so must be pitied.

I'm voting for the childless cat lady and not the used car shyster.

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