Wednesday, May 22, 2024

They Want To Discriminate.

It is as simple as that, they think that it is their human right to discriminate.
Minnesota lawmakers failed to pass a state Equal Rights Amendment that would have enshrined protections for abortion and LGBTQ+ rights in the state Constitution as the 2024 legislative session came to an acrimonious end.

The Minnesota ERA was the one of the biggest casualties as partisan rancor, lengthy debates and filibusters were fueled by the continued participation of a Democratic senator who was arrested on a burglary charge. Democrats, who hold just a one-vote majority in the Senate, needed her vote to pass any legislation that lacked bipartisan support.


The ERA would have prohibited discrimination against anyone on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability or sex — including gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation. Authors opted not to include the word “abortion,” which critics called a deceptive move. The text instead would have protected the right to be “making and effectuating decisions about all matters relating to one’s own pregnancy or decision whether to become or remain pregnant.”
What does it say about the Republican party that they don't want to treat everyone equally? That they want to be able discriminate because of bigotry.

But it is not all bad news the Supreme Court did not put their 2 cents in, they lat stand a lower court ruling.
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to review an appeal from a group of parents who claimed their suburban Washington-area school district was hiding transgender support plans involving their children.

Three parents sued the Montgomery Country school district in Maryland over guidelines adopted in 2020 that allow schools to develop support plans for transgender students and “respect the students’ wishes to keep certain information confidential.”

The Supreme Court’s decision, made without explanation, left in place an appeals court ruling that the parents lacked standing to sue because they never established the plans were put in place for their children. It’s the latest in a series of cases where the high court has dodged the issue of transgender rights at school – often leaving in place lower court rulings that sided with trans students.
As Laugh-in’s Arte Johnson used to say, “Very interesting.” it is good that they let the lower court ruling stand but still it makes you wonder when the shoe is going to drop.
The school district said the guidelines were put in place to “ensure a safe and respectful school environment” for all students. The fact that a student chooses to disclose information to a teacher or administrator, the school said, “does not authorize school staff to disclose a student’s information to others.”

A federal district court and the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the school, but for different reasons. The appeals court said that the parents had not established that they were injured in a way that allowed them to sue.
The courts have found technicalities and avoided ruling on just us. I look at it as “No news is good news.”
However, it is very good news that schools do not have to "out" the student to the parents.

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