Tuesday, September 17, 2024

They Have To Know.

The Supreme Court has ruled on it many, many times. The writers of the Constitution knew it was so important that they went and wrote into the Constitution as the First Amendment.
My High Plains
By: Caden Keenan
September 12, 2024

A Texas Panhandle nonprofit focused on advocating for and supporting LGBTQ+ community members filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Canyon on Wednesday after it was denied a permit for its annual celebration in March and allegedly was given a blanket refusal for any future events.

The Amarillo Area Transgender Advocacy Group filed a lawsuit against the City of Canyon on Wednesday in Amarillo Federal Court, alleging that the city violated the nonprofit’s First Amendment rights and requesting a jury trial to seek a resolution.

As previously reported on MyHighPlains.com, AATAG applied for a permit to hold its third annual Transgender Day of Visibility Celebration in Paul Lindsey Park in Canyon in March, the same location used for the event as in previous years. However, the City of Canyon denied the permit due to what city staff described as alleged public safety issues and “lewd” behavior seen during the 2023 event.

At the time of the permit denial, AATAG President Sam Burnett said city staff reported there had been “absolutely” no issues during the 2023 event, and noted there were no phone calls made from the city or police department to AATAG about issues after the fact.
Now these case have been brought in 2023, a federal judge blocked an Aurora Illinois laws about Pride parades and there are other cases pending.

Then when they lose in court they scream “Activist Judges!” because the judge didn’t rule the  way they wanted.
The lawsuit alleges that the City of Canyon denied the event permit in spite of AATAG’s First Amendment rights as well as against city policy mandating that event permits cannot be denied based upon factors such as sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, the message of the event nor assumptions or predictions about possible hostility in the public triggered by it.

AATAG also alleges in the lawsuit that the City of Canyon “has been unwilling to reconsider its outright denial of AATAG’s permit application. City officials have flatly refused to consider whether there are terms by which the City would grant an event permit to AATAG, confirming that the Denial Letter effectively serves as a permanent, blanket ban on any future AATAG events in any public forum in Canyon, indefinitely.”
The right-wing agitators come in and make trouble and they charge more money because of the violence against them? 

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