I was digging in the back of my old computer desk and I came across an IBM FORTRAN coding forms and punch cards that I used back in college in 1969. Ironically it was from the first time I went to UConn for my EE degree. I only went to the Hartford branch for one semester before I flunked out, now some 40 years later I am going there for my Master’s.
At the time I was learning computer programming on an IBM 1620, it was the only class that I got an A in, all the other classes I got Cs, Ds and a F. One class that I got a D in was English, I improved, but not by much, grammar is still one of my weak points.
"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key"
Already Gone - Eagles
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Manic Monday #180
Lisa’s Manic Monday #180

Are you usually late, early or right on time?
Well there is world time which what everyone goes by and then there is my family’s time and that runs about 20 minutes behind world time. So if you want anyone from my family to be someplace on time tell them to be there 20 minutes early and we’ll show up in time.
What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or to tell them that you do not love them back?
Oh, that’s an easy question to answer, telling someone that I love them would be easier then tell them that you don’t love them. I think the real question is knowing when its love.
Which would you rather have: a high salary or job satisfaction?
Since I retired from a fairly good salary by my standards with little or no job satisfaction at the end (we were bought out by a company who started to move our jobs to other factories we saw the handwriting on the wall long before they closed the factory) and now I’m doing volunteer work that I love. I guess I kind of had both.
Are you usually late, early or right on time?
Well there is world time which what everyone goes by and then there is my family’s time and that runs about 20 minutes behind world time. So if you want anyone from my family to be someplace on time tell them to be there 20 minutes early and we’ll show up in time.
What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or to tell them that you do not love them back?
Oh, that’s an easy question to answer, telling someone that I love them would be easier then tell them that you don’t love them. I think the real question is knowing when its love.
Which would you rather have: a high salary or job satisfaction?
Since I retired from a fairly good salary by my standards with little or no job satisfaction at the end (we were bought out by a company who started to move our jobs to other factories we saw the handwriting on the wall long before they closed the factory) and now I’m doing volunteer work that I love. I guess I kind of had both.
Gender Inclusive ENDA
There was an AP article in the New York Times yesterday about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). According to the article the bill has picked up some key supports on both sides of the aisle…
Connecticut both senators and all of the representatives support the bill, so send them a thank you email.
New Impetus for Bill Banning Anti-Gay Bias at WorkAccording to the article, the change in the bill chances of passing was brought about by…
Published: August 27, 2009
Momentum is building for Congress to pass the first major civil rights act protecting gays and transsexuals, supporters say, and one of the stars in the debate is a barrier-breaking transgender staffer on Capitol Hill.
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA, would prohibit workplace discrimination -- including decisions about hiring, firing and wages -- based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It would exempt religious organizations, the military and businesses with less than 15 workers.
--Barack Obama is now president, and is on record supporting ENDA. A veto was considered possible if the 2007 bill had reached then-President George W. Bush.However, notice what the bill does not say, there is no references in the bill about insurance coverage nor about accommodations (bathrooms, lockers, showers, etc.). Are we still going to be denied medical coverage that both the AMA and the APA say is a medical necessity? Will we have to sit with our legs crossed all day?
--ENDA's core supporters, including Frank, have agreed they will push only for a bill that includes gender identity.
--The bill has picked up key support in the Senate, where it was introduced earlier this month by Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley and Maine Republicans Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe. Even without other GOP senators, Merkley believes it has a good chance of obtaining the 60 votes that likely will be needed to pass the Senate.
There is another difference from 2007. Frank [Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. the bills sponsor in the House] now has a policy adviser who is a female-to-male transsexual. Diego Sanchez is the first transgender person hired for a senior congressional staff position on Capitol Hill.
Connecticut both senators and all of the representatives support the bill, so send them a thank you email.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Saturday Six – Episode 281
Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 281
1. What single thing were you most afraid of as a child?
Wow, you’re asking me to remember back almost sixty years
2. Do you feel like you’ve been able to overcome this fear or does it still bother you?
I guess I have since I’m not afraid of thing that go bump in the night.
3. If you’re alone in the house on a “dark and stormy night,” and there’s a scary movie on TV, are you likely to watch or avoid it?
I’m not a fan of scary movies. If I did watch it, it wouldn’t scary me.
4. If you were to watch it, would it make you have any trouble at all in getting to sleep?
No, I would have no problem getting to sleep because of the movie. I’ll just have my usual problem falling to sleep.
5. Take the quiz: Do You Have the Fears of a Child or an Adult?
This quiz didn’t really ask any questions that pertained to me. I’m not worried about my parents dying, they died over 5 years ago. I not worried about having any kids, I’m over sixty, I’d worried more if I did have kids at my age.
6. What is your biggest fear now that you’re an adult?
That a bigot with a 2 by 4 would take his transphobia out on me one dark night.
1. What single thing were you most afraid of as a child?
Wow, you’re asking me to remember back almost sixty years
2. Do you feel like you’ve been able to overcome this fear or does it still bother you?
I guess I have since I’m not afraid of thing that go bump in the night.
3. If you’re alone in the house on a “dark and stormy night,” and there’s a scary movie on TV, are you likely to watch or avoid it?
I’m not a fan of scary movies. If I did watch it, it wouldn’t scary me.
4. If you were to watch it, would it make you have any trouble at all in getting to sleep?
No, I would have no problem getting to sleep because of the movie. I’ll just have my usual problem falling to sleep.
5. Take the quiz: Do You Have the Fears of a Child or an Adult?
You Have the Fears of a Teenager |
You are still finding your footing in the world, and a lot fear stems from your own insecurity. You feel ready to be more independent and successful, but you're worried if you can really do it. You fear failure, and you also fear humiliating yourself. The less confident you are, the more afraid you are. Over time you are learning that everyone is afraid... you just have to act as if you're not! |
This quiz didn’t really ask any questions that pertained to me. I’m not worried about my parents dying, they died over 5 years ago. I not worried about having any kids, I’m over sixty, I’d worried more if I did have kids at my age.
6. What is your biggest fear now that you’re an adult?
That a bigot with a 2 by 4 would take his transphobia out on me one dark night.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday 9
Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9

1. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yes, at work I was waiting for a reply
2. How do you eat oreos?
The classic way, take them apart and eat the filling
3. Are you cocky?
4. Did you have an imaginary friend as a kid?
I can remember that far back.
5. What t.v. station do you watch the most?
The local CBS affiliate, WFSB Ch3
6. Have you ever seen the ocean?
Yes, I seen and I have been in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
7. Have you ever been hospitalized?
Yes, over night in the emergency room
8. What's your favorite brand of rootbeer?
9. Could you live without a computer?
Nope, I’ll get buried in emails if I went without a computer.

1. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yes, at work I was waiting for a reply
2. How do you eat oreos?
The classic way, take them apart and eat the filling
3. Are you cocky?
4. Did you have an imaginary friend as a kid?
I can remember that far back.
5. What t.v. station do you watch the most?
The local CBS affiliate, WFSB Ch3
6. Have you ever seen the ocean?
Yes, I seen and I have been in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
7. Have you ever been hospitalized?
Yes, over night in the emergency room
8. What's your favorite brand of rootbeer?
9. Could you live without a computer?
Nope, I’ll get buried in emails if I went without a computer.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Friday Fill-ins #139
Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #139

1. He was a _hard-headed man, he was brutally handsome_.
2. _The changing colors and the smell of wood smoke in the air_ is what I look forward to most this time of year.
3. My best friend _is slowly recovering from his hang glider accident_.
4. _I didn’t expect it to turn out that way_ to be honest with you.
5. Appearances can be _can be all a person sees_.
6. The last person I gave a hug to was _a friend from where I use to work_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to the coffeehouse_, tomorrow my plans include _working on a power point presentation for a conference on homelessness_ and Sunday, I want to _relax and read a little bit_!
1. He was a _hard-headed man, he was brutally handsome_.
2. _The changing colors and the smell of wood smoke in the air_ is what I look forward to most this time of year.
3. My best friend _is slowly recovering from his hang glider accident_.
4. _I didn’t expect it to turn out that way_ to be honest with you.
5. Appearances can be _can be all a person sees_.
6. The last person I gave a hug to was _a friend from where I use to work_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to the coffeehouse_, tomorrow my plans include _working on a power point presentation for a conference on homelessness_ and Sunday, I want to _relax and read a little bit_!
Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender
Don't miss CTAC's exciting FUNDRAISER this September 11th featuring Peterson Toscano's theatrical performance AND to be followed by Dangerous Ponies, a 7 piece queer and allied band from Philly, that plays 60's inspired/dancy/indie/carnival hijacked by kindergardeners music. You can go to their website by clicking here.
And of course, as with ALL CTAC functions, payment is sliding scale (pay only what you can) for it is most important to us that you are able to be with community and allies to share good times, a great performance and great music to cap the evening off!
CALL NOW at (860) 249-1207 to reserve your tickets today or if you can't pick up tickets at the door, night of. So block off September 11th at 7:30 PM for Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible followed by Dangerous Ponies at approximately 9:30 PM.
We hope you and your friends will be able to support CTAC with your attendance, as theatrical performance activist, Peterson Toscano, unearths transgender Bible characters--those people who do not fit in the gender binary, and who in transgressing and transcending gender, find themselves at the center of some the Bible's most important stories. Hilarious and moving, Toscano's one-person play deepens well-known (and lesser-known) Bible stories as he presents an array of characters with an array of genders. AND just added, Dangerous Ponies which will be a great musical compliment to Peterson's performance!
And of course, as with ALL CTAC functions, payment is sliding scale (pay only what you can) for it is most important to us that you are able to be with community and allies to share good times, a great performance and great music to cap the evening off!
CALL NOW at (860) 249-1207 to reserve your tickets today or if you can't pick up tickets at the door, night of. So block off September 11th at 7:30 PM for Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible followed by Dangerous Ponies at approximately 9:30 PM.
We hope you and your friends will be able to support CTAC with your attendance, as theatrical performance activist, Peterson Toscano, unearths transgender Bible characters--those people who do not fit in the gender binary, and who in transgressing and transcending gender, find themselves at the center of some the Bible's most important stories. Hilarious and moving, Toscano's one-person play deepens well-known (and lesser-known) Bible stories as he presents an array of characters with an array of genders. AND just added, Dangerous Ponies which will be a great musical compliment to Peterson's performance!
The Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report in their Spring 2009 issue reported a 4% increase on hate groups last year.
In an article from 2005 the SPLC writes about hate groups against LGBT people…

See also "The Difference Between Damnation and Hate"
“Last year, 926 hate groups were active in the U.S., up more than 4% from 888 in 2007. That's more than a 50% increase since 2000, when there were 602 groups.”The report goes on to state…
“As in recent years, hate groups were animated by the national immigration debate. But two new forces also drove them in 2008: the worsening recession, and Barack Obama's successful campaign to become the nation's first black president. Officials reported that Obama had received more threats than any other presidential candidate in memory, and several white supremacists were arrested for saying they would assassinate him or allegedly plotting to do so.”The center lists five hate groups operating in Connecticut and they also list 11 anti-gay hate groups nation wide including such groups as the Traditional Values Coalition, Family Research Institute and Mass Resistance.
In an article from 2005 the SPLC writes about hate groups against LGBT people…
“The Family Research Council, along with other anti-gay groups, had often cited a similar fear of being demonized as its rationale for opposing hate-crime laws, asserting that hate crimes legislation would lead to "thought crime" prosecutions of Christians.”The latest incident of violence against trans-people happened on Wednesday in Washington DC.
Q Street Double Stabbing Leaves 1 DeadIt is time that we all stand up against hate groups.
Two transgender women stabbed in broad daylight
By ROBY CHAVEZ/myfoxdc
WASHINGTON, D.C. - D.C. Police say a double stabbing in broad daylight left one person dead and another injured in Northwest Washington on Wednesday.
Police say two people were stabbed in the 200 block of Q Street Northwest around 2:30 p.m. Officers found two transgender women in front of the building when they arrived. One of those victims later died at a hospital, while another is wounded but in stable condition.
Police don't know if gender played a role in the murder and stabbing, but the crime did take place two blocks from an agency that provides services to transgender people, including transgender youth.

See also "The Difference Between Damnation and Hate"
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It’s Back To School Shopping Time Again
I thought that was something that I didn’t have to think about ever again. What does a well dressed (over weight) sixty-year-old student wear to class?
Tomorrow, I’ll wander around the mall trying to find something that will fit my budget and me.
I also got a message from the Dean's staff...
Hi Diana,
Please stop bye and see me, thanks.
What did I do or not do now?
Tomorrow, I’ll wander around the mall trying to find something that will fit my budget and me.
I also got a message from the Dean's staff...
Hi Diana,
Please stop bye and see me, thanks.
What did I do or not do now?
Gender Testing – Caster Semenya
When will they ever learn? Can you imagine how humiliating it must be for her to have your gender questioned? What happens if they find out that she is intersexed? That she has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) or some other form of intersex, will they bar her from sports? Will all athletes who are intersexed, be banned from taking part in any sports?
In 1999, the International Olympic Committee changed the rules on gender testing and is now done on case-by-case bases. So if a woman doesn’t look like a woman or if someone questions her femaleness they can test her.
So why is Caster Semenya being tested? Because she doesn’t look like a woman. She wears her hair in cornrows, wears slacks and does use make-up, that coupled with her height and build made her suspect. Therefore, the gender police dragged her in for a gender test (Which by the way when the International Association of Athletics Federations announced the testing it violated their own rules on maintaining confidentiality.).
Talk about a slap in the face, to be required to verify your gender because you do not pass as a woman must be every woman’s nightmare how humiliating. The transgender community talks about “passing privilege” well now the gender police is forcing their standards of what a woman should look like on everyone else.
It is time to end this humiliating practice.
In 1999, the International Olympic Committee changed the rules on gender testing and is now done on case-by-case bases. So if a woman doesn’t look like a woman or if someone questions her femaleness they can test her.
So why is Caster Semenya being tested? Because she doesn’t look like a woman. She wears her hair in cornrows, wears slacks and does use make-up, that coupled with her height and build made her suspect. Therefore, the gender police dragged her in for a gender test (Which by the way when the International Association of Athletics Federations announced the testing it violated their own rules on maintaining confidentiality.).
Talk about a slap in the face, to be required to verify your gender because you do not pass as a woman must be every woman’s nightmare how humiliating. The transgender community talks about “passing privilege” well now the gender police is forcing their standards of what a woman should look like on everyone else.
It is time to end this humiliating practice.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Manic Monday #179
Lisa’s Manic Monday #179

What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their face, I don’t why I’m attracted to their face, but that is the first thing that I notice about somebody.
What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
The Eagles’ “Peaceful Easy Feeling” I am a big fan of the Eagles and I just love their songs.
What fashion trend do you just not get?
Tattoos, I just don’t understand why people get tattoos. What happens if a couple of years latter you don’t like or you break-up with you lover, then what?
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their face, I don’t why I’m attracted to their face, but that is the first thing that I notice about somebody.
What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
The Eagles’ “Peaceful Easy Feeling” I am a big fan of the Eagles and I just love their songs.
What fashion trend do you just not get?
Tattoos, I just don’t understand why people get tattoos. What happens if a couple of years latter you don’t like or you break-up with you lover, then what?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday Six – Episode 280
Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 280
1. Which social networking site do you feel the most comfortable with?
Facebook, it is the only one that I use.
2. How much do you treat your blog like you’d treat a social network?
I do feel that blogs act like a social network to a certain extent in that there are a number of people who follow my blog.
3. Whether you actually use it or not, do you feel like you “get” Twitter?
No, not really. I don’t understand why you need to let everyone that you are now brushing your teeth or having breakfast.
4. Some people use software to mirror their status messages so that the current status on Facebook and Myspace is identical to their latest tweet on Twitter. Good idea or bad, and why?
Yes, I use mirror my blog on Facebook. I think that it help increase my readership and when there is an “Action” it helps spread the word.
5. Take the quiz: What Does Your Favorite Social Networking Site Say About You?
6. Which website has singlehandedly helped you reconnect with the most people you’d lost contact with?
Facebook, I found some people who I didn’t have their contact information.
1. Which social networking site do you feel the most comfortable with?
Facebook, it is the only one that I use.
2. How much do you treat your blog like you’d treat a social network?
I do feel that blogs act like a social network to a certain extent in that there are a number of people who follow my blog.
3. Whether you actually use it or not, do you feel like you “get” Twitter?
No, not really. I don’t understand why you need to let everyone that you are now brushing your teeth or having breakfast.
4. Some people use software to mirror their status messages so that the current status on Facebook and Myspace is identical to their latest tweet on Twitter. Good idea or bad, and why?
Yes, I use mirror my blog on Facebook. I think that it help increase my readership and when there is an “Action” it helps spread the word.
5. Take the quiz: What Does Your Favorite Social Networking Site Say About You?
You Are a Family and Friends Centric Facebook User |
As far as you're concerned, Facebook has almost everything you need. When it comes to social networking, you demand the best. You love to connect with friends and family members online. Staying in touch is important to you. You are likely to be more educated and more affluent than the average internet user. You are picky about advertising, spam, and aesthetics. You are likely to use the Internet for everything, including leisure and business. Except that for you, Facebook pretty much is the Internet. |
6. Which website has singlehandedly helped you reconnect with the most people you’d lost contact with?
Facebook, I found some people who I didn’t have their contact information.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Saturday 9: I Ran
Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: I Ran

1. When's the last time you ran?
I can’t remember, now walking is a different story. I went walking with my cousin last week for about 5 miles on the Rails to Trails.
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
Yes, I have one holey pair of jeans that I wear around the house when I work on the yard.
3. What are you dreading right now?
Calling the credit card company to cancel my card. I know I will be transferred over to the security department because they will not believe I am Diana.
4. Do you like Mexican food?
Yes, I like to eat at a little Mexican restaurant in Hartrford.
5. Favorite ice cream?
Cherry Garcia.
6. When was your last doctor's visit?
It was in June and my next one is in October.
7. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
Yes, that was because I am up at the cottage and it is so quite and dark up here in New Hampshire.
8. How many pets do you have?
9. "First Loves Are Never Over;" is this true for you?
Yes, I never got over my first love and that was over thirty years ago.

1. When's the last time you ran?
I can’t remember, now walking is a different story. I went walking with my cousin last week for about 5 miles on the Rails to Trails.
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
Yes, I have one holey pair of jeans that I wear around the house when I work on the yard.
3. What are you dreading right now?
Calling the credit card company to cancel my card. I know I will be transferred over to the security department because they will not believe I am Diana.
4. Do you like Mexican food?
Yes, I like to eat at a little Mexican restaurant in Hartrford.
5. Favorite ice cream?
Cherry Garcia.
6. When was your last doctor's visit?
It was in June and my next one is in October.
7. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
Yes, that was because I am up at the cottage and it is so quite and dark up here in New Hampshire.
8. How many pets do you have?
9. "First Loves Are Never Over;" is this true for you?
Yes, I never got over my first love and that was over thirty years ago.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday Fill-ins #138
Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #138

1. I remember, I remember _when I use to use “White Out”_.
2. Dear _Betty Crocker_ I want you to know _how many eggs go in a soufflé _.
3. Is that my _Boston Cream pie_!!???
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of _eating the last piece of fudge_.
5. I'm saving a _kiss_ just for you!
6. If I made a birthday list _a cold beer_ would definitely be on it!!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _jumping the lake to cool off_, tomorrow my plans include _ jumping the lake with friends_ and Sunday, I want to _ jumping the lake one last time before I go home_!
1. I remember, I remember _when I use to use “White Out”_.
2. Dear _Betty Crocker_ I want you to know _how many eggs go in a soufflé _.
3. Is that my _Boston Cream pie_!!???
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of _eating the last piece of fudge_.
5. I'm saving a _kiss_ just for you!
6. If I made a birthday list _a cold beer_ would definitely be on it!!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _jumping the lake to cool off_, tomorrow my plans include _ jumping the lake with friends_ and Sunday, I want to _ jumping the lake one last time before I go home_!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What Do I Do? Do I Check The Male Or The Female Box
A part of the standard of care that the medical community has imposed on the transgender community is that you must live in your true gender for at least one-year full time. This creates a document nightmare, in some states you are allowed to change your gender marker on your driver’s license with a letter from your doctor. In other states and the federal government will not allow you to change your gender marker until you had surgery.
This creates a horrendous problem in that our gender markers might not match from one agency to another. This problem has been exasperated with the new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations for flying, they now require that you provide your birth date and gender when they book an airline ticket. In other words, my driver license says I’m female and my Social Security card and passport say that I’m male.
This is what the National Center for Transgender Equsality (NTCE) has to say about the topic…
What I want to know is why do they even bother to list gender on IDs. Many countries around the world do not require gender on their documentation, why do we require it? Is it just because we have always required it?
This creates a horrendous problem in that our gender markers might not match from one agency to another. This problem has been exasperated with the new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations for flying, they now require that you provide your birth date and gender when they book an airline ticket. In other words, my driver license says I’m female and my Social Security card and passport say that I’m male.
This is what the National Center for Transgender Equsality (NTCE) has to say about the topic…
Washington, DC, August 17, 2009-The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) rolled out a new phase of their Secure Flight program over the weekend. Passengers will now be required to provide their birth date and gender when they book an airline ticket as part of a move to help distinguish passengers from those on the government's "watch list" (often called the "no-fly" list).
NCTE has issued a new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about the Secure Flight program and its impact on transgender people. The resource includes information about how to navigate the new process, particularly if you have identification that does not match your gender presentation. NCTE firmly supports the right of transgender people to maintain our privacy and to travel freely.
NCTE has been engaged in ongoing work with TSA and administration officials about the Secure Flight program. There appears to be no chance of having the requirement of listing gender lifted; however, we will continue to work on how the policy is implemented in order to minimize the negative impacts. We are also monitoring the impact on transgender travelers. If you encounter difficulties when you travel, please contact us as 202-903-0112 and let us know. We may be able to provide you with assistance and the information can also help us as we work with TSA to help prevent future problems.
What I want to know is why do they even bother to list gender on IDs. Many countries around the world do not require gender on their documentation, why do we require it? Is it just because we have always required it?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
William Shatner Makes Palin's Speech Into Poetry
I was at a party in Haverhill MA on Saturday, we were talking and the topic drifted to Sarah Plalin. Someone showed this video of William Shatner on the Tonight show reading her resignation speech to the beat of bongo drums...
For the life of me, I do not know how he kept a straight face while he was reading it.
Update: I found this video of William Shatner reads Sarah Palin Twitter poetry...
For the life of me, I do not know how he kept a straight face while he was reading it.
Update: I found this video of William Shatner reads Sarah Palin Twitter poetry...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday Six – Episode 279
Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 279
1. Which single artist would you have the most songs from?
Do you mean on CD or mp3 or vinyl or combined? It is a toss up between, Sting, Don Hendley, Linda Ronstadt, and Eric Clapton.
2. What are your three favorite songs from this particular artist?
Fields of Gold, The End of Innocence, Love Has No Pride and Cocaine.
3. For someone who knows you well who checks through your playlist, what song would most likely be the biggest surprise?
Neil Diamond or the Kingston Trio.
4. You have to sing a karaoke song: which one do you choose to sing?
Row, row your boat. You really don’t want to hear me sing anything.
5. Take the quiz: What Kind of Rocker Are You?
Well at least they got that right, but half of the bands they ask about I have never heard, give Pink Floyd, the Dead or the Stones any day.
6. Lyrics aside, which melody on your playlist do you think is the most “hummable?”
It is awful hard to hum to Rock. You need an air guitar.
1. Which single artist would you have the most songs from?
Do you mean on CD or mp3 or vinyl or combined? It is a toss up between, Sting, Don Hendley, Linda Ronstadt, and Eric Clapton.
2. What are your three favorite songs from this particular artist?
Fields of Gold, The End of Innocence, Love Has No Pride and Cocaine.
3. For someone who knows you well who checks through your playlist, what song would most likely be the biggest surprise?
Neil Diamond or the Kingston Trio.
4. You have to sing a karaoke song: which one do you choose to sing?
Row, row your boat. You really don’t want to hear me sing anything.
5. Take the quiz: What Kind of Rocker Are You?
You Are a Freedom Rocker! |
You're stuck in the 70s - for better or worse. Crazy hair, pot soaked clothes, and tons of groupies. Your kind showed the world how to rock. Is that freedom rock?... Well turn it up man! |
Well at least they got that right, but half of the bands they ask about I have never heard, give Pink Floyd, the Dead or the Stones any day.
6. Lyrics aside, which melody on your playlist do you think is the most “hummable?”
It is awful hard to hum to Rock. You need an air guitar.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Saturday 9: The Longest Time
Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: The Longest Time

1. What's the longest time that you've waited to meet your date? Tell us when and what happened.
A long time, I was stood up. This was back in high school and she called just before we were suppose to meet and said she was sick. Later that night I she her with a football player and she ducked down when she saw me.
2. What's the longest time that you've waited for a job interview? Tell us when and what happened.
Actually, it wasn't long; I assume you mean in-between jobs and not sitting in the office waiting to be called in for the interview. It was only over the summer and that was just because I was getting unemployment insurance and not looking. When that ran out, I looked for a job and it was only a few months before I found a job.
3. What's the longest time that you've waited to have sex the first time with someone? Tell us why you waited.
No comment.
4. What's the longest time that you've not gone out on the town? Tell us when and what happened.
I have no idea. Not counting going to work in the next town, it probability back when I was in my 20’s when all I did was hang out at our favorite watering hole.
5. What's the longest time that you've worked without a break. Tell us what your job was and why did it happen.
Ah, that is an easy question to answer because I will always remember it. It was over 24 hours back in ’75 and it was in Daytona OH. We were installing a new 2-way radio system at a local hospital and it had to be done without disrupting the hospital communications. We started at the beginning of first shift and when the first shift came in the next day, they commented that we were there early. We told them we never left.
6. What's the longest time that you've not posted on your blog? Tell us when and why.
About a week and that was to finish a term paper.
7. What's the longest time that you've been on the computer? Tell us what you were doing.
See above. I was on the computer for about 10 hours a day researching and writing the term paper.
8. What's the longest time that you've waited for a friend? Tell us when and what happened.
A couple of hours, I had to take him to the emergency room.
9. What's the longest time that you've gone without food? Tell us when and why.
About 24 hours because of a medical test.

1. What's the longest time that you've waited to meet your date? Tell us when and what happened.
A long time, I was stood up. This was back in high school and she called just before we were suppose to meet and said she was sick. Later that night I she her with a football player and she ducked down when she saw me.
2. What's the longest time that you've waited for a job interview? Tell us when and what happened.
Actually, it wasn't long; I assume you mean in-between jobs and not sitting in the office waiting to be called in for the interview. It was only over the summer and that was just because I was getting unemployment insurance and not looking. When that ran out, I looked for a job and it was only a few months before I found a job.
3. What's the longest time that you've waited to have sex the first time with someone? Tell us why you waited.
No comment.
4. What's the longest time that you've not gone out on the town? Tell us when and what happened.
I have no idea. Not counting going to work in the next town, it probability back when I was in my 20’s when all I did was hang out at our favorite watering hole.
5. What's the longest time that you've worked without a break. Tell us what your job was and why did it happen.
Ah, that is an easy question to answer because I will always remember it. It was over 24 hours back in ’75 and it was in Daytona OH. We were installing a new 2-way radio system at a local hospital and it had to be done without disrupting the hospital communications. We started at the beginning of first shift and when the first shift came in the next day, they commented that we were there early. We told them we never left.
6. What's the longest time that you've not posted on your blog? Tell us when and why.
About a week and that was to finish a term paper.
7. What's the longest time that you've been on the computer? Tell us what you were doing.
See above. I was on the computer for about 10 hours a day researching and writing the term paper.
8. What's the longest time that you've waited for a friend? Tell us when and what happened.
A couple of hours, I had to take him to the emergency room.
9. What's the longest time that you've gone without food? Tell us when and why.
About 24 hours because of a medical test.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Friday Fill-ins #137
Janet’s Friday Fill-ins #137

1. When will _we get there mommy_?
2. _Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince_ was the last good book I read or movie I saw or tv show I watched.
3. Everything has its beauty but _but sometimes you have to look inside_.
4. _A bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich_ is what I had for dinner.
5. I'd like your _style_.
6. _Up at the cottage_ is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'mlooking forward going to _a Board of Directors meeting_, tomorrow my plans include _going to a party in Haverhill MA_ and Sunday, I want to _sit out on the beach in Kennebunk ME_!
1. When will _we get there mommy_?
2. _Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince_ was the last good book I read or movie I saw or tv show I watched.
3. Everything has its beauty but _but sometimes you have to look inside_.
4. _A bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich_ is what I had for dinner.
5. I'd like your _style_.
6. _Up at the cottage_ is where I want to be right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm
Best Blog Award

"what if this is as good as it gets?" awarded me and said such wonderfully kind things about my blog!
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and their blog link.
2) Pass the award to ten other blogs that you’ve discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I like to thank Allyson for all the nice things that she said about my blog. I would like to pass the award on to Rhea at the "Boomer Chronicles" her blog is interesting and informative to us baby boomers and is always a pleasure to read.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What Does Gender Variant Mean?
That question was asked on a forum that I read and of course, I took it literally. I answered in part…
“To me being “Gender Variant” mean not acting or behaving the way you are expected for your birth gender. Crossing the gender “norms.”
For me, “Gender Variant” is a very broad term. It means being androgynous or a male with long hair or a female with short masculine style of hair, it also mean a woman who likes to dress in male style clothing. It also includes gays or lesbians, as well as a trans-person.”
However, other members answered more personal answers, one wrote in part…
Being an outcast, feeling that I didn't belong ever. Started in third grade.
Being alone even around loved ones
Being a loner.
Being bullied, ridiculed and laughed at.
Being scared even for my own survival.
Feeling like I was the only one like this and I must be a freak.
Having to hide my true feelings, behavior and mannerisms to pass as a boy/man.
Being a fraud as a man and a husband.
Like I conned my partner and our children.
Angry sometimes I didn't ask for this, what did I ever do? Why me?
It means that finally after years and years of repression, I am going to explode. My head hurts and I look back and think to myself what if?
And that hit home to me, just about everything (except for being married and children) that she said, I could have written. I have always felt like an outcast, a loner, and been bullied. I thought that I was the only one who must be transgendered, it was my deep dark secret and burden to bear. I do not know how many times I cried myself to sleep asking myself “Why Me?”
Now I have transitioned none of this has changed; I’m still to some extent a loner, I still get ridiculed and laughed at, I still feel angry sometimes, and think that I didn't ask for this, what did I ever do to deserve this?
What did change? I now have pride in who I am, I now have self-esteem, I have accepted myself. I am a member of a very unique tribe, whose membership is very limited. I have developed many new friendships and I have met so many people who accept me for myself. Being gender variant has made me stronger and has challenged me in ways I have never imagined.
I have found that my family loves me.
“To me being “Gender Variant” mean not acting or behaving the way you are expected for your birth gender. Crossing the gender “norms.”
For me, “Gender Variant” is a very broad term. It means being androgynous or a male with long hair or a female with short masculine style of hair, it also mean a woman who likes to dress in male style clothing. It also includes gays or lesbians, as well as a trans-person.”
However, other members answered more personal answers, one wrote in part…
Being an outcast, feeling that I didn't belong ever. Started in third grade.
Being alone even around loved ones
Being a loner.
Being bullied, ridiculed and laughed at.
Being scared even for my own survival.
Feeling like I was the only one like this and I must be a freak.
Having to hide my true feelings, behavior and mannerisms to pass as a boy/man.
Being a fraud as a man and a husband.
Like I conned my partner and our children.
Angry sometimes I didn't ask for this, what did I ever do? Why me?
It means that finally after years and years of repression, I am going to explode. My head hurts and I look back and think to myself what if?
And that hit home to me, just about everything (except for being married and children) that she said, I could have written. I have always felt like an outcast, a loner, and been bullied. I thought that I was the only one who must be transgendered, it was my deep dark secret and burden to bear. I do not know how many times I cried myself to sleep asking myself “Why Me?”
Now I have transitioned none of this has changed; I’m still to some extent a loner, I still get ridiculed and laughed at, I still feel angry sometimes, and think that I didn't ask for this, what did I ever do to deserve this?
What did change? I now have pride in who I am, I now have self-esteem, I have accepted myself. I am a member of a very unique tribe, whose membership is very limited. I have developed many new friendships and I have met so many people who accept me for myself. Being gender variant has made me stronger and has challenged me in ways I have never imagined.
I have found that my family loves me.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
DDoS Attackers Continue Hitting Twitter, Facebook, Google
DDoS Attackers Continue Hitting Twitter, Facebook, Google
Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service
Saturday, August 08, 2009 7:50 AM PDT
The distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks that knocked out Twitter for hours and affected other sites like Facebook, Google's Blogger, and LiveJournal on Thursday continued all day Friday and may persist throughout the weekend.
In its latest update, posted to a discussion forum of its third-party developers at 11 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Friday, Twitter reports it's still fighting the attacks.
"The DDoS attack is still ongoing, and the intensity has not decreased at all," wrote Chad Etzel, from Twitter's application development platform support team.
This means that Twitter will maintain a set of defensive measures that have allowed it to keep the site up but that also have affected the interaction of third-party applications with the site via its API (application programming interface). "At this point, removing any of those defenses is not an option," Etzel wrote.
As was the case on Thursday, Twitter wasn't the sole target of the DDOS attacks on Friday. Google's Blogger blog publishing service felt the sting of the attacks on Friday afternoon as well. "A small percentage of Blogger users have experienced error messages this afternoon as the result of what appears to be an ongoing distributed denial of service attack aimed at multiple services across the web," a Google spokesman said via e-mail.
Facebook, whose site experienced some performance problems on Thursday due to the attacks, acknowledged on Friday afternoon that the attacks had continued. "The requests from the botnet continue but we have been able to isolate them and provide normal levels of service to our legitimate users," a Facebook spokesman said via e-mail on Friday afternoon.
Update: 8/10/09 - is anyone have trouble with the web? I cannot access Facebook, Google and my domain.
Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service
Saturday, August 08, 2009 7:50 AM PDT
The distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks that knocked out Twitter for hours and affected other sites like Facebook, Google's Blogger, and LiveJournal on Thursday continued all day Friday and may persist throughout the weekend.
In its latest update, posted to a discussion forum of its third-party developers at 11 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Friday, Twitter reports it's still fighting the attacks.
"The DDoS attack is still ongoing, and the intensity has not decreased at all," wrote Chad Etzel, from Twitter's application development platform support team.
This means that Twitter will maintain a set of defensive measures that have allowed it to keep the site up but that also have affected the interaction of third-party applications with the site via its API (application programming interface). "At this point, removing any of those defenses is not an option," Etzel wrote.
As was the case on Thursday, Twitter wasn't the sole target of the DDOS attacks on Friday. Google's Blogger blog publishing service felt the sting of the attacks on Friday afternoon as well. "A small percentage of Blogger users have experienced error messages this afternoon as the result of what appears to be an ongoing distributed denial of service attack aimed at multiple services across the web," a Google spokesman said via e-mail.
Facebook, whose site experienced some performance problems on Thursday due to the attacks, acknowledged on Friday afternoon that the attacks had continued. "The requests from the botnet continue but we have been able to isolate them and provide normal levels of service to our legitimate users," a Facebook spokesman said via e-mail on Friday afternoon.
Update: 8/10/09 - is anyone have trouble with the web? I cannot access Facebook, Google and my domain.
Saturday Six – Episode 278
Patrick’s Place Saturday Six – Episode 278
1. What non-domesticated animal would you most like to see up close (assuming your safety was guaranteed)?
A Bald Eagle, they are so majestic in flight.
2. What’s the most exotic animal you’ve ever touched or held in person?
A Boa Constrictor, way back in college somebody in the dorm had one.
3. If you could take a cruise to the Bahamas or to Alaska, which one would you choose?
Alaska, I do not think I would be welcome in the Bahamas.
4. Where’s the most “exotic” place you’ve been to so far?
Atop an 11,000 foot mountain in the Rocky Mountain National Park, where a friend and I went camping back in ’74 to the Lawn Lake campsite.
5. Take the quiz: The Jungle Test
6. If you could afford it, which would you most like to have in your backyard: a fish pond, a Japanese garden, a water fountain or a quiet gazebo?
A fish pond, since my backyard is wooded and has wetlands in it, all I'll have to do is scoop out a spot and behold... a fish pond. But, if I did do that, I think I would want a gazebo overlooking the pond.
1. What non-domesticated animal would you most like to see up close (assuming your safety was guaranteed)?
A Bald Eagle, they are so majestic in flight.
2. What’s the most exotic animal you’ve ever touched or held in person?
A Boa Constrictor, way back in college somebody in the dorm had one.
3. If you could take a cruise to the Bahamas or to Alaska, which one would you choose?
Alaska, I do not think I would be welcome in the Bahamas.

Atop an 11,000 foot mountain in the Rocky Mountain National Park, where a friend and I went camping back in ’74 to the Lawn Lake campsite.
5. Take the quiz: The Jungle Test
You Are Dramatic |
You are colorful and charismatic. You get and hold people's attention. Right now, you are seeking peace and tranquility in your life. You are drawn to people who are philosophical and thoughtful. You feel like there is nothing in your life that needs to be changed. You are quick to react. You are courageous and bold. |
6. If you could afford it, which would you most like to have in your backyard: a fish pond, a Japanese garden, a water fountain or a quiet gazebo?
A fish pond, since my backyard is wooded and has wetlands in it, all I'll have to do is scoop out a spot and behold... a fish pond. But, if I did do that, I think I would want a gazebo overlooking the pond.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Saturday 9: On Broadway
Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: On Broadway

1. Have you ever seen a Broadway play? If yes what and when?
Yes, I went to see “Wicked” when it was playing in Hartford CT at the Bushnell Theater. It was a couple of years ago that I went with four other friends to see a Sunday matinee. Afterward we all went out to dinner to Vito's By the Park.
2. Tell us about one strange event in your life this week.
The week was just another typical week with nothing much happening.
3. Have you ever lied to "get the guy/gal"?
4. Tell us about your best friend.
I have several best friends and I’m not going to pick one.
5. What was the best vacation that you ever had?
It was when my cousin’s son got married out in Everett WA. We flew out to Seattle and then drove down the coast to San Francisco.
6. What was the last big purchase you made?
I have made a big purchase in a long time, but I am going to make one this week and buy a new digital TV.
7. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink and when did you start drinking it?
Cranberry and soda water with a lime. I started drinking it when I had to cut back on alcohol and caffeine.
8. When was the last time someone did not believe you?
A long, long time ago, I’m always serious.
9. You have signed on to direct a romantic comedy. Who are your stars?
Emily Deschanel, I don’t know if she ever was in a romantic comedy, but she could be in mine.

1. Have you ever seen a Broadway play? If yes what and when?
Yes, I went to see “Wicked” when it was playing in Hartford CT at the Bushnell Theater. It was a couple of years ago that I went with four other friends to see a Sunday matinee. Afterward we all went out to dinner to Vito's By the Park.
2. Tell us about one strange event in your life this week.
The week was just another typical week with nothing much happening.
3. Have you ever lied to "get the guy/gal"?
4. Tell us about your best friend.
I have several best friends and I’m not going to pick one.
5. What was the best vacation that you ever had?
It was when my cousin’s son got married out in Everett WA. We flew out to Seattle and then drove down the coast to San Francisco.
6. What was the last big purchase you made?
I have made a big purchase in a long time, but I am going to make one this week and buy a new digital TV.
7. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink and when did you start drinking it?
Cranberry and soda water with a lime. I started drinking it when I had to cut back on alcohol and caffeine.
8. When was the last time someone did not believe you?
A long, long time ago, I’m always serious.
9. You have signed on to direct a romantic comedy. Who are your stars?
Emily Deschanel, I don’t know if she ever was in a romantic comedy, but she could be in mine.
A Day At The Beach
My sister-in-law was right, she said to get to the beach by 9:30AM or else the parking lot will be filled up. I got there a little after 10 and I had to walk about a ¼ mile to the beach down a country lane lined with horse farms. The beach is Parson’s Beach in Kennebunk ME and is a private beach that is open to the public.
However, one I got there the beach was mostly deserted and I pitched my umbrella and sat in the shade and read. The tide was coming in when I got there and was just about high when I left there at 1:30. I went in up to my thighs one and the water was like ice (looked up the water temperature when I got back to the condo and it is 59 deg.). As you can see from the pictures that didn’t stop some people from going in swimming. By the time I left the beach was crowded.
For supper I am going over to Cape Porpoise to a seafood restaurant right on the pier.

However, one I got there the beach was mostly deserted and I pitched my umbrella and sat in the shade and read. The tide was coming in when I got there and was just about high when I left there at 1:30. I went in up to my thighs one and the water was like ice (looked up the water temperature when I got back to the condo and it is 59 deg.). As you can see from the pictures that didn’t stop some people from going in swimming. By the time I left the beach was crowded.
For supper I am going over to Cape Porpoise to a seafood restaurant right on the pier.
Friday’s Fill Ins #136
Janet’s Friday’s Fill Ins #136

1. _Partying_ is my favorite summertime _pastime_.
2. My favorite John Hughes movies is _ “The Breakfast Club”_. (Since I didn’t know who he was I had to look him up. The only movie that he made that I watch was “The Breakfast Club” I guess I have to go with that movie)
3. _Money_ is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon _makes me want to howl _.
5. _I am going to the beach_ right now.
6. When daylight fades _it is time for dinner_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to my favorite seafood place for dinner_, tomorrow my plans include _laying out on the beach_ and Sunday, I want to _lay out on the beach_! (Hey, I'm in Maine and only a few mile from the ocean, so what do you expect?)
Update Sat 7:30AM
Ah, now I see why there is a question about John Hughes, he passed away the other day at the age of 59.
1. _Partying_ is my favorite summertime _pastime_.
2. My favorite John Hughes movies is _ “The Breakfast Club”_. (Since I didn’t know who he was I had to look him up. The only movie that he made that I watch was “The Breakfast Club” I guess I have to go with that movie)
3. _Money_ is something I love to touch.
4. The full moon _makes me want to howl _.
5. _I am going to the beach_ right now.
6. When daylight fades _it is time for dinner_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to my favorite seafood place for dinner_, tomorrow my plans include _laying out on the beach_ and Sunday, I want to _lay out on the beach_! (Hey, I'm in Maine and only a few mile from the ocean, so what do you expect?)
Update Sat 7:30AM
Ah, now I see why there is a question about John Hughes, he passed away the other day at the age of 59.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
George Orwell’s 1984 Has Arrived
This news article is all over the blogshere…
Talk about being Orwellian, this is so ironic that it was do with two of George Orwell’s books. In addition, if they can snatch the books off your reader, can they go in and rewrite the book on your reader? That would be totally Orwellian in that they could rewrite history with ease that George Orwell never dreamed.
Amazon Erases Orwell Books From KindleI am in favor of e-books, but not if they can do this. The article said that they buried the fact that it is software in the download agreement and you are only leasing the book. That nowhere did the mention that they could snatch it off your reader. When I want a book, I buy it to own it, not rent it.
New York Times
Published: July 17, 2009
In George Orwell’s “1984,” government censors erase all traces of news articles embarrassing to Big Brother by sending them down an incineration chute called the “memory hole.”
On Friday, it was “1984” and another Orwell book, “Animal Farm,” that were dropped down the memory hole — by Amazon.com.
In a move that angered customers and generated waves of online pique, Amazon remotely deleted some digital editions of the books from the Kindle devices of readers who had bought them.
Talk about being Orwellian, this is so ironic that it was do with two of George Orwell’s books. In addition, if they can snatch the books off your reader, can they go in and rewrite the book on your reader? That would be totally Orwellian in that they could rewrite history with ease that George Orwell never dreamed.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Merkley, Collins, Kennedy, Snowe Introduce Legislation To End Workplace Discrimination
Merkley, Collins, Kennedy, Snowe Introduce Legislation To End Workplace Discrimination
August 5, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senators Jeff Merkley (OR), Susan Collins (ME), Edward M. Kennedy (MA) and Olympia Snowe (ME) introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to finally prohibit job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. They were joined in this effort by 34 other members of the Senate.
Other original co-sponsors of ENDA include Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin, Senators Daniel Akaka (HI), Jeff Bingaman (NM), Barbara Boxer (CA), Sherrod Brown (OH), Roland Burris (IL), Maria Cantwell (WA), Ben Cardin (MD), Bob Casey (PA), Chris Dodd (CT), Russ Feingold (WI), Diane Feinstein (CA), Al Franken (MN), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Tom Harkin (IA), Daniel Inouye (HI), John Kerry (MA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Frank Lautenberg (NJ), Patrick Leahy (VT), Carl Levin (MI), Joe Lieberman (CT), Robert Menendez (NJ), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Patty Murray (WA), Jack Reed (RI), Bernie Sanders (VT), Chuck Schumer (NY), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Arlen Specter (PA), Mark Udall (CO), Tom Udall (NM), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), and Ron Wyden (OR).
Even though Dodd and Lieberman are co-sponsors of the bill, email them to thank them for their support.
August 5, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Today, Senators Jeff Merkley (OR), Susan Collins (ME), Edward M. Kennedy (MA) and Olympia Snowe (ME) introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to finally prohibit job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. They were joined in this effort by 34 other members of the Senate.
Other original co-sponsors of ENDA include Assistant Majority Leader Richard Durbin, Senators Daniel Akaka (HI), Jeff Bingaman (NM), Barbara Boxer (CA), Sherrod Brown (OH), Roland Burris (IL), Maria Cantwell (WA), Ben Cardin (MD), Bob Casey (PA), Chris Dodd (CT), Russ Feingold (WI), Diane Feinstein (CA), Al Franken (MN), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Tom Harkin (IA), Daniel Inouye (HI), John Kerry (MA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Frank Lautenberg (NJ), Patrick Leahy (VT), Carl Levin (MI), Joe Lieberman (CT), Robert Menendez (NJ), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Patty Murray (WA), Jack Reed (RI), Bernie Sanders (VT), Chuck Schumer (NY), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Arlen Specter (PA), Mark Udall (CO), Tom Udall (NM), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), and Ron Wyden (OR).
Even though Dodd and Lieberman are co-sponsors of the bill, email them to thank them for their support.
Inclusive ENDA Introduced in the Senate
This is from NTCE...
A Step Closer to Employment Equality for All Americans
August 5, 2009
Washington, DC, August 5, 2009- A fully inclusive version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was introduced today in the Senate with bipartisan support. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon), joined by Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts), introduced the bill, which would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
"Our goal with this legislation is clear and simple," stated Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "Hardworking transgender people deserve the right to go to work without the fear of being arbitrarily fired. We want to apply for a job and be confident that we'll be evaluated based on our qualifications. Our work should be judged on our skills and our expertise, the same as everyone else. ENDA is simply about basic equality in the workplace and freedom from discrimination."
A House version of the bill was introduced by Rep. Barney Frank on June 24 and now has 152 co-sponsors. It is currently being considered in committee. President Obama has already declared his support for ENDA.
This week, please take action by contacting your Senators to ask them to co-sponsor this vital legislation. There are a number of ways you can do this:
* Call your Senators. You can find the phone numbers on the Senate website;just select your state in the upper right hand corner. That will give you contact information for both of your Senators.
* Write an e-mail online with our ENDA action; it's quick and easy and sends e-mails directly to your members of Congress.
* Go to a town hall or other public meeting in your state while your members of Congress are home in August. You may still be able to get an appointment to meet with your members of Congress or a staff member. See our ENDA Toolkit for more information about how to do this.
It is critical that members of Congress hear directly from transgender people and our families, friends and allies about the need to pass this bill. Please speak out today!
Want to learn more?
Visit our ENDA webpage for more information.
A Step Closer to Employment Equality for All Americans
August 5, 2009
Washington, DC, August 5, 2009- A fully inclusive version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was introduced today in the Senate with bipartisan support. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon), joined by Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts), introduced the bill, which would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
"Our goal with this legislation is clear and simple," stated Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "Hardworking transgender people deserve the right to go to work without the fear of being arbitrarily fired. We want to apply for a job and be confident that we'll be evaluated based on our qualifications. Our work should be judged on our skills and our expertise, the same as everyone else. ENDA is simply about basic equality in the workplace and freedom from discrimination."
A House version of the bill was introduced by Rep. Barney Frank on June 24 and now has 152 co-sponsors. It is currently being considered in committee. President Obama has already declared his support for ENDA.
This week, please take action by contacting your Senators to ask them to co-sponsor this vital legislation. There are a number of ways you can do this:
* Call your Senators. You can find the phone numbers on the Senate website;just select your state in the upper right hand corner. That will give you contact information for both of your Senators.
* Write an e-mail online with our ENDA action; it's quick and easy and sends e-mails directly to your members of Congress.
* Go to a town hall or other public meeting in your state while your members of Congress are home in August. You may still be able to get an appointment to meet with your members of Congress or a staff member. See our ENDA Toolkit for more information about how to do this.
It is critical that members of Congress hear directly from transgender people and our families, friends and allies about the need to pass this bill. Please speak out today!
Want to learn more?
Visit our ENDA webpage for more information.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
There was an article in the Los Angles Times this morning about Canadian single payer healthcare (Note: the healthcare plans being debated in Congress are not a single payer healthcare plan.)
I just do not see what the big deal is over healthcare, we are paying an arm and a leg to get second rate healthcare. We need to have universal healthcare now!
A Canadian doctor diagnoses U.S. healthcareTake a look at Frances’ healthcare, according to Business Week (2007, July 9), “France’s 62 million citizens are healthier than the U.S. population, but per capita spending on health care is also roughly half as much.” The article goes on to state, “The key to France's success is that its system, like the U.S.'s, values patient choice and physician control over medical decision-making. France does it for far less, with per capita health-care spending in 2004 at just $3,500, compared with $6,100 in the U.S., according to the World Health Organization. All told, France spends 10.7% of gross domestic product on health care vs. 16.5% in the U.S.”
By Michael M. Rachlis
August 3, 2009
The U.S.' and Canada's different health insurance decisions make up the world's largest health policy experiment. And the results?
On coverage, all Canadians have insurance for hospital and physician services. There are no deductibles or co-pays. Most provinces also provide coverage for programs for home care, long-term care, pharmaceuticals and durable medical equipment, although there are co-pays.
On the U.S. side, 46 million people have no insurance, millions are underinsured and healthcare bills bankrupt more than 1 million Americans every year.
Lesson No. 1: A single-payer system would eliminate most U.S. coverage problems.
On costs, Canada spends 10% of its economy on healthcare; the U.S. spends 16%. The extra 6% of GDP amounts to more than $800 billion per year. [Emphasis added] The spending gap between the two nations is almost entirely because of higher overhead. Canadians don't need thousands of actuaries to set premiums or thousands of lawyers to deny care. Even the U.S. Medicare program has 80% to 90% lower administrative costs than private Medicare Advantage policies. And providers and suppliers can't charge as much when they have to deal with a single payer.
Lesson No. 5: Canadian healthcare delivery problems have nothing to do with our single-payer system and can be fixed by re-engineering for quality.
Compounding the confusion is traditional American ignorance of what happens north of the border, which makes it easy to mislead people. Boilerplate anti-government rhetoric does the same. The U.S. media, legislators and even presidents have claimed that our "socialized" system doesn't let us choose our own doctors. In fact, Canadians have free choice of physicians. It's Americans these days who are restricted to "in-plan" doctors.
I just do not see what the big deal is over healthcare, we are paying an arm and a leg to get second rate healthcare. We need to have universal healthcare now!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Manic Monday #178
Lisa’s Manic Monday #178

Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?
Since I do not do much that causes me to sweat (Sitting at a keyboard is not that physically demanding), I would choose going without bathing.
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
There was a new show on ABC last night called “Defying Gravity” where they are on a six year space journey to visit all the planets. I wouldn’t mind being trapped on a spaceship for a month.
Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?
Since I do not do much that causes me to sweat (Sitting at a keyboard is not that physically demanding), I would choose going without bathing.
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
There was a new show on ABC last night called “Defying Gravity” where they are on a six year space journey to visit all the planets. I wouldn’t mind being trapped on a spaceship for a month.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
I Have Been A Little Preoccupied Lately
I have three projects that I am working on right now that are keeping me busy. The first project is a lecture that I have been invited to give at a local university this fall. It is “a weekly academic lecture series with guest scholars from various disciplines examining a range of topics related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer studies.” The title of my talk is “Transgender Activists: From World War II until the Present.” So I have been doing research (Amazon.com loves me now), writing notes and creating a reading list for the lecture. In addition, I have been making the Power Point presentation; I figured I need about 20 - 30 slides for a 90 minute talk.
The other project is an internship for a survey of the transgender population in the greater Hartford area and for two hours the last three mornings, I have been taking a required test so that I can be a researcher on the project (I passed).
Lastly, I have been working on a Power Point presentation that I am going to be giving at school on working with a transgender client. This one is on the back burner since I am not going to present it until November.
Other then that I’m not doing anything this summer, just relaxing and going up to the cottage.
The other project is an internship for a survey of the transgender population in the greater Hartford area and for two hours the last three mornings, I have been taking a required test so that I can be a researcher on the project (I passed).
Lastly, I have been working on a Power Point presentation that I am going to be giving at school on working with a transgender client. This one is on the back burner since I am not going to present it until November.
Other then that I’m not doing anything this summer, just relaxing and going up to the cottage.
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