Monday, September 30, 2024

Cuckoo Award

You just can’t make these things up! How does that saying “Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed… how about borrowing a family?
Childless GOP Candidate Borrows Family for Weird Photo Shoot
Anti-abortion Republican Derrick Anderson, who is running for Virginia’s seventh congressional district, appears to be trying to appeal to women using a bizarre tactic.
Daily Beast
By Mathew Murphy
September 29, 2024

It looks like a family holiday snap, except that the woman and children posing with Republican Derrick Anderson are not his wife or his offspring.


Anderson, who is childless, engaged to be married, and lives alone with his dog, decided to borrow the wife and children from a longtime friend, in an apparent effort to appear as a family man.
So it is with great honor I bestow today’s Cuckoo Award to Mr. Anderson one of many he received for this fiasco.
His decision to pose with a family that was not his own was widely mocked on social media.

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