Friday, September 27, 2024

Before I Came Out, I Believed The Lie!

Then I got to know lesbians, gays, bi, queer and trans.

What was the lie? That we had no morals, that we jumped from bed to bed, had group sex… we were just sex fiends.

Then I met my first lesbians (At least the first that I knew about.), they were together for over 15 years and they had a 10 year old daughter.

I now know a gay couple that were together for fifty years and it was in death that they parted. But they had ten years of married life together.

Yeah, there are some who hop bed to bed but you will find the same thing in the straight community.

I read a lot of comments on articles in Yahoo or other media and you still see the lie today. They still believe that we do not form long term relation ships, they still believe the lie. They believe that we choose to be trans or gay or lesbians. They think that we wake up one morning and “Gee I want to be (___Fill in the Blank___) so I can be beaten up or shot!”

Even through you can see in the animal kingdom around us, gay horses, cow, monkeys, and all other mammals. They ignore their eyes. They listen to false profits telling them to hate us while they pass around the collection plate. They listen to politicians whose rhetoric stir up their anger so they vote him who will protect them from from our scourge.

It is just one of the “Big Lies” the Republican are pushing.

Vote on the Democratic line. Vote Blue!

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