Thursday, September 05, 2024

It Is The Law

Republicans have a hard time following the law, they just ignore the ones they don’t like… little things like the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.
Today, six transgender youth from across the United States shared their personal stories with the Supreme Court through an amicus brief filed by the Transgender Law Center (TLC) and Akerman LLP in the case of U.S. v. Skrmetti. This pivotal case challenges Tennessee’s ban on medically necessary gender-affirming care for transgender individuals under 18.

The brief, supported by GSA Network, the Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT), Camp Lilac, PFLAG, We Are Family, and TransFamily Support Services, highlights the experiences of these young leaders, aged 12 to 18, from Texas, South Carolina, Ohio, and Montana. They reveal how their states’ bans have disrupted their medical care and what it feels like to be targeted by their governments.

“As these young folks’ stories make clear, no matter where you’re from, what your family looks like, or how much money you have, everyone deserves to be empowered to make the healthcare decisions that are right for them,” said Shawn Meerkamper, TLC’s managing attorney.

Katie Lopez, a high school freshman from North Texas, shared, “It’s not fair. People who know nothing about me think there’s something wrong with me. You don’t know me, so why do you get to make decisions for me?”

Leo Walsh, an 18-year-old college student from Ohio and a counselor at Camp Lilac, emphasized that trans youth “are more than their identity” and need to be “allowed to be kids and teenagers, and these laws are taking that chance away from them.”
This case is a BIGGY! It will shape our future, it will boil down to life or death for us…  literally and I am not exaggerating. The APA writes,
‘The young people feel it’: A look at the mental health impact of transgender legislation
Psychological science points to an increased risk of suicide and poor mental health amid a record number of bills aimed at restricting the rights of the LGBTQ+ population
By Amy Novotney
June 29, 2023

Ongoing legislation regulating gender-affirming care is raising concern among psychologists about the impact on the mental health of trans individuals—in particular children and teens—as well as other members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Research overwhelmingly shows these bills and laws, which target access to health care, sports participation, and school policies, have resulted in heightened levels of anxiety, depression, and suicide risk among LGBTQ+ youth.

A 2024 national survey from the Trevor Project, for example, found an overwhelming majority (90%) of LGBTQ+ young people said their well-being was negatively impacted due to recent politics. Over half (53%) said their well-being was negatively impacted by politics a lot. In addition, nearly half (45%) of transgender and nonbinary youth reported that they or their family have considered moving to a different state due to anti-LGBTQ+ politics and laws.
But the Republicans don’t care about us and about the law… they are on a pogrom to eliminate us.

And we have to go before the judges to demand our Human Rights! No one should have to beg before judges our right to exist. Will the case of United States v. Skrmetti be another Dread Scott case? Will the court deny our humanity?


I have submitted a number of Amicus Brief for a number of trans cases when I was Executive Director of a trans organization.

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