Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Have You Noticed?

I have noticed, that it is the right-wing conservatives that are creating the violence? The Republicans have stirred up some much animosity against us that violence is being directed at us and abortion clinics and it is not just here in the United States but around the world!
The latest drag queen story hour canceled over polarized views was at a New Jersey community college.

Brookdale Community College had the optional event on its offered schedule for the recent “Bring Your Child to Work Day.”

News of the event was first published by Central Jersey Newswire, which also shared immediate outrage by Monmouth County Republican leaders — including state Senator Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblymembers Gerry Scharfenberger and Vicky Flynn.

Brookdale then canceled the optional event, citing respect for staff members’ "comfort levels."

“As an inclusive community, we understand and respect that parents have the right to decide when and how they want their children to explore diverse ideas. While the Drag Queen read-along was intended to promote inclusivity and acceptance, we recognize and acknowledge the diverse viewpoints within our workforce and have opted to respect the comfort levels of all involved,” according to a statement by Brookdale Community College.
Threats against the LGBTQ+ community are becoming more common at one time it was just protesters out side the event but now the protests have turned to threats of violence.

And the anger has been exported…
The US Is Exporting Anti-LGBTQ Hate Online
Conspiracy theories and misinformation with their roots in the American right are driving global anti-LGBTQ sentiment—and offline violence.
By Lydia Morrish
June 26, 2023

About once a fortnight, David Ermes gets an email from a journalist or fact checker along the lines of “Boys have to dress up as girls in queer week at school, is it true?” [Um… it was true for me in 1964 for freshman initiation we had to dress up as Space Girls”]

“Of course I can say it’s not true—it isn’t even lawful, since we don’t have school uniforms,” says Ermes, who is head of communications at the ministry of education in Schlewig-Holstein, Germany’s northernmost state. Over the past year or so he has had to deal with a steady flow of misinformation spread on social media that misrepresents conversations about LGBTQ rights and attempts to “paint a picture of sexualized schools in Germany.” He has dispelled rumors circulating in Hungary of German children being forced into “crossdressing classes” and debunked a viral video in Serbia and Bosnia showing a woman claiming the education ministry demanded boys wear dresses to school or parents be fined. “Even though we want to have educated debate in the public field, it’s getting harder and harder,” he says. “While you would have time to discuss with high-quality information [and] reason, your time is occupied by defending notions of bullshit.”

I would say piratically all of these people who are so violent  against drag has never in their entire life seen a drag show.
LGBTQ+ clubs targeted in San Diego pellet gun attacks
SDPD are investigating the multiple incidences from Saturday morning & also cannot yet confirm whether this was motivated by anti-LGBTQ hate
By LA Blade Digital Staff
May 20, 2024

A spokesperson for the San Diego Police Department said that multiple establishments in the Hillcrest and North Park neighborhoods that serve LGBTQ+ patrons were targeted by an unknown suspect or suspects in a dark-colored sedan early Saturday morning.

According to the San Diego Police Dept., they received reports of a pellet gun being fired out of a vehicle just after 1 a.m. Saturday morning. As of Sunday evening, the locations police could confirm were shot by the assailant were Rich’s, The Rail, #1 on Fifth Avenue and PECS in the Hillcrest and North Park neighborhoods.

SDPD confirmed that one of these incidents struck three people outside Rich’s Nightclub and hospitalized one.


He said it wasn’t the first time Rich has been the target of a crime like this. And he’s confident it won’t be the last.

A man named Abel was also hit with at least five pellets at Rich’s. He said he’s glad everyone is safe.

“It was still scary,” he said. “It was traumatic.”

At The Rail in Hillcrest, Donny Hurry, a security guard told CBS 8 he saw someone shooting out of the car’s back window. The suspect started shooting at him, and he ducked into the building before he realized it wasn’t a real gun.
On the other side of the pond violence against drag queens are also increasing!
Police want to speak to these men after alleged homophobic attack on Drag Queen Story Hour UK founder
Police are appealing for information following an alleged hate crime against the founder of Drag Queen Story Hour UK.
Pink News
By Amelia Hansford
May 23, 2024

Sebastian Samuel, who performs under the name Aida H Dee, was allegedly attacked in Cardiff on Sunday (19 May), just hours after proposing to his partner.

South Wales Police later confirmed that an assault against a 29-year-old man, near a McDonald’s in the city centre at around 3am, is being treated as a hate crime.

Samuel told PinkNews that, after being subjected to a string of homophobic slurs, he and his fiancé were attacked and he was knocked unconscious.

“This is the night of my anniversary,” he said. “It’s the night I proposed to my boyfriend and I am [sitting] here crying. This is not fair.”

Police have seen CCTV images and are looking to speak to two men in connection with the incident.
In other parts of the world it is even worst!
More than 30 per cent of the world’s countries still criminalise LGBTQ+ people for engaging in consensual same-sex acts, a new report has revealed.
Pink News
By Sophie Perry
May 28, 2024

ILGA World’s new flagship publication Laws on Us has documented legal developments in all 193 UN member states, several non-UN member entities and a number of sub-national jurisdictions, between January 2023 and April 2024.

“Our communities celebrated important victories during the past two years,” Lucas Ramón Mendos, research manager at ILGA World and Laws on Us’ lead co-author, said ahead of the report’s publication. “And yet, resistance and detraction have materialised almost everywhere.”

Published just ahead of Pride Month, which begins on Saturday (1 June), the report showed that 32 per cent of the world continues to criminalise consensual same-sex acts – including 60 UN member states by law and two more de facto.

The report did, however, note several positive steps taken in various countries.

But we are not the only ones the target of violence by right-wing conservatives… they are also going after abortion clinics.
The rise of ‘abortion abolitionists’ targeting women, doctors and Donald Trump
Operation Save America promotes legislation that would pave the way for women to be prosecuted and locked up for having abortions.
NBC News
By Chloe Atkins
May 26, 2024

The group of anti-abortion crusaders showed up outside Hughes STEM High School just before 3 p.m. As students streamed out of the building, the men and women walked after them carrying large cards emblazoned with a picture of a fetus.

“Pre-born children are blessings to be received, not burdens to be destroyed,” read the other side of the literature.

One man took the lead in tracking down the predominantly Black students and handing out the cards. At one point, he spent three minutes talking to a small group of girls.


“Planned Parenthood is feeding propaganda to these kids,” the head activist, Jason Storms, told her. “We are trying to counter that message.”
So when you teach children about the birds and the bee… its propaganda? When you teach that in nature sometimes it is Adam and Adam, and Eve and Eve who love each other is propaganda?
“You are intentionally killing a human being,” he said in an interview. “That’s the definition of murder.”
That is their opinion other people have their own religious beliefs.

I had an encounter with anti-abortion activist when I visited Planned Parenthood in New Haven on a Saturday morning for a meeting. I had to laugh at them, a 70 year-old trans woman and they are yelling at me “Think of the baby!” “Murderer!”

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