Monday, May 27, 2024

On This Day That We Honor Those Who Gave Their Lives For The Country.

My father on the right when he was stationed at Ft Wright
I was trying to make it non-political but it is very hard with some much at stake this election year.

Do you remember when Trump was president…
  • When he said at Arlington National Cemetery in 2017, saying to a father whose son is buried there, "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"
  • When in November 2018, Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France to honor WWI dead due to rain and other world leaders attended WWI memorial events that day despite the weather.
  • When also in France that same year, he referred to fallen American soldiers as "losers" and "suckers,"
  • When he called military officials "some of the dumbest people" he's ever met and mocked Gen. Mark Milley.
  • When he sought to slash disability benefits for veterans and cut budgets for the VA, leading to staffing shortages that impacted veteran care.
  • When he want to pull out of NATO.
  • When he referred to Putin as a "great guy" and a "terrific person" on multiple occasions.
  • When back during the Vietnam War his father got him out of the draft by getting a letter saying that Junior has “Bone Spurs.”
Meanwhile, President Biden had a son in the military who served in Delaware Army National Guard and did a tour duty in the Iraq War.

I wrote today about politics instead of writing about all the service members who made the ultimate sacrifices because I got so feed up listening to Trump berating President Biden on the military! The gall of this man who avoid the draft with a medical exemption. The impudence of this man who called the fallen soldiers who gave their lives on D-Day "losers" and "suckers”  calling out Biden on not being pro military.

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