Sunday, May 19, 2024

First They Came After… Now It Is Marriage!

First They Came After…

Do you know what is next on the hit parade of Republican goals? Marriage! Yup you got it, they are going after divorce. They want to do away with divorce, you’re married for life!
Ben Carson Is The Latest Republican To Call For An End To No-Fault Divorce
It should be outlawed "for the sake of families," Carson argues in his new book, "The Perilous Fight."
By Kelby Vera
May 14, 2024

Ben Carson is joining the chorus of conservatives who want to do away with no-fault divorce.

In his new book, “The Perilous Fight,” the former cabinet member for Donald Trump writes, “For the sake of families, we should enact legislation to remove or radically reduce incidences of no-fault divorce.”

Carson, who is said to be on the short list for Trump’s vice presidential pick, continues, “The reason this matters is that no-fault divorce legally allows marriages to end much more quickly than in previous decades.”

He goes on, “When there are relatively few legal or financial consequences connected with divorce, it’s natural for people to gravitate toward that option when their marriage hits a rough patch.”

“What those people often don’t consider, however, is the harm — both present and future — inflicted on their children once a divorce is finalized.”
First they came for abortion…
Then they came for the trans kids…
Then they came for the gays…
Now they are coming for marriage on their quest for a Christian Nation.

These are a bunch of men who want to impose their “Christian values” on women and chain them in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. Can someone please tell that the Republicans are not trying to force us into the “Handmaid Tale?”
No-fault divorce is thought to have had a profound impact on the lives of women. One 2004 study found a drop in domestic violence and suicide rates for women once no-fault divorce became an option.
And it is not just him but also,
Carson is not the first Republican politician to flirt with making divorce more difficult to obtain.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), in a 2016 sermon, claimed the introduction of no-fault divorce led to the rise of a “completely amoral society.” Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) also endorsed ending the option.
NBC News reported that Ben Carson said,
Ben Carson, who is often named as a potential running mate for Donald Trump, is out with a new book in which he calls for an end to no-fault divorce laws in the U.S.

“For the sake of families, we should enact legislation to remove or radically reduce incidences of no-fault divorce,” Carson writes in “The Perilous Fight,” released Tuesday.

“The reason this matters is that no-fault divorce legally allows marriages to end much more quickly than in previous decades. When there are relatively few legal or financial consequences connected with divorce, it’s natural for people to gravitate toward that option when their marriage hits a rough patch,” he adds. “What those people often don’t consider, however, is the harm — both present and future — inflicted on their children once a divorce is finalized.”
Um… he might be the running mate who has been divorced three time! Do as I say, not as the orange hair man says.
This is not a new idea, it has been quietly discussed in the backrooms.
The Coming Attack on an Essential Element of Women’s Freedom
No-fault divorce has improved the lives of millions. Now some extreme Republicans want to abandon it.
The Atlantic
By Kimberly Wehle
September 26, 2023
For the past half century, many women in America have enjoyed an unprecedented degree of freedom and legal protection, not because of Roe v. Wade or antidiscrimination laws but because of something much less celebrated: “no fault” divorce. Beginning in the early 1970s, no-fault divorce enabled millions of people, most of them women, to file for divorce over “irreconcilable differences” or the equivalent without having to prove misconduct by a spouse—such as adultery, domestic violence, bigamy, cruelty, abandonment, or impotence.

But now conservative politicians in states such as Texas and Louisiana, as well as a devoutly Catholic husband who tried to halt his wife’s divorce efforts in Nebraska, are attacking no-fault divorce. One of the more alarming steps taken in that direction came from the Texas Republican Party, whose 2022 platform called on the legislature to “rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws and support covenant marriage.” Given the Republican Party’s control of the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general, and both chambers of the state legislature, Texas has a chance of actually doing it.
And they are trying to put it into affect, they introduced a bill to end no-fault divorce in Oklahoma, the Oklahoman reported...
A bill that would abolish no-fault divorce is drawing the ire of some attorneys and domestic violence victims’ advocates.

Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, filed Senate Bill 1958 that would no longer allow Oklahomans to file for divorce on the grounds of incompatibility, also known as no-fault divorce.   

Critics say it would make it more difficult to end a marriage and make the actual reason for a divorce open to public scrutiny.
[From the picture with the article the Senator has eight children!]
They marching with their crucifixes held high in their march to a White Christian Nation… vote Blue! 
You freedom and life depends upon Biden winning.

A follow-up to last Sunday's post... The Board went through with the name change.
CBS News
May 10, 2024

A Virginia school board voted Friday to restore the names of Confederate military leaders to a high school and an elementary school, four years after the names were removed amid nationwide protests calling for a reckoning over racial injustice.

In a reversal experts believe was the first of its kind, Shenandoah County's school board voted 5-1 to rename Mountain View High School as Stonewall Jackson High School and Honey Run Elementary as Ashby Lee Elementary.

Friday's vote reversed a decision by the school board in 2020 when school systems across Virginia and the South were removing Confederate names from schools and other public locations in response to the Black Lives Matter movement.


On Friday, school board members who voted to restore the Confederate names said the previous board ignored popular sentiment and due process when the names were stripped.

Elections in 2023 significantly changed the school board's makeup, with one board member writing in an op-ed for the Northern Virginia Daily that the results gave Shenandoah County "the first 100% conservative board since anyone can remember."

That board member, Gloria Carlineo, said during the six-hour meeting that began Thursday night that opponents of the Confederate names should "stop bringing racism and prejudice into everything" because it "detracts from true cases of racism."
That is how twisted these conservatives are, they can see what they are doing is racist, they cannot see that they are disenfranchise the Black community and rubbing slavery in their faces.

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