Monday, May 13, 2024

The Selling Of America! (Part 2)

Last week Trump offered to sell the EPA for 1 billion dollars, now this week he is going after wind power.
By Jennifer A. Dlouhy
May 12, 2024

Donald Trump vowed to issue an executive order targeting offshore wind development if he wins a second term as president, making his most explicit threat yet toward the growing industry. 

The presumptive Republican nominee derided offshore wind projects as lethal for birds and whales during his oceanfront rally Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey, and committed to take action. 

“We are going to make sure that that ends on day one,” he said. “I’m going to write it out in an executive order.”

While Trump has made no secret of his animus to wind power, he had adopted a mostly hands-off posture during his first term in the White House. The remarks in New Jersey suggest he may take a more aggressive stance if given a second.
Is this what our government will be under Trump.
While Trump wasn’t specific, a president could issue an executive order directing a fresh study of the impact of offshore wind and halting the permitting of new projects in the meantime. President Joe Biden used a similar approach to order a moratorium on offshore oil leasing during his first week in the White House.
Under Trump we will have the best government money can buy.

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