Wednesday, July 24, 2024

School's Out For Summer, School's Out Forever, School's…

In the past I have written about how I feel that the ultimate goal of the right-wing conservatives is to bring back public education to the 1890s where all was taught in schools was Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmatic.

We see that in the “Voucher” programs have predominantly benefited affluent families at the decrement of lower income families. Time writes about the destruction of public schools.
Project 2025’s Plan to Eliminate Public Schools Has Already Started
By Jessica Alcantara and Laura Petty
July 22, 2024

Project 2025, the policy agenda for Former President Trump’s potential first year back in the White House published by the far right conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, has been making waves recently. Some of the many destructive proposals within the agenda include the elimination of the U.S. Department of Education—along with federal education funding and any civil rights protections—and the diversion of public money to private school voucher programs instead.

Make no mistake: The goal is to end public education. But dismantling our public schools isn’t just the plan if Trump is reelected—it is already happening.
I have been saying this for a long time… heed my warnings!
The policies that Project 2025 plans to prioritize—government payments to families sending their children to private school and creation of new charter schools that are run like businesses—have expanded in the last few years, starving public school districts that serve all students of already insufficient resources. In the 2023-24 school year, at least 70 school districts, including in San Antonio, Texas, Jackson, Mississippi, and Wichita, Kansas, announced permanent closures of public schools, impacting millions of students. These districts are resorting to the harmful, discriminatory, and ineffective so-called ‘solution’ of closing schools in Black and Latine communities, stripping those communities of their local public schools.
And lets not forget the Secretary of Education under Trump, Betsy DeVos…
A Betsy DeVos-backed group helps fuel a rapid expansion of public money for private schools
The American Federation for Children has found success amid a 20-year low in support for K-12 education and protests over lessons involving race and identity.
By Tyler Kingkade
March 30, 2023

A conservative nonprofit group founded by former Trump administration Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said it poured about $9 million into state elections last year, backing nearly 200 candidates. Now, some of those candidates are pushing a wave of legislation boosting DeVos’ longtime goal: subsidizing private schools with public dollars.

Using at least $2.5 million from DeVos and her husband, the American Federation for Children has played a pivotal role in getting what supporters call “school choice” policies passed into law in at least three states and introduced in several more, according to current and former GOP legislators, lobbyists for teachers unions and academics.
Oh, by the way… did you know that Ms. DeVos is a billionaire?
The Time article ends with…
Project 2025 is not an inevitability—it is a call to action for anyone who cares about public education in this country. Our public school system requires more resources to create better school environments for everyone. We need investment in our public schools—not closures.
We seen it in the banning of books.
We seen it in the banning of teaching Black history.
We seen it in the banning of LGBTQ+ topics in the classroom.
We seen it in the cutting of funds for public schools and diverting the moneys to vouchers.
We seen it in putting the Ten Commandments in the classroom.

Educated children are thinking children and thinking children are not conservatives.

1 comment:

  1. How can do many dummies want the Pumpkin Prince back? Vote Kamala
