Thursday, June 06, 2024

Yes, Virginia, There is a Straight Pride

Just like there is a Santa Claus there is a “Straight Pride!”
Yes, a ‘straight’ Pride flag exists – and it’s as ugly as the politics behind it
In case you were wondering, yes, it turns out that a ‘straight’ Pride flag does exist. More than one, in fact.
Pink News
By Emily Maskell
June 4, 2024

LGBTQ+ flags are bold and colourful symbols in the community that represent the array of included identities.

There are a number of umbrella flags, one of the most common being the Progress Pride flag which is inclusive of intersex, asexual, and Two-Spirit identities.

These flags are intended to show that the bearer supports LGBTQ+ rights. Individual flags showcasing different identities are also popular, for example lesbian or pansexual flags.


The ‘straight’ Pride flag was created as a direct attempt to mimic and troll the Pride flag.

Though the ‘straight’ Pride flag isn’t circulated with any official recognition, the Russian political party United Russia, which Vladimir Putin was part of, displayed the flag on Peter and Fevronia Day (Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness) in 2015.

The act was a response to the legalisation of same-sex marriage in the US earlier in the same year.

There have also been some attempts at conducting a ‘straight’ Pride march – like the 2019 march in Boston led by Super Happy Fun America – though there is no uniform community organisation for national marches.
And of course with having a “Straight Flag” there are court cases…
DPS parent lawsuit demands right to ask teachers to display “straight pride” flags in Denver schools
Nathan Feldman alleges school’s Progress Pride flag display discriminates against his “heterosexual, binary/cisgender” children
The Denver Post
By Jacob Factor
November 30, 2023

A Denver Public Schools parent has sued the district over its policy allowing teachers to display Progress Pride flags in their classrooms, saying LGBTQ+ flags “discriminate” against his straight, cisgender, white children.

Nathan Feldman, whose children attend Slavens School in southeast Denver’s Wellshire neighborhood, on Nov. 10 filed the federal suit in the U.S. District of Colorado that states DPS’ policy supporting LGBTQ+ students is “not inclusive of all students” or of his children, who are “heterosexual, Caucasian, and/or binary/’cisgender.'” The lawsuit comes after his unsuccessful attempts to have what he described as a “straight pride” flag displayed in his children’s classrooms.

The lawsuit alleges Feldman and his children have “suffered irreparable harm directly” because of the district’s policy, and it seeks an injunction stopping the district from enforcing the policy that prohibits the straight flag display and a declaratory judgment on the unconstitutionality of the policy.


According to the lawsuit, Feldman asked the district to display a flag he described in an email as a “straight pride” flag, a black and white striped flag with a linked male and female gender sign on it, in front of his children’s classrooms to include them, but the district did not respond to his request.
And so the battle for dominance by the closed minded conservatives over the inclusive left continues.

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