Sunday, July 21, 2024

Breaking News... Now Trump is the old man!

President Biden drops out! Kamala is now the Democratic presidential candidate!
President Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race
Biden, after a five-decade career, faced a reckoning over his age and his ability to defeat Trump. He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his party faces a historic effort to replace him.
NBC News
By Peter Nicholas

President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will end his presidential re-election campaign, bringing an abrupt and humbling conclusion to his half-century-long political career and scrambling the race for the White House just four months before Election Day.

Biden, 81, could not reverse growing sentiment within his party that he was too frail to serve and destined to lose to Donald Trump in November. He backed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him as the Democratic nominee.
It would be interesting if Biden ran as Vice President.

Update 5:30PM
I am worried that some people are not ready for a woman president but I think most of those vote Republican anyway. It is going to be an interesting four months!
Here’s How Kamala Harris Performs In Polls Against Trump—As Biden Drops Out And Endorses Harris
By Sara Dorn and Molly Bohannon
July 21, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is the most likely replacement for President Joe Biden, who dropped his 2024 presidential bid and endorsed Harris Sunday—and she is performing about the same as Biden in head-to-head polls with Trump.

Key Facts:
  • A flurry of polls conducted in the wake of the June 27 presidential debate showed Harris performing roughly the same as Biden against Trump (who has been leading the president by a slim margin for months), and more recent polls after the attempted assassination of Trump show similar trends.
  • Harris has also polled better than other Democrats commonly floated as replacement candidates to Biden, but the polls didn’t factor in how months of campaigning could change voters’ perceptions of many of the lesser-known candidates that don’t have the benefit of national name recognition like Harris does.

I think it is an amazing change of direction and I think her poll numbers will increase as people see her as a viable alternative to Trump.
A Reuters/Ipsos poll released July 2 (margin of error 3.5) found Harris would lose to Trump by one point, Biden tied Trump, while four governors who have been floated as potential Biden replacements—Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker—would all perform worse than both Biden and Harris against Trump.
The next question… What about the VP?

I have to dynamite suggestions for the VP either Michelle Obama or Biden!
If there’s one thing you can generally count on with Republicans, it’s political efficiency. This time, they may have been too efficient. The news that Joe Biden is dropping his campaign to be reelected president is about the worst thing that could have happened for Donald Trump. Let’s face it, this race has always been a contest between age-related forgetfulness and age-related anger and aggression. 
Now, instead of running against a man who appears too old to keep his thoughts together, Trump will have to face off against a younger and more vital opponent — at exactly the time the American people have said in a loud, clear voice that they’re tired of the same old men and the same old rhetoric. Trump, and his party, brought this on themselves. They turned their remarkably efficient attack machine on too early.

The way for Republicans to ensure their victory would have been to go along with the Democrat-created illusion of “Joe’s fine,” until after the Democrats held their convention and it was too late to turn back and pick someone else.
Harris is no slouch.
I can’t wait for the next debate! She will tear him apart!  Dareh Gregorian and Yamiche Alcindor report on NBC News that,
Harris, who had pointed exchanges with Biden during the debates, was named his running mate in August 2020. At times, she struggled to find her footing during the first years of her vice presidency but gained prominence as the 2024 campaign ramped up. In particular, she spearheaded outreach to Black and Asian American voters, the former being a core demographic for Biden.
From 2019 CNN reported back then…
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris on Thursday night established a commanding presence on her party’s debate stage – cutting through the cacophony of her rivals and insisting time and again that the candidates turn their attention to the troubles of “real Americans.”

Harris’ surefooted and forceful debate performance, after languishing in single digits in the polls, appears likely to cement her role in the top-tier of candidates vying to take on President Donald Trump in the general election.
As usual, Trump is cocky, Reuters wrote...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Sunday he thinks Vice President Kamala Harris will be easier to defeat in November's election than Democratic President Joe Biden, who earlier in the day stepped aside as his party's candidate.

CNN said the Republican former president made the comments to the network shortly after Biden announced his decision. Trump and his campaign later also attacked Biden and Harris on social media while saying Biden was unfit to continue serving as president.
The old proverb… “May you live in interesting times.”

“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were criminals by just walking out the door!
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were criminals for loving the wrong person!
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were forced in the closet!

“D” Is for going forward!

I’m voting for the lady and not the slimy old guy who makes used car salesmen look like saints.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things VP Harris has going for her is Trump's mouth. Trump had started already being disrespectful to Harris. Forget the MAGAs. They will die on their swords for Trump. Democrats and independents cannot stomach Trump. Now Trump is the tired old man. Biden was the elderly grandpa who tripped on his words and had issues forming his thoughts on occasion. Grandpa Don is the one at a family gathering who has lost his filter and spits out vile words. Any elementary school teacher will tell you little kids spit out whatever is on their minds, no filter, until they learn social decorum. Unfortunately, some as they age lose their filters and just let it all out. Trump will not shut up.
