Friday, May 17, 2024

Another Form Of Pollution

I remember the brown snog over Hartford when I worked summer jobs during high school and college but there is another form of pollution that we have done nothing about… noise pollution.
It is there all the time in the background, the constant humming or droning.
I live with tinnitus but this is not the same, this comes from our environment we created. The hum of electrical motors, the rush of fans, the hum of tires, the roar of engines. It is constantly there, droning on and on. You only notice it when you are at places on the edge of civilization, the North Woods, or 60 miles from the mainland.
Back home, I am about 5 miles from the interstate highway but at night I can hear the hum. I can hear the motorcycles on the Turnpike. I can hear the trains chugging up the grade from New Have. I can hear the radio in the car coming from Meriden, the bass track precedes the car by miles… Thump, thump, boom…  
It is a symphony of sounds.
Out here on the Cape there is a quite time, when I wake up in the middle of the night I wake up to the sounds of waves pounding on the shore, to owls hooting, and coyotes howling.

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