Sunday, September 08, 2024

We Are So Focused At One End Of The Spectrum

That we forget our senior citizens… the attacks by the right focuses on youth be those of us are the other end of the age spectrum also are being discriminated against and isolated in Long Term Care facilities (LTC).
Fenway Health commends MA House and Senate for including LGBTQ+ Long Term Care Bill of Rights in An Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care
August 30, 2024

Fenway Health and other LGBTQ+ aging advocates commended the Massachusetts House and Senate for including language enumerating protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) older adults and older people living with HIV in long-term care facilities. The state legislature voted August 29, 2024 to approve "An Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care" (House, No. 5033) and send it to Governor Healey's desk to be signed into law.

The LTC oversight legislation includes language from "An Act to establish an LGBTQI Long Term Care Facility Bill of Rights," based on legislation (H.637 and S.381) introduced earlier this legislative session by Representative Jack Lewis (D-Framingham) and Senator Pat Jehlen (D- Somerville), Chair of the Senate Elder Affairs Committee and co-chair of the Massachusetts Special Legislative Commission on LGBT Aging.
We are the Stonewall generation but now we don’t even get a pat on the back, we are just ignored.
"I vividly remember testimony at one of our LGBT Aging Commission hearings," said Senator Jehlen. "A family in western Massachusetts could no longer care for their transgender aunt and could not find a single nursing home that would admit her. Finally, they found one. And that nursing home ironically put her in a converted closet."
As far as I know there is only one LGBTQ+ center in Connecticut that has a program for seniors. How many LGBTQ organizations have any retirees on their Board of Directors.

I knew of a trans woman in a 400 bed LTC where she was being shunned by the other residents. I tried to help but there is nothing, nothing in Connecticut for LGBTQ+ seniors who are in need of assistance in Connecticut. Need help in finding a help?
For me right now it is hard for me to walk any long distances and I'm limited in what I can do. when most retirees are enjoying their senior years we still have to fight for our rights. 

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