Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gutsy Move! Or “Yes Master, Whatever You Say”

Tick, Tock, Tick Tock...
Just weeks before the election the Republicans are going to shutdown the government! The Republicans are putting several poison pills in the bill that they know that the Democrats won’t swallow.
Trump tells Republicans to shut down government if hardline voter ID bill gets cut from spending bill
By Rebecca Picciotto
September 10, 2024

Key Points
  •     Donald Trump said congressional Republicans should pursue a government shutdown if they cannot attach a hardline voting bill to the temporary funding resolution that would keep the government open.
  •     House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is currently trying to pass a six-month stopgap funding bill paired with the controversial SAVE Act, a legislative proposal that would require voters to show proof of citizenship at the ballot box, which Democrats said they would vote against.
  •     Lawmakers have until Sept. 30 to strike a funding deal before the government shuts down.
What they are doing is holding the country hostage, they’re playing chicken with the economy! They are demanding measures that are not need, they are claiming the “Big Lie!”
House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is currently trying to pass a six-month stopgap funding bill paired with the controversial SAVE Act, a legislative proposal that would require individuals to show proof of citizenship at the ballot box.
They know that there was no voter fraud, the voters know that there was no voter fraud, but their cult leader said there was so that is what they say because they are afraid of the wrath of Trump!

The Hill writes…
Trump wades into shutdown fight
Former President Trump on Tuesday appeared to call on his party to block government funding ahead of a looming shutdown deadline later this month if they aren’t able to secure what he called “assurances” on election security.
The BBC… “’Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth’, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.”

If there is a government shutdown before the election Trump supports will rally behind their golden idol but I doubt that will overcome the anger the rest of the voters would feel. I think that the majority of the voters do not believe that there was election fraud. It is a Republican issue the polls show that over 70% of the people do not believe in election fraud.

But not all Republicans are in lockstep behind Trump… some are getting “backbone”? The Washington Post reports,
The House on Tuesday advanced Speaker Mike Johnson’s plan to prevent a government shutdown by a slim margin, with two GOP defections, dealing a blow to Republicans’ negotiating position in government funding talks just weeks before a shutdown deadline.

The dissenting Republicans joined Democrats in a vote that almost took down what’s known as a rule, a procedural step that governs debate on the House floor. Without it, the underlying bill cannot proceed to a vote. Johnson (R-La.) is attempting to pair a six-month stopgap government funding bill to avert a shutdown on Oct. 1 with unrelated legislation to require proof of citizenship before registering to vote in federal elections.

Funding for the federal government expires Sept. 30, when the 2024 fiscal year ends. Without new legislation, the government would shut down, shuttering vital federal services just ahead of November’s election.
The far-right news outlet Breitbart (You might remember that the head of Breitbart, Steve Bannon is in jail now.) writes,
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced on Wednesday that the vote on the stop-gap spending bill will be delayed, as Republicans across the spectrum have opposed the measure.

Johnson said the stop-gap spending bill that would have funded the government through March 28 has been delayed, as Republican leadership needs to work through the weekend to “build consensus.”

The bill also included the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.

Republicans across the spectrum have announced their opposition to the bill.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) opposed the measure because it would allegedly have a negative impact on defense spending.

Conservatives have balked at a stop-gap spending bill, believing it would not do enough to alleviate America’s spending problem.


“I refuse to be a thespian in the Speaker’s failure theater,” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) said on Monday. “The 6 month continuing resolution [CR] with the SAVE Act attached is an insult to Americans’ intelligence. The CR doesn’t cut spending, and the shiny object attached to it will be dropped like a hot potato before passage.”
So it should be really interesting the next 20 days.

Update: 9/13 @ 8:30AM
Their Republican colleagues in the Senate know the truth...
By Alexander Bolton
September 12, 2024

Senate Republicans are letting the air out on House Republican efforts to pump up a partisan standoff over federal funding, which they fear could risk an embarrassing government shutdown a few weeks before Election Day.

With the prospect of a Senate Republican majority in 2025 tantalizingly close, GOP senators don’t want to let a proposal backed by former President Trump to require proof of citizenship for voter registration derail an end-of-month funding deal.

GOP senators acknowledge that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) won’t accept any short-term funding bill that would place new restrictions on voter registration and warn that Republicans would get the blame for any government shutdown caused by a fight over it.
They know it is wrong to shut down the government and that it is only a political stunt.

1 comment:

  1. Stop the Orange Prince. Vote Blue. Not in power and trying to run the country. Those who back him are just as stupid as he is.
