Sunday, May 12, 2024

They Are In A Tizzy!

And it is all about an apostrophe.

That’s right, a little lonely apostrophe and they are hoping up and down mad over it!

The problem… Mothers’ Day. Because some people have two moms.
An upcoming Apple TV special featuring the characters from the Peanuts comic strip will promote same-sex families in the latest example of children’s programming incorporating LGBT-related content.

On Friday, Apple TV released a trailer for an upcoming Mother’s Day special titled “Snoopy Presents To Mom (and Dad), with Love.” The special, scheduled for release Friday, stars the characters from the Peanuts comic strip including Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Peppermint Patty, Snoopy, Woodstock and others.

Throughout the video, Peppermint Patty appears upset and uneasy about the upcoming holiday. A loud scream from her causes the cake that Charlie Brown prepared for his mother to fall on Lucy. “Apparently, Mother’s Day is not her favorite holiday,” Charlie Brown concludes.

When Peppermint Patty tells Marcie, “I don’t know why I get so upset,” her friend replies that it was “because you miss your mom.” At this point, Peppermint Patty laments that she “never had a mom.”

“Maybe you miss what moms do,” Marcie says. Peppermint Patty remarks, “My dad does all that mom stuff for me," adding: “For Mother’s Day, I’m going to celebrate my dad.”
Whoa! That is approaching some dangerous ground.
From there, Peppermint Patty asks, “There are all types of moms, right?” After responding, “of course,” Marcie notes that “some kids have two moms.”
Did you hear that! Blasphemy! How dare they say that! They are grooming the children! Yup, the usual right-wing dribble they are shouting.
The Peanuts special’s promotion of the idea of having “two moms” is not the only example of modern children’s programming featuring well-established cartoon characters attempting to introduce children to LGBT ideology.
So for them inclusion is a four letter word. Inclusion of divorced parents is bad. Inclusion of single parents is bad. Inclusion of LGBTQ parents is bad. For them Mother's Day is only for white Christian straight, and cis-gender parents. Everything else is “Woke.”
Concerns about the exposure of small children to LGBT ideology prompted the Florida legislature to pass House Bill 1557, which prevents school officials from discussing matters related to sexual orientation and gender identity with students in kindergarten through third grade. The Walt Disney Company, which operates the Walt Disney World theme park in Orlando, Florida, is well-known for producing family-friendly programming. It emerged as a staunch critic of House Bill 1557.
It is funny who they have only one world view and that is theirs. The Tallahassee Democrat wrote,
Vivian Taylor, a seventh-grade teacher in Miami, says she was told to hardly discuss Emmett Till – the 14-year-old victim of one of the US’s most notorious lynchings – in her civics classes because under Florida’s year-old “stop woke” law, “people say you’re not supposed to talk about that because it will make children uncomfortable”.
Tell how does not talking about LGBT subject make a child who LGBTQ+ or has to moms, or two dads feel? Do you think not being able to talk about your parents makes the LGBTQ+ student uncomfortable? But that doesn’t count, only if white straight, cis-gender, Christians count.

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