Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Flap

The White House stepped in on the flap about surgery for minors…
Biden administration flip-flops on surgeries for trans minors after backlash
Administration reaffirms support after reports White House opposed them, saying ‘surgeries should be limited to adults’
The Guardian
By Nora Neus
17 Jul 2024

The Biden administration is reaffirming its support for gender-affirming surgeries for transgender minors after backlash over a recent White House statement opposing such surgeries.

The change comes after transgender and LGBTQ+ advocates launched a pressure campaign in response to an unnamed White House spokesperson telling news outlets, including the New York Times and nonprofit newsroom The 19th, that “these surgeries should be limited to adults”.

The statements marked a significant policy change for an administration whose Department of Justice has urged the supreme court to take up the case of a Tennessee law that bans all gender transition care for minors, arguing that the law discriminates against trans people.

I don’t see a problem with the backing off since surgeries are not done on minors anyway. They still allow healthcare on minors. 

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