Friday, September 27, 2024

Your Papers Please.

What are you going to do if your ID doesn’t match gender? How are you going to vote? And that is what the Republicans want, they want you to be too scared to vote!
Restrictive voter identification laws in some states could make it more difficult for transgender Americans to cast ballots in November’s general election, according to a report released Tuesday by the Williams Institute.

Upward of 210,000 voting-eligible transgender adults are likely to face barriers to voting this fall because they lack identity documents that match their gender and live in states with strict voter ID laws that conduct their elections primarily in person, according to the report, including an estimated 91,300 who could face disenfranchisement in states with rigid photo ID requirements.

Thirty-six states require or request that voters show some form of identification at the polls, such as a valid driver’s license, state-issued identification card or military ID. In nine states — Kansas, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi and Georgia — voter ID laws require voters to present photo identification to cast their votes.


According to Tuesday’s Williams Institute report, voters in 27 states will face new restrictions for the 2024 general election that were not present for the 2020 general election.

Nearly 173,000 transgender adults live in states with the strictest voter identification laws, according to the report, accounting for roughly a fifth of transgender Americans eligible to vote in the 2024 elections. An estimated 276,500 trans adults lack identity documents that correctly reflect their chosen name or gender identity, though not all of them live in states with voter ID laws.
They are placing all types of barriers in our way to vote. They know most trans voters vote Democratic and they are throwing all type of junk in our way. KERA News reports that down in Texas,
Last month, Texas became the largest state to block transgender people from updating the sex listed on their driver’s licenses and birth certificates.

The policy change, which was not announced in public, took many people by surprise. State officials released some basic information about the decision. But many questions remain unanswered.

The Texas Newsroom filed records requests and interviewed state officials, LGBTQ advocates and legal experts to better understand the potential effects of the new policy.

The change should not hamper the ability of transgender Texans to vote, according to local and state election officials. But it’s still unclear whether they will encounter new problems opening a bank account, updating their health insurance or dealing with other everyday tasks that require an ID. The legality of the policy has also been thrown into question. As of now, however, the change remains in effect unless and until a lawsuit is filed.

Meanwhile, many transgender Texans are caught in legal limbo. In interviews, they said it feels as though the state is creating a list to keep track of them — but to what end?That says a lot! Afraid of their own government keeping a list on them (Where else did LGBTQ+ people need to register?*) and when they vote we are afraid we will be denied the right to vote.
Newsweek writes,
Only one of the 35 states that will require ID to vote in November's presidential election has specific guidance for poll workers on how to apply the rules for transgender Americans, raising concerns they could be disenfranchised because of changes to their names or appearance.

A Newsweek analysis of poll worker manuals and other instructions from states shows that only Rhode Island has specific guidance relating to trans voters. The other states contained no mention of transgender voters in guidance documents seen.


"States should provide guidance for poll workers, especially in states with photo ID requirements, to make sure it is clear that a person's gender differences or presentation does not affect their right to vote."
I have only had a very minor problem voting, the guy at the door checking IDs looked at my driver’s license, looked at me and looked like he just bit into a lemon. But my gender and name were changed, I can just imagine how it will be to vote… but don’t let the Republicans bully you, VOTE!
And vote Blue to save a trans person’s life.

*Camera Atlas Obscura writes,
Katharina T., a resident of Berlin in the early 20th century, had a deep voice and masculine appearance, and preferred to wear men’s clothing at home and in public. In 1908, they—there’s no record of which pronoun Katharina preferred—went to visit the sexual reformer and “sexologist” Magnus Hirschfeld, to apply for official documentation that would allow them to wear men’s clothing in public: a “transvestite pass.”

Perhaps dozens of these passes were granted by German police between 1909 and 1933, the year Adolf Hitler became chancellor. The term “transvestitism” at that time encompassed people of all gender identities, from those who occasionally wore men’s or women’s clothes on weekends, to those who today might well identify instead as transgender, a term that was not in common usage at the time. Cross-dressing individuals were vulnerable to arbitrary decisions of the police, usually according to how well they “passed.” While it wasn’t illegal to cross-dress, per se, the practice often led to charges of being a “public nuisance,” which could mean six weeks’ imprisonment or a fine of 150 marks—and police were “often keen to exercise their extensive regulatory powers,” writes historian Kate Caplan in “The Administration of Gender Identity in Nazi Germany,” a 2011 paper in History Workshop Journal.
Later we were sent to the concentration camps and the gas chambers!

When we were trying to pass the gender inclusive non-discrimination law, a Republican legislator proposed requiring us to register with the DMV that we are trans! You can read about the  “The Scarlet Letter” here.

If all goes as planned, I should be up in Vermont leaf peeping today!

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