Monday, July 29, 2024

Raise Your Hand


If you think billionaires should pay more taxes raise you hand!

Ever since Reagan talked about “Trickled Down” economics billionaires have been raking in the money, corporate profits have soared, while salaries of the workers have remained flat with inflation.

My tax plan…
$1,000,000 > $5,000,000 = 70% tax bracket.
$5,000,001 > $10,000,000 = 80% tax bracket
$10,000,001 > = 85% tax bracket
Put a max on deductions for incomes over a million dollars

Bring back the Estate Tax on estates over $10,000,000, the Republicans like to call it a Death Tax but I like to call it the anti-Dynasty tax to prevent people like Musk from passing billions on to their children

Corporate taxes:
Companies pay no tax! I know people are going to say “WHAT, no taxes!” Yes, no taxes on companies but… taxes on all distributions.

It will work like this…
Stock bonuses taxed as ordinary income.
Capital gains taxed as ordinary income.
Dividends taxes as ordinary income.
Stocks buy backs taxed as ordinary income which the company has to pay. In other words, buying back a $100,000,000 of stock the company will have to pay taxes on it.
Think of it as a bucket all the money going into the bucket is not taxed but anything coming out of that bucket is taxed as income. If they want to modernized their factory... not taxed, If they expand the company... not taxes. If they give out bonuses to their employees... the employees pay the tax.
Someone once told me don't say billionaires say economically privileged


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