Monday, July 22, 2024

Are You Ready For The Answer?

Be ready for a shock, I hope that most of you knew the answer but if you don’t…

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state, meaning all aspects of Germans’ lives were controlled by the government. It was also one in which those deemed ‘enemies of the state’ were ruthlessly persecuted.

The Nazis had clear ideas of what they wanted from women. They were expected to stay at home, look after the family and produce children in order to secure the future of the
Aryan race.

Hitler believed women’s lives should revolve round the three 'Ks': Kinder (children), Küche (kitchen), and Kirche (church).

Goebbels said: "The mission of women is to be beautiful and to bring children into the world."

Women were important to the Nazis, however, the Nazis believed that the role of the woman was in the home and with her family, not in the world of work.
Stop right there… does any of this sound familiar? Have you heard it recently? Did you expect that answer? The similarities are amazing! It is almost like the Republicans are using Germany of the 1930 as a guidebook.
Far-right Republicans have unlikely new target in their sights: divorce
Bans on no-fault divorces would be unpopular, but the Republicans may be too caught up in a moral panic to care
Open Democracy
By Chrissy Stroop
7 December 2023

Republican populist Ronald Reagan was the first – and, until Donald Trump, only – US president to have been divorced. He is also the reason that Americans have been able to divorce without the imposition of an undue government burden over the past 50 or so years, having been the first US politician to sign a no-fault divorce bill into state law while governor of California in 1969.
But in the New Republican party
Yet, in recent years, calls for an end to no-fault divorce have increasingly been made by some prominent Republicans. These include the current speaker of the House, Mike Johnson – the one who had his own son monitor his porn consumption via an evangelical app and who is himself in a ‘covenant marriage’, an extreme and explicitly Christian form of marriage that is very difficult to dissolve and legally available in only three states, including his native Louisiana.

The state-level platforms of the Republican Party branches in Texas and Nebraska have also called for the abolition of no-fault divorce, and the topic has seen some debate in red states’ legislatures in recent years.
And the New Republicans have already taken care of pregnant by banning abortions. ✓
Now they are they are going after divorce! Barefoot ✓
All they have to do is ban women working In the kitchen.

Update: 4:20PM

The other thing that had been carried on through the ages...
During the Weimar Republic – a period in German history following World War One, before the rise of the Nazis – the country was an epicentre for LGBTQ+ people, with movements supporting transgender and gender-non-conforming folks.
Pink News
By Maggie Baska
March 14

On 6 May, fanatical Nazi students raided the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, roughly translated as the Institute of Sexology. Tens of thousands of books, papers and research were taken from shelves and burned. 

The institute, headed by Magnus Hirschfeld, was an academic foundation devoted to sexological research and studies on the experiences of transgender people. It also offered some of the first modern gender-affirmation surgeries in the world.

Tragically, the institute’s large lists of patients’ names and addresses were seized during the raid and, it’s believed, were instrumental in the arrest thousands of people – and the subsequent deportations to concentration camps – in the months and years that followed.


The Nazis continued to target transgender and gender-non-conforming people, alongside other groups they believed threatened their ideology and rule. In the terrifying years that followed, transgender people would be sent to the camps and other centres of death, alongside Jews, the disabled, cisgender queer people, members of the Roma and Sinti communities and other groups considered degenerate or of no use. 
Have you seen the handwriting on the wall? Are you worried?

Are you going to vote Blue?


  1. Richard Nelson7/23/24, 9:40 AM

    Yes and this is one reason that lesbians, unless they were political, or a class that were considered racially inferior were not attacked under Paragraph 175. Women were baby making machines, the more Aryan the better. There is a lot to learn from OurStories. I believe that it was the Trans community that should have been in the quote by the homophobic Niemöller, First they came for the "transvestites" then they came for_(using the term from 1933) coined by Hirschfield or if to be really correct the Nazis lumped us all under the term homosexuals. I would like to add to the idea "are you going to vote Blue," of course but what before and what after if the neo-fascists win? That is the big question. How are we as a people under attack now going to respond when a full-scale attack becomes the norm. Diana, I hope you read the piece I just wrote on furbirdsqueerly about these issues and some folks who fought back, and questions of this nature. Be well and safe and thank you.

    1. Richard wrote an excellent article about Germany during that time...
      “If the crimes against people go unnoticed, it’s as if they never occurred. Similarly, if the resistance remains unknown, it too fades into obscurity. Understand the lessons of history and recognize OurStories’ role within them.”
      You can read about it here...

    2. Richard Nelson7/23/24, 2:23 PM

      One important section of the essay is on Transgender people in the Weimar and Nazi Germany. I work in trying to find the compasses and weapons that enable all of our people to find ways to fight back. There are many ways of doing so and all of them are legitimate. Another interesting section is assassination attempts on Hitler's life and after surviving the newspapers talked of divine intervention. Heaven help us. Diana the connection in your reply doesn't work, fast way to get to the article is
