Thursday, September 26, 2024

Another Victory For The Right.

Another victory for those who hide the bigotry behind their religion. This is from one of the organization that is trying to make us a Christian Nation… the ADF. The same people who are helping Republicans pass anti-trans laws.
Christian Healthcare Centers v. Nessel

Description:  Michigan’s civil rights law, which state courts recently reinterpreted to include sexual orientation and gender identity, now requires religious organizations like Christian Healthcare Centers to hire people who do not share their faith, to prescribe cross-sex hormones to facilitate efforts to alter a patient’s biological sex, and to use pronouns that do not accord with a person’s biological sex. All of this violates Christian Healthcare Centers’ religious beliefs and undermines its ability to provide safe healthcare to the needy and the rest of the community.

6th Circuit delivers religious freedom victory to Michigan faith-based nonprofits
ADF attorneys represent Christian Healthcare Centers, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish challenging discriminatory state law
Friday, Sep 20, 2024

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled Friday to allow the cases of a faith-based medical nonprofit and a parish and Catholic school to continue. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Christian Healthcare Centers and Grand Rapids-based Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and several of its families asked the court to uphold the Michigan ministries’ constitutionally protected freedom to operate as religious organizations consistent with their beliefs in two separate cases.

“The Constitution is clear: Religious organizations have the freedom to operate and serve their communities according to their beliefs,” said ADF Senior Counsel Bryan Neihart, who argued before the court on behalf of Christian Healthcare Centers. “Rather than respecting Christian Healthcare’s religious motivations to provide quality care to all members of the community, Michigan state officials threatened to punish the ministry for living out its faith. And in the case of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, government officials can’t target faith-based organizations simply for adhering to their religious beliefs as both a federal district court and the U.S. Supreme Court have concluded in other cases. The 6th Circuit was right to allow these cases to proceed. Michigan officials should respect religious organizations’ constitutionally protected freedom to follow the very faith that has motivated them to serve others.”
I really don’t care about what their religious beliefs are but it seems to me that for them an oath means nothing them… their doctors took an oath to heal the sick, not just the people who believe in their faith.

The case was about;
A Sixth Circuit judge on Tuesday seemed unpersuaded that three Christian organizations have standing to sue to prevent Michigan officials from enforcing the state’s anti-discrimination laws against them.

The organizations said they have a credible fear of facing state action for operating according to their religious beliefs as they pertain to LGBTQ+ issues in making employment, education, and medical decisions.cou

The religious freedom cases are the latest in a slew related to LGBTQ+ rights that courts across the country have reckoned with in recent years.
If a trans woman hurt in an auto accident is brought to them will they turn us away? As more and more hospitals are bought up by religious organization will we find ourselves locked out of healthcare?

They see it as a victory to god, I see it as them doing the work of satan.

Will we have two sets of healthcare, one for the believers and one for the non-believers?

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