Friday, May 24, 2024

Down The Rabbit Hole!

The dark side has gotten hold of the Trump campaign taking the country down the fascist rabbit hole, like the “accidental” posting of an ad with references to WWII Germany.
Awful New Info About Trump and “Reich” Video Shows Deep MAGA Sickness
Yes, the campaign took down the “Unified Reich” video. Meanwhile, Trump and his allies are aggressively seeding the discourse with fascistic language that’s much, much worse.
The New Republic
By Greg Sargent
May 23, 2024

After Donald Trump’s feed on Truth Social shared a video that heralds the coming of a “unified Reich” if he wins the White House, his campaign spokesperson insisted the video was created by a “random account” and posted by an unnamed staffer. It now appears the tweet has been deleted—no doubt by someone or other not named “Donald Trump.”

The Trump campaign’s initial story about this video may or may not prove true. But as we debate those specifics, let’s not lose sight of a larger point. Trump and his highest-profile allies have plainly embarked on a broader related project—one that seeks to acclimatize the American electorate to fascistic language and far-reaching authoritarian policy “solutions.” They are slowly edging the discourse deeper into that fraught territory, as if painstakingly testing how far they can take this without provoking too much public discomfort over it.
The thing of it is that it runs in Trump’s family, Trump’s father Fred Trump was arrested at KKK rallies in NYC back in the 1920s.
The video appears to be the work of a meme creator known as “Ramble_Rants,” the Associated Press reports. That creator belongs to a group of meme makers that has collaborated with the Trump campaign. As a New York Times exposé detailed, their work includes conspiracy theories about election fraud, ferocious belittlings of President Biden, and brutally demeaning depictions—including full-blown racism—of Trump’s other political and legal antagonists. Trump and other MAGA dignitaries have cheered on much of this, the Times reports, and have sought to directly influence those efforts.

The creator of the “Reich” video has done some of the most virulent work along these lines, the Times demonstrates. And so, when Trump’s social media feed shares a video like this that hails a coming “unified Reich” built on dramatic, far-reaching acts of national purification, it opens a window on a larger phenomenon: this shadow zone where Trump and his leading operatives encourage mass fascistic shitposting and propaganda—and seek to harness the energies released by it.
Here is what I think happened… they are so used to using the racist, antisemitic, fascist language that they didn’t expect the blow-back from the ad so they did a quick two-step and blamed it on some low level kid.
Then there are the vows by Trump and his allies to unleash the Justice Department on political enemies, to stock the bureaucracy with corrupt loyalists, to convert intelligence agencies into MAGA enforcement battalions, to launch deeply sadistic mass removals of millions of immigrants (Stephen Miller advertised this as “spectacular,” seemingly gauging public excitement about its cruelty), to hobble international institutions and empower international dictators and autocrats, and more.
He is telling everyone that he is going to be a dictator with a wink and nod. As Maya Angelou  said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”

These right-wingers, they hang the flag of the back of their pickup trucks and call themselves patriots but real patriots are not racists, real patriots are not transphobic, real patriots are not antisemitic, and  real patriots are not fascists.


1 comment:

  1. It's Memorial Day weekend and the real patriots are represented by those whose names are engraved on the monument outside our local library. It's the list of those who gave it all in World War 2. Funny those who claim some sort of patriotism ride along with an American flag flying next to a Trump banner. I suspect the lot of them are not among the "losers and suckers who have defended the country, but among those who would let others defend the country. They are the true "losers and suckers" following the Orange Man.
