Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Would You Vote For A Racist?

Many people would, many people in the far-right are White Nationalist.

While the media was in a feeding frenzy over President Biden they let Trump get away with racism.
The Los Angeles Times
By Lorraine Ali
June 28, 2024

President Biden has “become like a Palestinian.” The comment from former President Trump at Thursday’s debate in Atlanta was meant to be an insult aimed at his opponent’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

Despite the implicit bigotry of the barb, Trump’s vilification of an entire people in the form of a crude jab barely made the news.

There is plenty of analysis coming out of the 90-minute live debate — Biden’s terrible performance, Trump’s fountain of lies — but what I find most heartbreaking is the quiet acceptance of casual racism as part of our political discourse.

The former president’s bigoted rhetoric onstage last night doesn’t even qualify as a minor talking point in today’s discussions about the CNN telecast.
But the media gave Trump a “bye” on his racist comments because they were so focused on giving it to Biden.
Omarosa Manigault Newman is criticizing former boss Donald Trump for his "Black jobs" comment at this week's debate.

Trump’s remarks arrived as he slammed President Joe Biden on the hot-button issue of immigration. The former president argued that “the millions of people he's allowed to come in through the border, they're taking Black jobs.”

But in an interview with TMZ about Trump's remarks, Newman asked, "What is a Black job? I don't know where he got that from unless he's taking it all the way back to slavery because you know the only 100% Black job in this country was back during slavery time."


“Yes, I will acknowledge many of the exchanges, particularly in the last six months, have been racially charged,” she said. “Do we then just stop and label him as a racist? No.”'
Why has not media not been calling out Trump racists remarks?

His ardent followers all know that he uses code words for racist…
Human rights advocates on Friday condemned former President Donald Trump's references to Palestinians, and immigrants allegedly taking Black American jobs, during Thursday's debate with President Joe Biden, calling the remarks racist or insulting.

Biden and Trump had a brief exchange on the war in Gaza but did not have a substantive discussion on how to end the conflict which has killed 38,000 in the enclave, according to the Gaza health ministry, and caused a massive humanitarian crisis with widespread hunger.


"The only one who wants the war to continue is Hamas," Biden said. Trump responded by saying Biden has "become like a Palestinian," which rights advocates said came across as a slur.

"Actually, Israel is the one (that wants to keep going), and you should let them go and let them finish the job. He (Biden) doesn’t want to do it. He's become like a Palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian. He's a weak one," Trump said.
Trump has been using “code words” for racist for years, and in the past he has been called out… but not at the debate, no one called him out on his racism.

1 comment:

  1. Two things came to mind while reading this segment. First, "Birds of a feather flock together!" Over my seven plus decades I have had acquaintances, friends and family make the assumption that I am in agreement with them just because I communicate with them until they let their bias or dislike for people be known. Then, they make some lame excuse for uttering their discriminatory remarks. I do get a chuckle when I cut off their legs at their knees so to speak. Those MAGA crowds are "Birds of a feather flocking together" feeling safe in their collective hatred for _______(You fill in the blank). Trump feeds off their cheers. Throw out more filth and its more cheers.

    Anyone, who has been married to an elementary school teacher will bring home stories of kindergarten kids who have no filter. They will just lay it out, how they feel. As they age they begin to filter their comments. With Trump and Biden who have two elderly men; Grandpa Joe and Grandpa Don. Grandpa Joe may stumble and cannot form all his words into proper words and sentences. Everyone has had one or two in their families. Then, there is Grandpa Don, who has lost his filter. He spills out words of rage against all those he has hated over the decades but had his filter words. No more. That's Trump, uncorked and without a filter.
