Tuesday, July 02, 2024

More Bad News From The Republicans… They Are Trying To Pass Another Anti-Trans Law

This time the Ohio legislature has passed another draconian law.
“Absurd and unnecessary,” Transgender Ohioans, allies react to House passage of bathroom ban bill
The bill would require Ohio K-12 schools and colleges to mandate that students would only be able to use the bathroom or locker room that matches up with their gender assigned at birth.
Ohio Capitol Journal
By: Megan Henry
June 28, 2024

Transgender Ohioans and allies are outraged the Ohio House passed a bathroom ban bill at the 11th hour of a marathon session Wednesday night before going on summer break.

The bill would require Ohio K-12 schools and universities to mandate that students only be able to use the bathroom or locker room that matches their gender assigned at birth.

“Hate mongers in Columbus want to see trans and gender nonconforming Ohioans stripped of their right to exist in public spaces. They can make our lives harder, but they can’t make us not a part of this state,” TransOhio Executive Director Dara Adkison said in a statement.

Sam Shim, the parent of two transgender high school students, said his biggest concern with the bathroom ban bill is how lawmakers don’t seem to be focused on students.

“It seems like it’s a political stunt designed to help with their messaging when they go back out on the campaign trail,” Shim said. “My kids should be able to go to the bathroom without worrying about being accosted.”

Let see, what little thing did the legislature overlook? Oh I know a Supreme Court case… a minor little detail.
Honesty for Ohio Education said this bill would harm transgender students and families.

“We are deeply disturbed that extremists in the state legislature prioritized the passing of this transphobic and hateful legislation over anything that would help Ohioans,” Christina Collins, Executive Director at Honesty For Ohio Education, said in a statement.


“We have school districts that can’t afford busses or find teachers, colleges that are losing students and closing their doors, and over 505,000 Ohio children going hungry every day,” Trans Allies of Ohio said in a statement. “But attacking less than 1% of the population has become a priority.”
Ah yes, that is their goal, get everyone riled up over us while stacking the courts with far-right Christian judges and converting us to a Christian Nation!

I’ll vote for the man with Integrity, Honor, & Character

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