Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Another One Bites The Dust, Another College Succumbs.

And kicks out trans women from their college!
The Virginia women’s college made the change to comport with its founding documents, creating a stricter gender admissions policy than many of its peers.
Inside Higher Ed
By Josh Moody
August 28, 2024

In a move that has upset students, alumnae and faculty, Sweet Briar College announced earlier this month that it was changing its admissions policy and will no longer accept transgender applicants.

The small women’s college in rural Virginia has never had an admissions policy specifically for transgender students but has evaluated and admitted trans applicants on a case-by-case basis. The new policy holds that an applicant must confirm “that her sex assigned at birth is female and that she consistently lives and identifies as a woman,” according to Sweet Briar’s website.

Officials said they made the move to comply with recent changes to the Common Application, used by more than 1,000 higher ed institutions, which now lists four legal gender options. That change, Sweet Briar’s leaders said in a message to the campus community, “presents a challenge both for students applying for admission and administrators and staff making admissions decisions.”
Um… who are the 1,000 higher ed institutions? I looked it up on line and from what I could only find was not quite that. Common App.org wrote…
Beginning in the 2023-2024 application season, Common App will add ‘X’ or ‘another legal sex’ as an option in addition to ‘female’ and ‘male,’ similar to the addition of ‘X’ as a legal sex indicator on U.S. passports. This change follows last year’s addition of a question to provide applicants with the option to share their preferred first name and an option for students to add their pronoun set, among other changes. In addition, 24 states already allow for a third option for legal sex markers on official government documents.
But that was written in 2022 and I couldn’t find anything newer so I’ll go with what Higher Ed said.

So I wonder what the Seven Sisters are doing;

I found this on Smith’s website.
Does Smith have transgender students? Absolutely. Smith has students, faculty and staff who are trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming. Smith students are here to engage with each other socially and academically in respectful ways, and our community values the range of identities that the student body represents.
And I found this 2015 article…
By Michelle Williams
June 5, 2015

Following the recent announcement by Barnard College, all Seven Sister colleges now welcome transgender students to enroll in their institutions.

The Seven Sisters is the association of historical woman's institutions in the Northeast and include: Barnard College, in New York City; Bryn Mawr College, in Pennsylvania; Mount Holyoke College, in South Hadley; Radcliffe College, in Cambridge; Smith College, in Northampton; Vassar College, in Poughkeepsie; and Wellesley College, in Wellesley.

Each college began admitting students in the 1800s, allowing women to receive an education during a time when they were banned from attending alongside men. Since then, they've become known as places where women gain confidence and focus on self-growth while working toward a college degree.

In recent years, students and LGBTQ communities outside of colleges have called on the schools to admit transgender students. While for several years the schools have admitted students who were assigned female at birth and transitioned to male during their college years, others transitioning from male to female were not allowed.
So it appears that Sweet Briar is out in the far-right field.

While we are on education... Noted author's books are banned. once again the Republicans want to tell us what we can read...
Twenty-three of King’s novels have been banned from schools in the US state thanks to a 2022 legislation signed by Ron DeSantis
By Greg Evans
September 3, 2024

Stephen King has given a blunt three word response to discovering that 23 of his books have been banned from school libraries in Florida, a law which is now being challenged by six major book publishers.

In 2022, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed a landmark legislation that targeted books which included any sexually explicit material, following complaints from conservative group Moms for Liberty.

The law was brought into effect in July 2023 and has seen noteworthy classics such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain all removed from elementary, middle and high school libraries. Even non-fiction books like The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank has also been banned.

Amongst the novels by King that have reportedly been banned include Carrie, It, The Gunslinger, The Running Man and The Long Walk.

King, who is no stranger to voicing his political opinion, wrote in response to learning just how many of his books have been banned: “Florida has banned 23 pf [sic] my books. What the f***?”
He is not alone...
Hundreds of titles from Judy Blume to Mark Twain purged from school libraries following rightwing challenges
The Guardian
By Richard Luscombe
30 Aug 2024

Six major book publishers have teamed up to sue the US state of Florida over an “unconstitutional” law that has seen hundreds of titles purged from school libraries following rightwing challenges.

The landmark action targets the “sweeping book removal provisions” of House Bill 1069, which required school districts to set up a mechanism for parents to object to anything they considered pornographic or inappropriate.

A central plank of Republican governor Ron DeSantis’s war on “woke” on Florida campuses, the law has been abused by rightwing activists who quickly realized that any book they challenged had to be immediately removed and replaced only after the exhaustion of a lengthy and cumbersome review process, if at all, the publishers say.
A bunch of the old Republican biddies want to tell you what you can read!

The Republicans just don't understand how 1984ish that is. They cry "Parental Rights" and then they want to tell you want your child can read! They are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, the things they don't see it! They have succumb to their own propaganda.

Vote Blue to end this madness!

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