Monday, September 30, 2024

She Can Afford It.

But what about those that cannot?

Trans children are going to other states for their medical care and if they can't travel they are turning to black market hormones.
Her state bans gender-affirming care for teenagers. So she travels 450 miles for it
NPR Heard on All Things Considered
By Selena Simmons-Duffin
September 27, 2024

In the future, Veronica sees herself in a big city.

“I like chaos and spontaneousness,” she says, and she doesn’t get much of that in her town surrounded by farmland outside of Des Moines. It’s slow and boring, she says. Matching rows of ranch houses line wide manicured streets, with SUVs parked in the driveways.

Veronica is 17. She has two more years of high school, then she can graduate and leave.

Hers is not just the usual adolescent wanderlust. This Iowa town has turned out to be a punishing place to be a transgender teenager. Her mom, Emily, has fought to change her name in the high school’s system. There's no good option for which bathroom to use at school. Emily says neighbors and classmates have made cruel comments.


Iowa was part of a wave of states that passed laws related to transgender young people in the last two years. Currently, 26 states have laws on the books banning gender-affirming care for trans teens, and an estimated 110,000 trans teenagers live in states with bans in effect. Virtually all major U.S. medical organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, support access to gender-affirming care for young people.
You want to guess on what party controls those 26 states? You want to guess how many Republican states there are?
For now, the family is rooted in Iowa. Veronica is the oldest of four children – her parents are divorced and the kids are at their dad’s house in the same neighborhood half the time. All their grandparents live in Iowa, too.

So when Iowa’s gender-affirming care ban took effect last year, the family made a decision: Veronica and her mom would travel out-of-state every few months to keep getting the care Veronica needed.
Yep, those are the Republican family values… tear the family apart… drive the family apart from all their friends.
When Iowa’s ban took effect, Veronica was taking puberty blockers. By that point, she had been out as trans to her friends for three years – out to her parents and siblings for two. She had also developed an eating disorder so severe she has gone to residential treatment twice.


The "pause" in gender affirming care, as Iowa's governor put it, was at odds with Veronica's own biological timing. After the ban became law, the family got a message from the clinic explaining that they needed to stop Veronica’s gender care. Her doctors said if she couldn’t find a way to keep getting puberty blocker shots on time out of state, she would have restarted testosterone-driven puberty. That would have meant bodily changes like voice deepening, the growth of her Adam’s apple, facial hair, shoulder-broadening and more — some of which could be changed later with surgery or other procedures, some of which would be permanent.
That is the Republican way… have government looking over your shoulder at your medical decisions!
September’s appointment was their third one in Minneapolis. Her mom thinks intervening now will help Veronica look more like someone who was born female when she’s older, which will hopefully make her safer — less likely to be the target of violence or discrimination for being a trans person.
But she is lucky that she can travel out of state but what about those that cannot travel? Briton has also stopped treating trans youth and they found that…
Concerns as cross-sex hormones available online for just £11 a month
Experts fear children questioning their gender may turn to hidden economy to obtain hormones illegally
The Guardian
By Nicola Davis and Sarah Marsh
3 May 2024

Cross-sex hormones designed to masculinise or feminise a person’s body are available to buy online for less than £11 a month, with experts warning that growing numbers of under-18s may turn to the medicines hidden economy.

Last month the landmark Cass review of children’s gender treatment in England concluded there was a lack of reliable evidence supporting the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers by young people questioning their gender identity.

As a result, provision of cross-sex hormones to under-18s is under review. The report said that while they can still be made available to patients from the age of 16, they should only be prescribed with extreme caution and a strong clinical rationale for not waiting until an individual reaches 18. The recommendations apply to the NHS and the private sector.

While trans adults are often prescribed such hormones, it is illegal to supply the drugs in the UK to adults or under-18s without a prescription.

Guardian research found online pharmacies in places ranging from India to Hong Kong and Portugal offering hormone treatments without a prescription, typically ranging from around £10 to £30 for 28 days’ supply of a starting dose of feminising hormones.
The Republicans in their myopic view of the world probably never even thought that they would be driving trans children to self-medicate, they just want to wave the law and tell their base… “See what we did we banned those horrible trans child!”

But what they really did was drive it underground.

The NPR article goes on to report,
Three of the four states bordering Minnesota have gender affirming care bans for youth — Iowa and North Dakota and South Dakota. Minnesota has gone in the opposite direction. Minnesota’s legislature passed a “trans refuge” law last year, and since then, hundreds of trans people and their families have moved to the state.

But not every family can move. Even traveling for appointments is difficult, with airfare or gas expenses, hotels, taking time off work.
Once again the Republican states taketh away and the Democratic states giveth.

My body, my choice!
My body, my choice!
My body, my choice!

Vote Blue, vote Harris/Walz, vote the Democratic line.

The far-right conservatives are spreading around the world...
 ‘Earthquake’: Austria’s far-right Freedom Party wins election
The far right might struggle to form a coalition because most other parties have said they will not work with it.
Al Jazeera
30 Sep 2024
Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) has topped the country’s national elections in a historic victory but is likely to struggle to find partners that would enable it to form a governing coalition.

The FPOe won 28.8 percent of votes, beating the ruling conservative People’s Party (OeVP) into second place at 26.3 percent, according to near-complete results.
 Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) has topped the country’s national elections in a historic victory but is likely to struggle to find partners that would enable it to form a governing coalition.

The FPOe won 28.8 percent of votes, beating the ruling conservative People’s Party (OeVP) into second place at 26.3 percent, according to near-complete results.
The world is getting to be a scary place, once again just like in the 1930s the world looked for scapegoats to cure the economic woes. This time we are it... all the world problems are caused by them gays! They ignore the obvious... that the top 1% control almost half of the world's wealth.

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