Sunday, July 28, 2024

Nothing But A Playground Bully

Do you remember right after the attempted assassination all the talk about toning down the rhetoric?
A chilling pattern at the RNC reveals what the Republican party has become
After Trump was shot, the GOP promised to tone down its rhetoric — with one exception.
By Julio Ricardo Varela
July 19, 2024

In his rambling acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Thursday night, former President Donald Trump unsurprisingly doubled down on anti-immigrant messaging, saying things like: “You know who’s taking the jobs, the jobs that are created? One hundred and seven percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens.”

But throughout the four-day convention, a distinct and disturbing pattern emerged when it came to discussing immigration onstage: First, there’d be someone using violent rhetoric against migrants; then there’d emerge a Latino or Latina Republican to give the party cover. Take, for example, former Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro, who spoke at the convention hours after being released Wednesday from a Miami federal prison, where he served a sentence for contempt of Congress.


At the RNC, facts were damned. Despite what Navarro and others said, there is no “migrant crime surge.” But according to Trump and Republicans, migrants are the country’s greatest security threat.
How can you trust a person who lies, and lies, and lies? Every words out of his mouth is a lies designed to stir up animosity against those who are “different” and behaves like a school yard bully. This time it is immigrants, making anyone who looks foreign or speaks with an accent suspect. The BBC reports that the Republicans blame Biden’s rhetoric on the attempt!
According to Politico, Biden said on the call: “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

On Saturday, Mr Biden condemned the attack and called on Americans to denounce such violence. On Sunday, he ordered a review of security at the rally.

In the aftermath of the assassination attempt, the specific reference to "Trump in a bullseye" less than a week before, has led some Republicans to place the burden of the shooting in part on Mr Biden.
But the Republicans totally ignore their rhetoric which is a thousand times worst…
Trump critic: ‘Civil war’ reference at Vance rally ‘par for the course’
The Hill
By Tara Suter
July 23, 2024

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) said Tuesday that the comments by a state lawmaker suggesting a “civil war” woud be needed to save the country if Republicans lose this year’s elections are typical of supporters of former President Trump.

“Well, it’s par for the course,” Duncan said on “CNN This Morning” to anchor Kasie Hunt.

Ohio state Sen. George Lang (R), speaking at a rally for Trump and vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance on Monday, said he is “afraid” if Republicans lose the upcoming 2024 election “it’s going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved.”

Following Monday’s rally, Lang recanted his remarks on the social platform X and said they “do not accurately reflect my views.”
The British newspaper The Guardian writes,
Republican attacks on Kamala Harris to get ‘as ugly and bigoted as they can’
Rightwing playbooks used in past election campaigns are being dusted off for an all-out assault on the vice-president
By David Smith
25 Jul 2024

For Barack Obama there was “birtherism” and a name they said sounded like a specific Middle East terrorist. For Hillary Clinton there was “Lock her up” and merchandise that said, “Trump that bitch”, “Hillary sucks but not like Monica” and “Life’s a bitch: don’t vote for one.”

Rightwing playbooks deployed in past election campaigns are being dusted off for an all-out assault against Vice-President Kamala Harris, the de facto Democratic nominee aiming to become the first Black woman and first person of south Asian descent to be US president.

“It’s obvious that the Republicans are going to play the race and gender card, which we’ve seen already in some of the attacks on social media,” said Tara Setmayer, a Black woman who is co-founder and chief executive of the Seneca Project, a women-led super political action committee. “It may be catnip for their Maga base but it will be a turnoff for the moderate voters in the battleground states that will determine this election.”
Hmm… I vaguely remember a promised to tone down its rhetoric. It seems to be just lip service.
Donald Trump fumes 'I'm not going to be nice' as he unveils new nickname for Kamala Harris
Former President Donald Trump held nothing back as he launched into a brutal tirade against Kamala Harris, who is vying to become the first female president of the United States
Irish Star
By Emily Hodgkin & Nelson Espinal

GOP candidate Donald Trump has taken aim at the presumptive Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, during a campaign rally in North Carolina.

With President Joe Biden stepping down from the race, the presidential contest has been reset.

Trump now faces a new adversary in Kamala Harris and has already started to trial fresh attacks on the incumbent Vice President.


At the start of his tirade-style speech, he alluded to his unity remarks made following an assassination attempt on him.


"Kamala Harris wants to be the president for savage criminals and illegal aliensI will be the president for law-abiding Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed," Trump asserted.
Yup, it sure does sound like the “toning down” in speeches didn’t last long.

Do you remember on the grammar school play ground how the bullies picked on you be calling you nicknames… like “Four eyes” for those who wore glasses, or “Fatty” or “Birdbrain,” but we soon grew up and stopped making up nicknames for people but some bullies never out grow it. Yahoo reported...
"From the moment we take back the White House from crooked Joe Biden and Kamala, I call her 'Laughing Kamala,'" he said. "You ever watch her laugh? She's crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh. She's crazy. She's nuts."
Do we really want a president who as one person on Yahoo commented,
Don't we teach our children not to call people names? Don't we teach them not to make fun of or put down others? This is the role model you want for your children? Really? This is the best the Republicans can promote as leader of our country? It astounds me that those who claim to upload morality do not recognize when their morals have gone out the window. C'mon. Civility, people. This should unite us. Right, Left, Center.
One reply to the comment,
He is a reflection of his voters, small-minded, angry, and peaked emotionally as bullies in middle school. I lose all respect for anyone is a supporter.
He hit the nail on its head! And that is the thing Trump loyal followers see nothing wrong with that… all 46% of the voters have no problem with electing a playground bully.

That really bothers me, why do people not care what he is, so I asked my favorite AI… Perplexity.
Question: “Why do people want to elect a playground bully?”

People may be drawn to elect leaders who exhibit "playground bully" characteristics for several complex reasons:
  1. Perceived strength: Some voters associate aggressive, domineering behavior with strength and decisive leadership. They may believe a "tough" leader will better protect their interests.
  2. Simplistic solutions: Bullies often present oversimplified solutions to complex problems, which can be appealing to those frustrated with nuanced policy discussions.
  3. Channeling anger: Voters who feel angry or disenfranchised may be drawn to candidates who express and validate those emotions through aggressive rhetoric.
  4. Dominance as success: There's a societal association between dominance behaviors and success. Some people view bullying tactics as a path to power and prosperity.
  5. Fear and insecurity: In times of uncertainty, some voters are attracted to authoritarian personalities who promise security through strength.
  6. Misplaced admiration: The assertiveness and confidence displayed by bullies can be mistaken for leadership qualities by some.
  7. Cultural reinforcement: Competitive, aggressive behavior is often rewarded in various aspects of society, from school to the workplace.
  8. Desire for change: Voters frustrated with the status quo may view a disruptive, "bull in a china shop" personality as capable of shaking up the system.
  9. Media amplification: Confrontational and aggressive behavior often receives more media attention, increasing a bully's visibility and perceived importance.
  10. Misunderstanding of leadership: Some may confuse bullying behavior with strong leadership, failing to recognize the importance of empathy, collaboration, and respect in effective governance.
It's important to note that electing leaders with bullying tendencies can have negative consequences for democratic institutions, social cohesion, and effective governance. Recognizing and addressing the root causes that make bullying behavior appealing in leadership is crucial for fostering healthier political discourse and decision-making.
Perplexity References:
In an article on ABC News they write...
As Donald Trump pivots his focus to Vice President Kamala Harris, one point of attack toward his new 2024 opponent is an old ploy: mispronouncing and mocking her name.

Earlier this week, at his first rally since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Trump bungled Harris's name dozens of times in the span of his nearly 90-minute stump speech. He told his supporters he wasn't going to be "nice" anymore.

For years, Harris has been referred to by Trump, Republicans and conservative media like Fox News by only her first name rather than "vice president" or even "Harris" -- and they say it incorrectly.

"It's one thing to mispronounce someone's name on the first try, right? But to do it repeatedly and deliberately, it feels purposeful. It's certainly done to make a point. It is othering, a way of saying you don't belong here," said Jean Sinzdak, the associate director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.
You know what you never hear out on the campaign trail is how he is going fix the economy? What is he going to about the crumbling infrastructure? All he does is tear down people... it is all negatives coming out of Trump's mouth.

The thing is that their bullying and racism knows no bounds! They even attack their own.
The Hill
July 26, 2024

Vice presidential hopeful Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) acknowledged the white supremacist attacks against his wife, Usha Vance, who is a child of Indian immigrants.

“Look, I love my wife so much. I love her because she’s who she is,” he told host Megyn Kelly on her show Friday. “Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha.”

Usha Vance has faced a slew of far-right attacks targeting her Indian heritage following her husband’s nomination to the Republican ticket.

“Who is this guy, really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?” prominent white supremacist Nick Fuentes said of Vance after former President Trump announced his running mate.
Stop and think for a moment. The white supremacist support Trump but are upset over the pick for VP, what does it say about who is supporting Trump… what does it say about Trump supporters? That they are racists who are supporting a person that they see also as racist.
“As bigoted attacks against Usha Vance and Vice President Harris grow — including efforts to pit them against each other — it’s clear that the political leaders and others fueling this hate are completely disregarding the safety and wellbeing of Asian American and immigrant communities,” Stop AAPI Hate said.
Yup, that is the New Republican party… the party of evangelical Christians white supremacist.

My prediction!

The Trump Vance ticket will get blown away.
  1. Voter were looking for a young candidate... they got one!
  2. All Trump does is bully his opponent... I think he met his match in VP Harris!
  3. I think people are getting tired of his rhetoric... it is nothing new, just the same old name calling!
  4. I think his base is eating it up... but the other voters had enough.
  5. I think he lost the Black vote if he ever had it.
  6. The voters are turned off by all this religious talk. 

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