Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Lead Balloons


Ever had a great idea and it went over like a lead balloon? You are all excited over a thought you had but nobody liked it but worst they canned it.

Well Project 2025, the people that created it live in an echo chamber, they thought it so great! “Hey we’re working on wish list for when we win the 2024… it is all the stuff we want to do when we take control of government.”

They were so proud of it!


Then, it goes out into the real world and the people said… “What sh*t is this?”


Hey, I got this really great pick for VP… he is a go-getter and a rising star in the evangelical movement! He will bring in all the evangelical Christian vote!

What’s this about “childless cat ladies?”


What do these two things have in common?

They both were the results of “groupthink” that is where according to Psychology Today…
Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of well-intentioned people makes irrational or non-optimal decisions spurred by the urge to conform or the belief that dissent is impossible. The problematic or premature consensus that is characteristic of groupthink may be fueled by a particular agenda—or it may be due to group members valuing harmony and coherence above critical thought.
Or, in other words an echo chamber.

It gives insights into the thinking of the Trump cult. Their echo chamber thinks that the whole country wants an authoritarian Christian nation. That is the mindset of the MAGA Republicans, they are not your father’s Republican party the party has been taken over by people who “hate” other people, they believe that they are the saviors of the country.

Take apart MAGA… “Make America Great Again”. What do they mean by that, what is not great now? Well according to them what is not great is;
Transgender people
Marriage equality
The pill
People who look different
People who speak different
and on and on and on.

They dream of the world of Dick & Jane, their dog Spot and their cat Puff. And people who love differently do not have a place in their dream world, nor do People of Color, nor do people who speak differently, nor do childless couples. They worship groupthink where everyone thinks, looks, and speaks like them.

Vote this November for sanity.
Vote this November like your life depends upon it.
Vote this November for your freedom.
Vote this November to go forward.
Vote this November Blue.


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