Monday, July 29, 2024

The "Last Supper" That Wasn't!

Then we have the "Last Supper" that wasn't!

Have you heard what set off the right-wingers? An edited picture, this what got them into a tizzy! This was in the Daily Mail...

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked outrage for the so-called blasphemous depiction of the Last Supper, but a new theory has emerged about what the bizarre performance was really about.

Reverend Benjamin Cremer, based in the US, shared a post on social media which dispelled the allegation that the controversial scene featuring drag queens was mocking Leonardo da Vinci's classic painting and therefore Christianity.

The post reads: 'It was a representation of the event called the Feast of Dionysus. Greek God of festivity and feasting and ritual and theater.'
While the Baptists wrote...

Evangelicals upset about the Olympics are pearl-clutching hypocrites
Baptist News
JULY 27, 2024

Enough with the pearl-clutching!

As if many rightwing Christians have nothing better to do, on Friday they set X alight with outrage over a scene from the Paris Olympics opening celebration. Drag queens were part of a DaVinci’s Last Supper pose, oh my!

So with their acute provincial snowflake watchfulness for any perceived slight and no sense of diverse cultural sensibilities, the pearl-clutchers castigated the Olympics and the French for “mocking” Christianity.

Never mind that their Bible-hawking, adulterous, authoritarian, convicted felon of a presidential candidate says he never has asked for forgiveness. Drag queens in a Last Supper pose is what Christians really need to worry about.

The hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.

Of course, why would we expect anything different from average pew sitters when conservative leaders like Nikki Haley and JD Vance have made their own Faustian bargains with the Donald? He’s unfit to serve, they say, until, of course, they need him to have access to their own share of political power.
Now stop and think for a moment... this is a Baptist news report, where is the outrage? Instead they
They actually reported the facts and this is the photo on their article...
Do you notice anything different between the two photos? But that doesn't matter to the Republicans in their mocked outrage! 
By Brian Bushard
July 27, 2024

Top Line:
A parody of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” composed of drag queens during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on Friday sparked an uproar from some U.S. religious and conservative leaders and right-wing pundits, echoing protests in recent years against drag performances.

Key Facts:
Late into the opening ceremony of the Paris Summer Olympics Friday night, cameras cut to a long table overlooking the Seine River filled with drag stars made to resemble Jesus and the 12 apostles the night before his crucifixion in Da Vinci’s fresco masterpiece “The Last Supper.”

Right-wing pundits and some lawmakers took to social media shortly after, questioning why the scene was included in the opening ceremony, with former CNN host Piers Morgan posting: “Would they have mocked any other religion like this? Appalling decision.”

Donald Trump Jr. re-posted a photo of the depiction, saying, “They’re not even pretending anymore,” while billionaire SpaceX, Tesla and X owner Elon Musk called the parody “extremely disrespectful to Christians” in a post on his social media platform.

On Saturday, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., blasted the scene, calling it “shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world.”

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis also criticized the move as “[o]vert pagan and satanic symbolism,” and Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker—who sparked controversy by suggesting women should focus on being mothers —called the parody “crazy” in a story on Instagram.

Some Christian bishops also bemoaned the parody: Minnesota Bishop Robert Barron, a prominent U.S. Catholic leader, called it a “gross mockery” and emblematic of a “deeply secularist postmodern society,” while Wisconsin-based Bishop Donald Hying slammed it as “blasphemy,” and Texas-based Bishop Daniel Flores posted: “the agendas just use the athletes; they deserve more respect. So do people of Christian Faith.”
Do you think the facts stopped Trump?
Donald Trump Jr. Fumes Over 'Satanic' Olympics Opening Ceremony: 'Such A Shame'
The former president's son joined other conservative figures who slammed a perceived parody of "The Last Supper" with drag queens at the Paris Games.
By Ben Blanchet
July 28, 2024
Donald Trump Jr. went on a rant over “satanic” imagery in what many people interpreted as a parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” that featured drag queens during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on Friday.

The supposed portrayal of the iconic painting, which depicts Jesus Christ’s meal with his apostles before his crucifixion, led to backlash from some Christian bishops and conservative figures such as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker and Trump Jr.

“Now with the ever predictable (& seemingly satanic to me) drag queen opening ceremonies and never ending bs, no one I know even thinks about it beyond maybe watching some highlights,” he wrote on social media.
Of course that wasn't true, the original photo doesn't even bear any resemblance to the Last Supper.
In another Daily Mail they quote Trump's son,
The son of former President Donald Trump criticized the performance as 'seemingly satanic'.

'My mom was an Olympian (Czech Natl Ski Team), and as a kid we would be excited for weeks leading up to the games.
To clarify, Donald Jr.'s mother, Ivana Trump, claimed that she was selected as an alternate for the Czechoslovakia ski team at the 1972 Olympics in Grenoble back in 1988 - a claim that the Secretary General of that country's Olympic Committee denied.

An investigation by Snopes in 2021 found that Czechoslovakia didn't sent women alpine skiers to the 1972 Olympic games.
Like father, like son. They just can't keep from telling lies.

And the biggest lie of all... is the "Last Supper" lie

So the question is... "Why did they used a photoshoped picture with just drag queens in the photo?

Update July 31 @ 2:00PM

Some of those who were in the skit have received threats...
Barbara Butch, the lesbian DJ who took part in the drag queen scene at the Olympics opening ceremony, has lodged police complaints after receiving threats of death, torture and rape.
Pink News
By Sophie Perry
July 31, 2024

Right-wing pundits, conservative politicians and Christian figures misinterpreted and criticised the Olympics opening ceremony, claiming that a drag segment mocked the Christian Last Supper depicted in Leonardo da Vinci’s famous mural of Jesus with his 12 disciples.

It was, in fact, an ode to a pagan festival celebrating the Greek god of fertility, wine and revelry. Artistic director Thomas Jolly said: “There is Dionysus who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the god of celebration in Greek mythology. The god of wine, which is one of the jewels of France.”

Dionysus is also the father of Sequana, the goddess of the River Seine, he added.

Some art experts have reportedly suggested that the extravaganza appeared to have been inspired by The Feast of the Gods, a 17th-century Dutch painting by Jan van Bijlert, which is housed in the Musée Magnin in Dijon, France.

Nonetheless, Butch has received a barrage of abuse.
Notice that it is almost always the right-wing conservatives who make the threats!

Updated July 31 @ 4 PM

Selective blasphemy!

Look at the ads Trump have been running!

These are for sale on Amazon...

Miami Herald
By Max Greenwood and Lauren Costantino
July 26, 2024
 In the days since Donald Trump narrowly dodged a would-be assassin’s bullet at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, a unifying message has emerged among some of his supporters: that it was God who saved the former president’s life — and, in turn, blessed Trump’s bid for the White House.
That belief served as a central theme of the Believers’ Summit, a three-day gathering in West Palm Beach that kicked off on Friday with a speech from Trump. Thousands of conservatives packed into a sprawling conference hall to blaring new age gospel music and Christian rock. Many donned “Make America Great Again” hats or Trump-branded t-shirts as they settled in to listen to a speech from Charlie Kirk, the right-wing activist and founder of Turning Point Action, the host of this weekend’s gathering.


The attempted assassination, Kirk said, was more than just an act of divine mercy. “Maybe,” he said, “God spared Donald Trump to test his church. Maybe he spared Donald Trump to see what his church is made of.”
So much for their feigned indignation. It is okay for the right's messiah to do this but heaven help other that bring in religion to the mix.

Now get a load of this video... Of course there no outrage over it,

1 comment:

  1. Richard Nelson7/30/24, 10:40 AM

    Stirring up hate to eliminate is the name of their game. Step by step, inch by inch, one of the steps of a fascist take over in the U.S. Who did they come for first?
