Friday, July 19, 2024

Read It And Weep, It Is Not Good News

So who is JD Vance?
Trump’s pick of JD Vance is a clear signal: this is a fight over America’s identity
Vance, a Trump cheerleader, is a mouthpiece for white people unhappy with the country’s changing racial composition
The Guardian
By Steve Phillips
July 18, 2024

Donald Trump’s selection of JD Vance as his running mate is a clear and unmistakable message that Republicans are waging a holy war over the very identity of this nation. In choosing the Ohio senator, the former US president has selected and elevated a person who is one of Trump’s biggest cheerleaders and whose primary qualification for national leadership is articulating the grievances of white people unhappy with the country’s changing racial composition.

Rather than even pretend to reach out to the less rabid Republicans who backed Nikki Haley in the primaries or attempt to win greater support among Latinos by choosing Marco Rubio, the Florida senator, Trump has simply doubled down on his crusade to make America white again.

Traditionally, vice-presidential selections aim to broaden the party’s appeal by signaling a commitment to a specific constituency or sector of the electorate. Barack Obama selected Joe Biden in 2008 to racially balance the ticket and reassure white voters that he’d have a veteran, moderate, white male political leader at his side. Biden, in turn, chose a younger woman of color to run with him to inspire and acknowledge the critical importance of women and people of color to the Democratic coalition.
So what is the voting record of this rabid right-wing senator? Here is a hint, it is far right!
JD Vance, Trump’s VP pick, has opposed abortion and LGBTQ+ rights
The first-term senator from Ohio has also taken particular aim at prominent Democrats who do not have children, arguing that political leaders should have a stake in the country’s future through their children.
The 19th News
By Grace Panetta
July 15, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has selected as his running mate first-term Republican Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, who has opposed abortion rights and some LGBTQ+ rights in his time in political office.


Vance was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2022. By then, he had transformed from a Trump critic in the 2016 election to a strong Trump supporter, fully embracing Trump’s brand of populist politics and positioning himself as the vanguard of an ultraconservative intellectual movement. He has stood against abortion rights and some LGBTQ+ rights measures while supporting policies he argues would increase birth rates in the United States, such as making childbirth free and financially incentivizing couples to have children. Vance and his wife, Usha Vance, a lawyer he met at Yale, have three children.
He is a far right-wing supporter of a Christian Nation… he doesn’t say so in so many words but all his policies are policies that the far-right Christians support.
By any measure, Vance – who has no prior political experience and has only been a senator for 17 months – is grossly unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, but that is not surprising given that Trump himself is arguably the least qualified person to ever occupy the Oval Office. Vance’s primary qualification is his ability to articulate the anguish of white working-class Americans. Through his bestselling book Hillbilly Elegy and his rhetoric as a candidate and now senator, Vance has done little else of note in his life than complain about how America is no longer a white-dominated country, a fact that has been painful and disorienting and hard to accept for a considerable number of white people.


By picking Vance, the Republicans show they are not going to try to broaden their coalition: they’re just going to go harder with their shrinking coalition and focus on getting their supporters to the polls. Democrats need to have similar clarity and focus, and devote their resources and energy to maximizing voter turnout from now until election day. If they can do that, they will win – and JD Vance’s voice, and Trump’s, will remain far from the White House.

The news source “The Editors” write that,
Vice President J.D. Vance Could Spark a Religious Revival
Critic of Wall Street, Iraq War is no country-club Republican
By Ira Stoll
July 15, 2024

In choosing Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate, President Trump has picked a politician with an unusually acute sense of the interaction between religion, culture, and politics. In “Hillbilly Elegy,” the book that skyrocketed Vance to national fame, Vance writes that his grandmother “always had two gods: Jesus Christ and the United States of America. I was no different, and neither was anyone else I knew.”

In the same book, Vance writes, “Religious folks are much happier. Regular church attendees commit fewer crimes, are in better health, live longer, make more money, drop out of high school less frequently, and finish college more frequently than those who don’t attend church at all.” He goes on, “The juxtaposition is jarring: Religious institutions remain a positive force in people’s lives, but in a part of the country slammed by the decline of manufacturing, joblessness, addiction, and broken homes, church attendance has fallen off.”
This is a guy who will be a heartbeat away from the presidency of a fat, overweight, chesseburger eating 78 year old man. Sen. Vance is a walking talking poster boy for the MAGA cult!
Where J.D. Vance stands on key issues: Abortion, guns, Ukraine and more
Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio has embraced the GOP’s populist shift under Donald Trump in recent years. His policy positions will be in the spotlight as Trump’s running mate.
The Washington Post
By Annabelle Timsit and Leo Sands
July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance, who was selected on Monday as former president Donald Trump’s running mate, once panned Trump’s promises as a kind of “opioid of the masses.” After rising to prominence as the author of the 2016 memoir “Hillbilly Elegy” — which chronicled his difficult upbringing in a steel mill community in Ohio — Vance was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2022. Vance, 39, has moved on from the “Never Trump” camp to embrace Trump and his populist style.
So where does he stand on the issues (Here’s a hint… far, far right.)

Vance has described abortion as “the first political issue I can ever remember caring about” and has equated abortion with murder. The Susan B. Anthony List, an antiabortion group, gave Vance an “A+” score based on his Senate record and said he “has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants.” Last year, Vance opposed Issue 1, a ballot measure to enshrine reproductive rights into Ohio’s constitution, which passed in the Republican-controlled state last year with over 56 percent of votes.
Colorado Politics writes about his Christian views...
Ten hours after making his first speech as a vice presidential candidate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) made his second, this time a pitch to evangelical conservatives.

Vance finished the biggest speech of his political career after 10 p.m. local time on Wednesday night, and began speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition breakfast at a Milwaukee hotel before 8 a.m. Thursday morning, seeking to make his case to the demographic.

"Social conservatives have a seat at this table, and always will so long as I have any influence in this party," he said. "I know that President Trump agrees.”

Sporting a purple tie, Vance spoke about his "faith journey" and how that faith can be integrated into a governing agenda.
Gun control… whatever the NRA says and wants and on immigration he mimics Trump, throw them all out!!!

The Washington Post goes on to write,
On Monday, Vance told Fox News he believes the United States should deport some of the roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country — “You start with the most violent people, the people who have criminal records,” he said — and dissuade migrants from coming to the United States by making it difficult for them to work.
On the economy, he bends over to give the billionaires anything they want!
As Trump’s running mate, Vance is likely to march in lockstep behind the former president’s economic agenda, which features more traditional conservative policies such as tax cuts and is heavily favored by big business groups.
Now here is the really scary part,
Vance has echoed the false claims made by Trump about widespread fraud in the 2020 election and expressed doubts about the integrity of the electoral process.

Vance, in February, suggested that he would have taken a different path than former vice president Mike Pence, who presided over the congressional certification of the election results in January 2021. Vance said if he had been vice president, he would have allowed Congress to consider fraudulent slates of pro-Trump electors.
Never mind the will of the people… it is the will of the party!
JD Vance faces criticism from advocates for his 'cruel' record on LGBTQ issues
The senator from Ohio introduced a bill to ban transition-related care for minors and another to prohibit “X” gender markers on passports.
NBC News
By Jo Yurcaba
July 16, 2024

Former President Donald Trump announced Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, as his vice presidential running mate Monday, sparking near-immediate backlash from some of the country’s largest LGBTQ advocacy groups, who called attention to his support for policies and rhetoric targeting the community.

Both the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest LGBTQ rights organization, and GLAAD, a national LGBTQ media advocacy group, released lists of comments Vance had made and policies he had supported relevant to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.

HRC and GLAAD noted that Vance introduced a bill last year called the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which would have banned transition-related medical care, including puberty blockers, hormone therapy and operations, for minors nationally. The bill, which was never taken up in committee, would have charged health care providers who violated it with a class C felony, which is punishable by up to 15 years in prison, and also would have banned institutions of higher education and accrediting entities from providing instruction about gender-affirming care.
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were criminals by just walking out the door!
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were criminals for loving the wrong person!
“R” Is for reverse. Taking us back to the days when we were forced in the closet!

“D” Is for going forward!

Some people have said that I moved away from trans rights to politics but in 2024 politics is about trans rights. Now as never before our human rights are on the line. Politics for us has moved beyond which bathroom to use to being about our rights to our very existence.

The Republicans have passed laws that step between us and our doctors. They have passed laws to ban us changing our birth certificate which is vital for us to get employment. The Republicans have made so just by saying these magic words they can ignore the laws, all they have to say is “It is against my religion!” and they can ignore the non-discrimination laws.

The 2024 elections are about us and our rights! This November elections will define where we go in the next four years and beyond.

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone in their right mind vote Republican ! Chaos in the streets if Trump wins. January 6th wasn’t enough 6people died. Trump cried he was cheated back in August of 2020. FBI files hush money. My dumb ass cousin thinks she’ll get another stimulus check. Please vote!
