Monday, September 30, 2024

Whoa… Stepping Away.

Some Republicans are getting nervous and are stepping away from “The Donald.”
‘Just Not Right’: A GOP Governor Confronts Trump’s Lies
For Gov. Mike DeWine, the attacks on Haitians near his Ohio hometown are personal – and so is the cost of Trump’s and J.D. Vance’s vicious demonization of legal immigrants.
By Jonathan Martin
September 30, 2024

On a rainy Sunday afternoon, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and his wife of 57 years, Fran, are sitting by themselves seven pews back from the alter of the soaring St. Raphael’s, a parish named for the patron saint of travelers. The gothic revival church was built in the 19th Century to accommodate the influx of Irish and German migrants here. But after its regular morning mass, St. Raphael’s now holds an afternoon service in Creole for the 21st Century travelers who’ve come looking for opportunity in Ohio: Haitians.

Neither DeWine speaks, and few in the sanctuary even know the governor is in their presence until after the homily. That’s when a Haitian layman, speaking his native language, recognizes the visitor and necks crane to glimpse of one of the few white people present before the congregation collectively rises to give him an ovation. DeWine stands long enough to acknowledge the ovation, offers an appreciative wave and quickly sits back down. It’s his second consecutive Sunday attending the afternoon service at St. Raphael’s, but he’s heartened this time to see more Haitians worshiping with him: few showed up the previous week because they were so frightened.


One of the Haitians, whose name I won’t use, summons the courage to speak broken English to the governor and his wife: “What do they think about the Haitians in Springfield and USA?”

DeWine doesn’t hesitate. “Look, people that want to come here and want to work and that are legal, which you are, we welcome you. Everybody, their family came from somewhere. My family, on my father’s side, came from Ireland back in 1840s.”

Then he repeats himself to make his message clear — “So we welcome you.” Then he asks the migrants, their colleagues and their employer what their challenges are.
In another Politico article they write,
Some battleground state Republicans say they’re worried they see little evidence of Donald Trump’s ground game — and fear it could cost him the election in an exceedingly close race.

In interviews, more than a dozen Republican strategists and operatives in presidential battlegrounds voiced serious concerns about what they described as a paltry get-out-the-vote effort by the Trump campaign, an untested strategy of leaning on outside groups to help do field work and a top-of-the-ticket strategy that’s disjointed from the one Republicans down the ballot are running.
Trump and JD lies are hurting the Republicans, the voter see all the lies and they don’t like it!
Opinion: Trump's GOP excuses racists, loons and criminals. There's no bottom anymore.
What matters here is less the racist rant of a decidedly doltish dipstick like GOP Rep. Clay Higgins and more the ease with which Trump-era Republicans excuse the monsters in their midst.
USA Today
By Rex Huppke
September 30, 2024

The bar for “behavior Trump-supporting Republicans will excuse” is now set so low it’s subterranean.

This past week, a Haitian nonprofit organization in Springfield, Ohio, filed citizen criminal charges against Donald Trump and JD Vance over their dishonest and dangerous diatribes about the city’s Haitian community.

Rep. Clay Higgins, a Republican from Louisiana, responded to that filing by posting this on social media:

“Lol. These Haitians are wild. Eating pets, vudu, nastiest country in the western hemisphere, cults, slapstick gangsters … but damned if they don’t feel all sophisticated now, filing charges against our President and VP. All these thugs better get their mind right and their a-- out of our country before January 20th.”

That’s pure, uncut racism. There’s no other way to spin it or excuse it. And yet, it was spun and excused by the Republican Party. Democrats in the House called for censure, but the GOP shut that down.
Many Republicans are getting fed up with Trump’s race baiting. They are starting to realize that the new Republican party is not the party of Reagan. Trump keeps on going off the dark end, he is being call out for his racism,
It means you excuse GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance for fabricating racist claims about legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, eating pets.

It means you excuse the chaos, threats and hatred that have upended Springfield in the wake of those insidious comments.

It means you excuse Trump’s increasingly vile, xenophobic lies, like this one from a Thursday speech, again putting a target on Springfield: “You have to get them out, we have to save our country, you have to save these towns. They flooded the job market with low-wage migrants, but in many cases migrants that also have horrible criminal records, murder, drug dealing, so many different things, a lot of human traffickers, and it’s mostly human traffickers in women.”

Many Republicans are saying enough is enough! It is one lie after another… just endless lies.
Emhoff: Trump vow to protect women ‘is yet more lies and more gaslighting’
The Hill
By Sarah Fortinsky
September 29, 2024

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff said former President Trump’s vow to protect women “is yet more lies and more gaslighting,” in a Sunday interview on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.”

In a discussion about abortion rights, Emhoff said it was “wrong” that his 83-year-old mother “is somehow going to enjoy more rights” than his daughter, and he blamed the situation on Trump.

“This is all because of Donald Trump. He ran on a platform of women should be punished for seeking an abortion. He said that. There’s video. He ran on a platform of appointing Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, They did just that. And he is for a national abortion ban,” Emhoff told Psaki.

“Make no mistake, where he says I will be the protector of women, that is yet more lies and more gaslighting,” he continued.
And remember, 50% of the people are going to vote for him!

They are laying the ground work for “voter fraud!” reports,
Former President Donald Trump cited the dubious results of a poll commissioned by a conservative group as the foundation for his latest claim of rampant voter fraud among mail-in voters.

“An interview by Tucker Carlson of an election expert indicates that 20% of the Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent. Here we go again!” Trump posted on Truth Social on Sept. 8.

Here we go again, indeed. Trump has repeatedly made false claims about voter fraud, continuing to say the 2020 election was “rigged,” despite the fact that his own aides, including his attorney general, told him his claims were baseless.
I don’t know how anyone can vote for a chronic lair. How can you trust him? He tailors his messages to different audiences, he tells them what they want to hear and it often results in contradictions.

This is not the “Old” Republican party… this is the “MAGA” Republican party!

It needs more than saving to vote, you need to make sure all your friends vote… your very life may depend upon who wins this November. This election is going to depend on who can get enough people to vote for them. Yeah, you are like “Well Duh!” of course it is going to be depended upon the votes. We need to make sure everyone of your friends vote even if you have to take them to vote.

Vote Harris/Walz and the Democratic line! Vote for honesty and integrity, vote Blue!

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