Monday, July 08, 2024

This Is Something That I’ve Been Saying

The ultimate goal of the Republicans is to do away with public schools, they believe that public education is not a right but a privilege for the rich.
Christian Nationalists Accelerate Their Plan to Dismantle Public Education
State legislatures are passing bills to erode church-state separation in public education programs throughout the US.
By Eleanor J. Bader
June 30, 2024

When Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz attended the 2023 Turning Point USA convention, he gave the Christian nationalists in attendance a preview of the National Prayer in School Act, a bill he introduced into the House of Representatives shortly after the convention. His speech electrified the crowd: “The beautiful new Supreme Court that President Trump gave us just might uphold a constitutional law based on the values that the country was built on,” he began.

Gaetz later became more explicit, posting a speech on Instagram in support of the legislation: “Our country’s educational policy forbids students and faculty from praying while endlessly promoting degenerate LGBT and anti-white propaganda,” he said. “My legislation unlocks religious freedom.” As written, the Act would erode church-state separation, giving students, faculty and staff the right to pray on school grounds — something that has been barred for more than 50 years.

Now the bill has a snowballs chance in hell of passing but it is telling that it was introduced at all. Look at all the harm Betsy DeVos did to public education during her time as Secretary of Education.

They are trying to force their evangelical Christian religion on us. Look at the indoctrination going on in schools, they are double daring the Supreme Court to back them up.

Education is under attack! Books are being banned. Teachers are in fear of arrest if they say something wrong in the classroom.

Public education is under attack! The Republicans just want Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmatic taught in schools along with the Bible.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen a teacher or school administrator stop a child praying silently before a test or at lunch before he or she partakes in the meal. I have seen children whose faith is not the Christian faith feel exclude because their faith is ignored, and in some cases talked negatively in class. I know exactly what is going to happen with the current SCOTUS. Throw it back to the states. The argument is going to be the Constitution prohibits a federally recognized state religion, but not a state recognized religion. In the early years of the USA there were some states with a recognized state religion. Anyone want to bet how Justice Thomas ends up voting?
