Thursday, September 05, 2024

It Wasn’t The Wild West.


It was the Reagan when all the madness began. Before then we knew what amendment meant in its entirety. After that the Supreme Court went crazy.

When the Second Amendment was written back then the rate of fire was 3 or 4 rounds a minute. Now it is in the hundreds per minute. The Trump Supreme Court is now based on  the “original” meaning of the Constitution. However, they still ignore “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”

Did you know a judge last week as Reuters reported “A federal judge has dismissed charges against a Kansas man for possessing a machine gun, saying prosecutors failed to establish that a federal ban on owning such weapons is constitutional.”

In Chicago a judge overturned the ban on concealed weapons, “A federal judge ruled the Illinois law banning people with concealed carry permits from taking guns on public transportation is in violation of the Second Amendment.” as reported on CBS News.

In states with no gun laws the deaths from guns is ten times higher than states with strong gun laws, the Trace writes,
One of the most consistent findings in gun violence research is that regions with more guns see more gun deaths. This assessment applies to both firearm homicide and firearm suicide and holds true among U.S. states and across international borders.

Other research has shown that states with stricter gun laws generally have lower rates of gun violence, including both firearm homicide and firearm suicide. Many of these studies found only correlational relationships, not causal ones, and research on the effects of specific gun policies is still limited. But more gun violence research is being conducted now than ever before, and the literature on specific gun policies is growing. One of the most recent studies, one that did attempt to infer causality, found that state gun regulations — particularly background checks and waiting periods — were associated with substantial reductions in gun death.

Other research has found considerable evidence in favor of the same two policy interventions, as well as a link between some gun laws and lower rates of violent crime and suicide (in the case of child-access prevention laws) and more permissive laws and higher rates of gun violence (in the cases of concealed carry and “stand your ground” laws).
Tell me which party pushes doing away with or weakling gun laws?
The Republicans have this dream of bring back the wild west, with a six gun strapped to every leg. They dream of becoming Wyatt Earp or The Virginian, or other TV western heroes. Maybe you can do that in a western ghost town but not in New York City.

Vote Blue for sensible gun laws. Vote Blue as if your life depends upon it… because it does.
End this craziness now!


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