Sunday, September 22, 2024

This And That Potpourri

A collection of news articles that caught my eye… First “They got our backs.”
Lincoln Square Neighbors Staged A Dance Party To Run Off Group Protesting Drag Story Time
The confrontation occurred outside Jerry’s Sandwiches, which hosts the story time. It also led to a bizarre incident where a gay couple tracked anti-LGBTQ+ protesters to Wisconsin to retrieve their missing phone.
Block Club Chicago
By Alex V. Hernandez
September 20, 2024

Neighbors near the heart of Lincoln Square chased away a group of protesters who targeted a popular drag story hour at Jerry’s Sandwiches over the weekend.

Jerry’s Sandwiches, 4739 N. Lincoln Ave., hosts Jerry’s Tales, a drag story time led by drag artists Ginger Forest and Candi Forest on the third Sunday of each month.

Anti-LGBTQ+ protesters showed up about 10:30 a.m. Sunday to try to disrupt the most recent story time, Ginger Forest told Block Club.

“The minute I walked out of my car, they started chanting, ‘Drag queen story hour is child abuse’ and screaming ‘child molester’ and ‘shame,’” Ginger Forest said.

Family values… or in this case, lack of family values.
Marlon Wayans Slams Elon Musk for Not Accepting His Transgender Daughter: 'Love Your Child'
"I don't like what he be saying about his trans child, that made me mad," Wayans said on a recent episode of 'Club Shay Shay'
By Liza Esquibias
September 19, 2024

Marlon Wayans has an issue with the way Elon Musk speaks about his transgender child.

On a recent episode of the podcast Club Shay Shay, hosted by Shannon Sharpe, Wayans opened up about his child, Kai, coming out as transgender. Reflecting on his process of acceptance, Wayans said it is hard for him to hear Musk’s comments disproving his own transgender daughter, 22-year-old Vivian Wilson.

“I have a Tesla that I'm about to drive off a cliff,” he joked. “I don’t like what he be saying about his trans child, that made me mad. You don’t treat them babies like that. You don’t disown your baby.”

He added: “Love your child!”

Lady Gaga Says She Let Transgender Rumor Slide For Community
By Afouda Bamidele
September 19, 2024

Lady Gaga is finally setting the record straight after years of speculations about her gender.

The "Bad Romance" hitmaker recently addressed the decade-long misconception about her sex, noting she let the transgender rumors fly to protect the community.

Lady Gaga is a well-known supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, but her love for them started long before she achieved her megastar status.


In 2011, Gaga went viral for shutting down a question about the rumors by declaring, "Why the hell am I going to waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis? My fans don't care, and neither do I."

As for why she never gave a straight answer, Gaga told Bill Gates, "The reason why I didn't answer the question is because I didn't feel like a victim with that lie."

Dallas County resolution chooses sides in transgender debate
County should resolve to stay out of medical debates and support all its constituencies.
By Dallas Morning News Editorial
September 22, 2024

On Tuesday, Dallas County commissioners passed a resolution that managed to support some parts of the LGBTQ+ community and condemn several other constituencies.

The resolution, like those handed out by almost every public body before almost every meeting, should have been innocuous and apolitical, recognizing the important contributions of the LGBTQ+ community in Dallas County — a constituency, it should be noted, with a history of being discriminated against.

“Dallas County remains committed to ensuring that all constituents are free from discrimination and harassment of any form,” the resolution began. “Dallas County recognizes the significant contributions made by transgender people and affirms that they are vital members of our community.”

So far so good. If this resolution stopped there, it would have been inclusive and appropriate.

But then it went further. It made scientific determinations, declaring that “gender affirming healthcare has been proven to be evidence-based, medically necessary, and lifesaving” including, presumably, for minors since the resolution cited the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the American Academy of Pediatricians. That’s choosing sides in a scientific debate that is far from settled, as researchers have told us again and again and again.
Um… there are no two sides when one side lies and denies the our existence.

The inaugural Gender Liberation March linked the fights for reproductive and transgender rights
Thousands marched in Washington, D.C., on Saturday to protest anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and the overturning of Roe v. Wade — and to display their power as a voting bloc.
By Orion Rummler, Kate Sosin
September 17, 2024

Under Pride flags, Black Lives Matter flags and Palestinian flags, thousands of LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones danced and chanted through the inaugural Gender Liberation March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday to send one unifying message: that fights for reproductive rights and transgender rights are inextricably linked.  

“The overarching goal here is to make these connections, to get folks to start understanding that all of our rights are on the chopping block,” said Raquel Willis, a transgender writer and activist who co-organized the march. She wants to remind Democrats that abortion is also a trans issue, she said in an interview with The 19th.

Protesters marched in defiance of state legislation restricting their access to gender-affirming care, of the Supreme Court decision that overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, and of the extreme anti-LGBTQ+ agenda detailed in Project 2025. They traveled to Washington on buses from Atlanta; Baltimore; New York City; Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Durham, North Carolina. The protesters wanted to show the powers that be that their power is limited — and that trans joy and queer joy do not need permission to exist.

On the streets surrounding the U.S. Capitol, roughly 2,000 protesters echoed chants led by Qween Jean, activist and founder of Black Trans Liberation: “We are America too,” followed by “Wake up, wake up, this is your fight too,” “Abortion is a human right,” and “Our bodies, our business.”

Lastly sad news, one of our community was struck down. (Georgia is the country in Eastern Europe and not the state.)
Trans woman killed in Georgia day after anti-LGBT law passed
BBC News
By Frances Mao
September 20, 2024

One of Georgia's most well-known transgender women has been killed in her home, a day after the country's parliament passed a major anti-LGBT bill.

Local officials say Kesaria Abramidze, 37, was stabbed to death in her flat in the capital, Tbilisi, on Wednesday.

The interior ministry said it was investigating a "premeditated murder committed with particular cruelty and aggravating circumstances on gender grounds".

A 26-year-old man has been arrested in the case that has shocked the small South Caucasian nation. Georgian media reported he was known to the victim.

Rights groups have linked the killing to the new anti-LGBT law, arguing the government's promotion of it had fuelled transphobic hate crime.

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who opposed the new law, said the "horrendous murder" raised urgent questions about hate crimes and discrimination.

The legislation from Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze's government severely restricts rights for LGBT people.

It introduces a ban on same-sex marriage, gender-affirming surgeries, child adoption by non-heterosexuals and the promotion of same-sex relationships in schools.

The bill sailed through parliament on Tuesday in an 84-0 vote, despite criticism from rights groups.

The ruling party said the "Protection of Family Values and Minors" bill was designed to protect a majority of Georgians seeking protection from "LGBT propaganda".

But local LGBT rights campaigners said the government had used homophobic and transphobic language and ideas in promoting the bill.
World wide, the right-wing conservatives are using animosity toward us to gain power, fascists always need a scapegoat to gain power.

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