Thursday, May 30, 2024

Breaking News: Guilty On All Count!

Wow! A former president found guilty on all counts... Amazing! He is now a convicted felon and cannot vote in his home state of Florida, they do not allow convicted felon vote.

So now what?

What will Trump do? You know that there will be an endless appeals but what do you think he will do?

Update: 7:00PM

What do I think will happen is he will get probation. With his big mouth he will turnoff many of the voters with his conduct on the campaign trial, I believe that he will be bad mouthing President Biden, and everyone else. People will see what a vindictive little man he is. You watch the more he mouths off the lower the poll numbers.

Update: 6:00AM May 31

The party of Law & Order seems to be only in favor if it goes in their favor and they control the courts. Politico reports,
Congressional Republicans wasted no time in blasting former President Donald Trump’s Thursday conviction on 34 felony counts in New York, projecting confidence that the verdict would further motivate the GOP base ahead of November’s election.

GOP lawmakers blasted the trial as a thinly veiled effort to meddle in Trump’s bid to return to the White House, predicting that he would prevail on appeal — and against President Joe Biden later this fall. Underscoring the clear link between their fury over the verdict and their Election Day hopes, some Republicans — like House Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) — immediately posted a Trump fundraising link alongside their statements of support.

“Today is a shameful day in American history. Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon,” Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement. “This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one.”
I would like to point out that two juries ruled against him. A Grand Jury found that there was enough evidence to lead to a conviction and now this jury where not one of the jurors thought he was not guilty of the crimes. That his lawyers could not convince at least one juror of his innocence.
 Another staunch Trump ally, top Senate Judiciary Committee Republican Lindsey Graham (S.C.), said in a statement that “I expect this case to be reversed on appeal” and added a forecast that Democrats would pay a price for a trial that Trump supporters see as designed to hurt him.

“This verdict says more about the system than the allegations,” Graham added. “It will be seen as politically motivated and unfair, and it will backfire tremendously on the political left.”
Isn't it funny how they praise a verdict in their favor but tear apart the judicial system when it goes against them.

Spectrum News reported that the Democrat response was,
Democrats who celebrated the verdict largely echoed the same sentiment — that no one is immune from following the law.

"America is a nation built upon the rule of law," said House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a New York Democrat. "The jury has spoken and carefully rendered a decision. Responsible leadership requires the verdict to be respected."

"Today, twelve ordinary American citizens found a former president guilty of dozens of felonies," said California Rep. Adam Schiff, a U.S. Senate candidate who became a household name during Trump's presidency as a foil against the Republican president. "Despite his efforts to distract, delay, and deny – justice arrived for Donald Trump all the same. And the rule of law prevailed."

"Everyone is entitled to due process, and Donald Trump had his," Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen wrote on X. "This guilty verdict and the many ongoing criminal cases against Trump make it clear to the world: in the United States, no one is above the law."

Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas said she knows many are celebrating the verdict, “but my heart f****** breaks for our country!" 

"How did we get here?!” she said. “When did we stop requiring some darned decency of the most powerful person on Earth?! The grand jurors, the prosecutors, the judge, the witnesses & this jury deserve so much more than they will receive. This was a brave undertaking in an unnecessarily violent & politically charged America. FYI, today was a win for the rule of law!"

California Rep. Maxine Waters did not hide her excitement.

"Hallelujah!!! My predictions came true!" she said. "I predicted three years ago at a speech with the Human Rights Champaign that Stormy Daniels would be the one to get Trump. My faith in the criminal justice system has been strengthened!"

It turns out that there is a loop hole in Florida's felon voting law, if the state where you are convicted allow felons to vote you can vote in Florida. The Guardian writes,
Despite his 34 felony convictions, Donald Trump will likely still be able to cast a vote for himself in November because of Florida and New York’s voting rights restoration laws.

Florida, where Trump has his primary residence, allows people convicted of felonies to vote depending on the law in the state where they are convicted.

New York is one of 23 states where people convicted of a felony can vote, even if they are on parole or probation, as long as they are not incarcerated.

Protestors holding signs that say "guilty" and "Trump is guilty". Jury Finds Former President Donald Trump Guilty On All 34 Counts In Hush Money Trial

“A felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted,” Florida’s department of state website reads.
My advice to Trump, contact a good lawyer before you vote or you may find yourself in court again.

Update 1:00PM

You all do know that Trump has a big mouth.

And that I'll tell right now is sealing his tomb. He is a convicted felon and he keep showing that he does agree with that, he is not contrite, he is not showing remorse and how do you think the judge will view that.
The Washington Post

Former president Donald Trump, speaking at a rambling news conference Friday in New York, vowed to appeal his conviction on all counts in his hush money trial, calling it “a scam.” On Thursday, a New York jury found Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment to an adult-film actress. During Friday’s remarks, Trump renewed his attacks on the judge and prosecutor and aired other grievances about the process, making multiple false and misleading claims. He took no questions from reporters.
Now tell me how do you think the judge will view this. Trump is digging his owe hole, every word he speaks he is digging it deeper.

Update: June 1 @ 5:00AM

I tell you, Trump is putting his foot in his mouth.
Trump adviser blasts College Republicans statement on New York verdict
The Hill
by Julia Mueller
June 1, 2024

Former President Trump’s adviser Chris LaCivita knocked College Republicans for issuing a statement arguing the outcome of Trump’s New York trial, in which he was convicted on 34 felony counts, should be respected.

“Today’s convictions are the result of a politically motivated prosecution, but a verdict was handed down by jurors whose decisions were made in accordance with our criminal justice system. As such, the outcome of this trial should be respected. Just like the decision of voters on November 5th,” College Republicans said in a post on the social platform X.


After former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), who is running for the Senate, said the verdict should be respected “regardless” of the outcome, LaCivita argued Hogan had just ended his campaign.

Can you imagine, he, the former president, the convicted felon, has to go for a meeting with his probation officer. I can just hear Trump now gripping about his “PO”


  1. The next step is for Trump to meet with a probation officer to prepare a pre sentencing report. He’s going to really lock e that process. These are low level, non violent felonies, and this is his first offense, so I agree that he’ll probably get probation, but I’m not ready to rule out a jail sentence yet,

  2. One of the court watchers who is a New York attorney indicted that examining thousands of these types of crimes there usually was jail time. He also indicated Trump's case is based on an underlying case that is much more serious than just falsifying records. The underlying charge is election law violations; not some run of the mills charging off an expense as a business expense rather than a personal expense. You're looking at election interference. Good chance some jail time will come into play.
