Sunday, July 21, 2024

What The…

Do you remember the Supreme Court ruling about a Colorado wedding website designer has the right to refuse service to same-sex couples and it was a fake… it was a “What If” case.
A federal appeals court on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit challenging first-in-the-nation law designed to place strict limits on drag shows, reversing a lower court ruling that deemed the statute unconstitutional and blocked its enforcement in part of the state.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Memphis-based LGBTQ+ theater company that filed the complaint last year lacked the legal right to sue over the law.
So it seems to me that if a fake case can proceed on a “What If” bases that this case should proceed.
Friends of George’s had alleged that the law would negatively affect them because they produce “drag-centric performances, comedy sketches, and plays” with no age restrictions.

However, the federal appeals court found that Friends of George’s was not at risk of violating the 2023 law because its performances were not “harmful to minors.”


Yet the actual word “drag” doesn’t appear in the statute. Instead, lawmakers changed the state’s definition of adult cabaret to mean “adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors.” Furthermore, “male or female impersonators” were classified as a form of adult cabaret, akin to strippers or topless dancers.
So a fake cases made it all the way to the Supreme Court but because it didn’t happen yet, an appeals court threw out the case.

Do I see a double standard here? An anti-LGBTQ case proceeds but a pro-LGBTQ case is blocked.

Those are the judges that the Republicans appoint, they put the party ideology ahead of the Constitution.

“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were criminals by just walking out the door!
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were criminals for loving the wrong person!
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were forced in the closet!

“D” Is for going forward!

I’m voting for the old guy and not the slimy guy who makes used car salesmen look like saints.

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