Monday, September 02, 2024

People Comment… That My Blog Now Is All About Politics!

Well politics is life or death for us! Down if Florida the Republicans passed a law banning our healthcare… I will say it again, politics is life or death for us!
AP News
August 27, 2024

Advocates say transgender patients are facing barriers to “potentially life-saving health care” after a federal appeals court ruled that a Florida law banning gender-affirming care can be enforced while a legal challenge plays out.

The decision handed down by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta on Monday cleared the way for Florida to prohibit transgender minors from being prescribed puberty blockers and hormonal treatments, even with their parents’ permission. The law also requires that transgender adults only receive treatment from a doctor and not from a registered nurse or other qualified provider.

Jon Harris Maurer, the public policy director for LGBTQ+ rights group Equality Florida, characterized the law as government intrusion into “vital health care”.

“We have parents, understandably very concerned about their children’s wellbeing, who want to make sure that they have the right to make the best decisions for their kids,” Maurer said. “This ruling puts back in place a law that interferes with that. And it puts their kids and their families at risk.”
The two judges who voted against us were appointed by Trump, the judge that voted for us was appointed by a Democrat. I will say it again, politics is life or death for us!
The American Academy of Pediatrics has repeatedly affirmed gender-affirming care for children, noting that transgender adolescents and adults have high rates of depression, self-harm and suicide, and stating that providers have an “essential role” in supporting patients and their families in evidence-based decision making.

“The AAP opposes any laws or regulations that discriminate against transgender and gender-diverse individuals, or that interfere in the doctor-patient relationship,” the organization said in a statement in August of 2023 reaffirming its gender-affirming care policy.
Politics is life or death for us!

Vote Blue and...


  1. Richard Nelson9/2/24, 11:13 AM

    Don’t ever stop. Your blog is one of the most important blogs around that is telling it like it is and warning folks what maybe coming down the road. OOPS what is already here. Chipping away the Trans community rights. It won’t matter what dress you have to wear, or where to get a nice hairdo if and when the fascists take control of the country. Remember the words, First they came for the Transgender Community.
    Thank our lucky stars that you are speaking out as you gather together information that will help to guide us all in not only the transgender community but the LGB+ also. So many people just love the glitter, fluff, cupcakes and dancing the night away and see nothing beyond. They will sure be in for a shock when it is too late and they like the foolish virgins have no oil for their lamps.
    Keep working Diana and again as I have said many times, this older queer elder certainly stands with you 100%

  2. All of America is in jeopardy with the Pumpkin Prince. Diana help carry the word to everyone. Thank you for your blog.
