Friday, September 13, 2024

From The People Who Brought You Project 2025…They Bring A New Low!

A fake video! Yup the people who think that they are are on the high horse of righteousness bring you a fake video.
Heritage Foundation Spreads Deceptive Videos About Noncitizen Voters
The right-wing think tank has been pushing misinformation about voting into social media feeds. The Georgia secretary of state’s office called one video “a stunt.”
The New York Times
By Ken Bensinger and Richard Fausset
September 7, 2024

In July, two men went door to door at a sprawling apartment complex in Norcross, Ga., an Atlanta suburb that is a hub for the region’s fast-growing Latino population, asking residents if they were U.S. citizens and whether they were registered to vote.

Speaking in Spanish, often peeking from behind half-closed doors, seven people told the men that they were not citizens but that they were registered to vote.

Although the two men claimed to represent a company helping Latinos navigate the election system, they were actually working with the Heritage Foundation and carrying a hidden camera. Days later, the conservative think tank posted a video on the social media platform X containing some of the footage the men had captured, calling it “staggering” evidence that 14 percent of noncitizens in Georgia — which Heritage said extrapolated to more than 47,000 people — were registered to vote.

“Based on our findings,” the video concluded, “the integrity of the 2024 election is in great jeopardy.”

The video was reposted by Elon Musk, X’s owner, who called it “extremely disturbing.” It quickly went viral.
A new low! They must really fear losing the elections with a multi-million dollar company faking an election video! The Times article goes on…
But under scrutiny, those claims do not hold up. Three of the seven people Heritage filmed later said they had misspoken. State investigators found no evidence that any of the seven people on the tape had ever registered to vote. A spokesman for Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, called the video “a stunt.”
Lies, lies, and more lies the conservatives are pumping out!

From the Brennan Center for Justice reports,
From the People Who Brought You Project 2025: Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud
While the Heritage Foundation has previously spread disinformation about purported noncitizen voting, the organization has now turned to desperate measures in search of nonexistent voter fraud.
By Jasleen Singh
September 10, 2024

The DC-based Heritage Foundation has long spread disinformation about elections, claiming there is widespread voter fraud despite ample evidence to the contrary. More recently, it has gained attention for its authoritarian and antidemocratic Project 2025 plan for a second Trump administration.

Ahead of this fall’s election, Heritage has been at the forefront of pushing the lie that noncitizens are registering and voting in significant numbers, laying the groundwork for election deniers to use in case the results don’t go their way.

Now its efforts to undermine trust in elections have taken a dangerous new turn — a boots-on-the-ground approach to fish for voter fraud where there is none. In July, men working with Heritage knocked on the doors of suspected noncitizens in an apartment complex outside Atlanta, asking about the residents’ citizenship status and whether they are registered to vote. The pair misrepresented themselves as being with a company that assists Latinos with navigating the election system and secretly videotaped their interactions.
You want to know where all the fake news is coming from, the fanatics from the conservatives, they will do anything for their guy to win!
But Heritage posted the videos to its website and claimed that based on a mere 7 people, 14 percent of noncitizens in Georgia were registered to vote — an estimated 47,000 people. It’s a ludicrous assertion. The office of Georgia’s Republican secretary of state dismissed the video as a “stunt.”
That are the “Family Values” of the Republicans… lying is okay if your side does it because we are on the side of truth, justice, and the American way! They are protecting us from the evil liberals so lying cheating, and mudslinging is okay.

They are pushing “The Big Lie” as Joseph Goebbels described it. But this was the only fake news the foundation has been pushing, the NYT writes…
It was one of several misleading videos that the Heritage Foundation has pumped into social media feeds this year. While the once-staid think tank has received attention recently for Project 2025, the right-wing blueprint for a future Trump administration that the group funded, it has also made its mark with an aggressive effort to shape public opinion, seeding falsehoods about the integrity of the 2024 election across social media and conservative news outlets.

At the center of that effort is the Oversight Project, an arm of Heritage that conducts what it describes as investigations into immigration policy, among other topics. Borrowing from covert tactics used by the group Project Veritas, the Oversight Project has published videos about the supposed threat of migrant voting in shelters on the Texas border, in New York City and in North Carolina.
Don’t you get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing the Heritage Foundation picked the Supreme Court judges for Trump. Knowing that these were the very same people that brought you Project 2025.

Vote Democrat to stop the guy who said on day one he would become a dictator, that try his political opponents, NBC News wrote earlier in the month…
But the experts also said the Supreme Court’s recent immunity decision gives a president the power to order the attorney general to indict any individuals they wish without facing legal consequences themselves.

“Trump has enormous power if he really wants to do it,” said Stephen Gillers, a professor at New York University Law School. “There would be almost no stopping him from obtaining an indictment.”
CBS News write,
Former President Donald Trump is pledging on social media to prosecute political opponents if he wins reelection in November. His threats are related to false claims that the 2020 election was stolen and that some are now trying somehow to rig the 2024 election. Dave Weigel, politics reporter for Semafor, and Nancy Cook, senior national political correspondent for Bloomberg News, join to discuss.

This is what his friend Putin is doing right now in Russia!

But remember… 49% of the people like him doing this!

Character is important in this election now. One side lies, and lies, lies and they have become so complacent about lies that it seems normal to them, they think the they are so righteous that they have no qualms about doing it.

Vote Democrat not only for president but also the under-ticket. Because if they control either the House or the Senate president Harris will not be able to do anything to help the country. Just look at the bipartisan bill that the Democrats worked out with the Republicans in the Senate Trump squashed it because he wanted to use the border against the Democrats.

We need to bring back government to the people not to the party! We need to bring sanity.

Update" 7:00PM

Well not an endorsement, it is no way am I voting for my sister!
Pamela Carter, a right-wing abortion foe, claims to have her family’s “full support” for her candidacy. Not exactly.
Mother Jones
By Tim Murphy
September 13, 2024

Arizona’s fourth legislative district, located in the suburban heart of Maricopa County, might be the ultimate bellwether in the ultimate bellwether state. And this fall, the stakes are impossibly high, not just at the presidential level—where polls show Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in a dead heat—but all the way down the ballot. Republicans control both chambers of the legislature by just one vote. In Arizona, where each legislative district elects two representatives, control of the state house could come down to Democrats’ efforts to flip one seat and hold another in this district that includes parts of Phoenix and Scottsdale.

In their quest to hold onto the legislature, Republicans have turned to a member of a famous Arizona family—Pamela Carter, older sister of the original Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter. On the campaign trail, the candidate Carter has talked up her work as a successful entrepreneur and a record of academic accomplishment, and boasts of having “my family’s full support” for her state house run. But a review of her record and past statements tells a much different story: In contrast to the fourth district’s moderate profile, Carter is a fervently anti-abortion minister who has been “blessed with end-time revelation” and who has made confusing claims about her past. And one notable member of her family is not on board—her famous sister, an advocate for reproductive rights.

“On her website, Pam claims to have her ‘family’s full support,'” Lynda Carter said in a statement to Mother Jones. “I have known Pam my entire life, which is why I sadly cannot endorse her for this or any public office.”
And like other Republicans lie...
Pamela Carter has offered an inconsistent accounting of her educational background. Her page at Ballotpedia states that she “earned a master’s degree in Communications and Biblical studies and attended Arizona State University,” which a spokesperson for the elections site confirmed was based on an informational survey that was “verified by the candidate.” “I was raised in Scottsdale, went right here to Arcadia High, ASU, and I just love our city,” she said on a podcast in 2022. This is technically true. Carter did attend ASU, and she does also have a master’s degree. But the reality of her resume is a bit more complicated.
She hasn't endorsed the Democrat but rather non-endorsed her sister.

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