Crazy Sam’s Saturday 9: Come Monday

Thanks to AuntieM4Cabs for recommending the Buffett theme
1) What will you be doing come Monday (Labor Day)?
Sitting around collecting the sun up at the lake.
2) This song is about a performer who is "heading up to San Francisco for the Labor Day weekend show." When you think of San Francisco, what's the first thing that comes to mind?
3) As he sings, Buffett tells us he's wearing Hush Puppies casual shoes. What's on your feet as you answer these nine questions?
Nothing at all! My feet are naked as a jay bird.
4) So many Jimmy Buffett songs take place on or around the water. When was the last time you were on a boat?
Um… yesterday. I checked out the bilge pump on the boat.
5) Everyone knows Jimmy Buffett can write music, but he also has more than half a dozen books to his credit. What's the last book you read?
I’m reading the “Wheel of Time” series of books by Robert Jordan; right now I’m on book seven “A Crown of Swords”
6) Jimmy's persona is that of a simple beach bum, but in reality he's a conglomerate, with his own beverage company, more than a dozen restaurants and a couple hotels. He's so successful he has several homes, including a luxury mansion in the Hamptons! If you, like Buffett, could just take off and spend Labor Day weekend anywhere, where would you go? Who would you take along?
I would go up to the lakes of New Hampshire with my family… oh wait I did that.
7) This weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore?
Like you wouldn’t believe!
8) Labor Day was introduced to celebrate the achievements of the American worker. Yet this Recession has taken its toll on many of us laborers. Sam's brother, a movie projectionist, hasn't worked full-time in his chosen profession in more than a year. Is anyone close to you struggling with unemployment or underemployment? (If so, they are in our thoughts this weekend, too.)
They all have jobs. But I was laid off and took early retirement because I knew at my age I would never get a job.
9) Onto something happier ... Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the new school year. When she was a kid, Samantha was crazy for her brand new box of 96 Crayola Crayons. It even had a sharpener in the back! What do you remember about preparing to go back to school? If you're a parent with schoolage kids, are they ready?
I remember being dragged to school, I hated it with a passion.

Thanks to AuntieM4Cabs for recommending the Buffett theme
1) What will you be doing come Monday (Labor Day)?
Sitting around collecting the sun up at the lake.
2) This song is about a performer who is "heading up to San Francisco for the Labor Day weekend show." When you think of San Francisco, what's the first thing that comes to mind?
3) As he sings, Buffett tells us he's wearing Hush Puppies casual shoes. What's on your feet as you answer these nine questions?
Nothing at all! My feet are naked as a jay bird.
4) So many Jimmy Buffett songs take place on or around the water. When was the last time you were on a boat?
Um… yesterday. I checked out the bilge pump on the boat.
5) Everyone knows Jimmy Buffett can write music, but he also has more than half a dozen books to his credit. What's the last book you read?
I’m reading the “Wheel of Time” series of books by Robert Jordan; right now I’m on book seven “A Crown of Swords”
6) Jimmy's persona is that of a simple beach bum, but in reality he's a conglomerate, with his own beverage company, more than a dozen restaurants and a couple hotels. He's so successful he has several homes, including a luxury mansion in the Hamptons! If you, like Buffett, could just take off and spend Labor Day weekend anywhere, where would you go? Who would you take along?
I would go up to the lakes of New Hampshire with my family… oh wait I did that.
7) This weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore?
Like you wouldn’t believe!
8) Labor Day was introduced to celebrate the achievements of the American worker. Yet this Recession has taken its toll on many of us laborers. Sam's brother, a movie projectionist, hasn't worked full-time in his chosen profession in more than a year. Is anyone close to you struggling with unemployment or underemployment? (If so, they are in our thoughts this weekend, too.)
They all have jobs. But I was laid off and took early retirement because I knew at my age I would never get a job.
9) Onto something happier ... Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the new school year. When she was a kid, Samantha was crazy for her brand new box of 96 Crayola Crayons. It even had a sharpener in the back! What do you remember about preparing to go back to school? If you're a parent with schoolage kids, are they ready?
I remember being dragged to school, I hated it with a passion.