Sunday, September 01, 2024

It Is The Law… Obey It.

One of the federal school requirements is that they provide a conducive environment for learning, but bullying does not meet that requirement.
Gay ex-student sues school district for allegedly failing to stop ‘relentless’ bullying
A gay former pupil and his mother are suing a school district where he allegedly experienced relentless bullying, including verbal abuse, threats of violence and another student making a “straight pride” poster with his face on it.
Pink News
By Sophie Perry
August 29, 2024

The legal complaint, filed by the student’s mother in June 2023, details that when he attended Ronald Reagan Middle School, in Haymarket, Virginia, he faced “regular and relentless anti-LGBTQ+ bullying” from classmates.

The defendants named in the case are the Prince William County School Board, the principal, Christopher Beemer, and assistant principal Jenita Boatwright.

Beemer still works as the school but Boatwright has left.

The claimant alleges that Beemer, Boatwright and the school board responded to requests for help “with victim-blaming and inaction”.

The openly gay student started in sixth grade at the school in August 2019 which is when the alleged victimisation began, with the first incident involving classmates taking his belongings and passing them around the classroom while voicing homophobic slurs, it is claimed.

The teacher reportedly did not put an end to the bullying and it happened three more times.


The case asserts four causes of action: sex discrimination under Title IX civil rights protections against the school board, an equal protection clause violation against the individual defendants, a violation against the individual defendants, which the judge dismissed, and gross negligence against the individual defendants.

District judge Rossie D Alston Jr gave the plaintiffs 14 days to file an amended complaint for the charge that was dismissed.
Of course they denied everything, we didn’t do anything wrong, it just kids being kids. WTOP reported that,
The plaintiff’s mother alleges two teachers in the area did nothing and that he felt unsafe and intimidated. The mother observed the boys surrounding her son when she came to pick him up from school. The student hurried to the car, but the alleged harassers called out to the plaintiff’s mother and gave her “the finger,” according to the complaint. The mother got out of her car and asked two nearby teachers for assistance, who said they would “take care of it.”

The plaintiff’s mother said the teachers walked the boys to defendant Boatwright’s office, where they were met by one of the boy’s mother, who worked for the school. The plaintiff’s mother then called the front office of the school to again report what happened — a call that was received by the one boy’s mother, who told the plaintiff’s mother that she would handle the matter.
It sound like the school is in deep do-do.

I sat on the CT State Department of Education’s Safe School Coalition and we reviewed bullying reports from around the state and what is really amazing if that some of the largest school systems report zero, that is not one bullying incident all year. Amazing! Do you believe it? I know that we didn’t.

Their inaction gives a green light to the bullies.

I have been reading about a group that is boycotting the elections. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot. Trump has said that he supports Israel’s right to continue “its war on terror.” And in order to defeat Trump every vote is needed and to not vote in the election is stupid, yes it is the choice "between two evils" but one is really evil while the others are trying to mediate the war.

You do remember that it was Trump who moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and the "Deal" he brokered lead to the crisis we now have.

A Trump win will do more harm to the world than he did his first term, that was just a trial run.

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