Sunday, June 16, 2024

This Is The 1930s All Over Again!

They burned our books and they forbid owning them.
They made us criminals.
They put us in concentration camps.
June 13, 2024

Donald Trump’s administration initiated a sustained, years-long effort to erase protections for LGBTQ people. This included an effort to “define ‘transgender’ out of existence,” erode protections for transgender students and workers, and weaken access to gender-affirming health care that most transgender people already struggled to access.

While President Joe Biden’s administration reversed much of the Trump-era abuses, just last month on the campaign trail, Trump vowed to dismantle a new Biden administration policy that will offer protections for transgender students under Title IX, a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in education.
Translated: It will be a bad time for us.
The Facts: Trump has promised that, if reelected, his administration will rescind federal policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and will assert that federal civil rights laws don’t cover anti-LGBTQ discrimination. In addition to rolling back existing protections, a second Trump administration will proactively mandate discrimination by the federal government wherever it can. Lastly, and perhaps most ominously, if Trump returns to the White House, we expect his administration to use federal law – including laws meant to safeguard civil rights – as a cudgel to override critical state-level protections for transgender students and to force state and local governments, as well as private organizations, to allow or even perpetuate discrimination.
They burned our books and they forbid owning them.
They made us criminals.
They put us in concentration camps.
What Our Experts Say: “We have seen the disastrous consequences of a hateful campaign targeting LGBTQ people and their families with discriminatory laws, forcing many from their home states and denying many more the freedom to get the health care they need to live their lives openly, and even to decide what name to go by. We are determined to use every tool at our disposal to oppose any attempt to deny LGBTQ people the freedom to live and love freely and openly.” – Mike Zamore, national director for policy & government affairs
I fear that history is repeating! There are so many similarities between the 1930s and now, the 2020s.

Just look around the world, this is like the 1930s with one country warring with another and the formation of the Axis countries around the world. And now. China is stirring up trouble in the South China Sea and Taiwan. North Korea is stirring trouble in the region. And of course Russia and Ukraine.

And now we have this guy sprouting his hate, back in March PBS News Hour had this report,
William Brangham:

On the campaign trail, Trump has been talking about what he plans to do if elected in November, and that includes rolling back the rights of millions of LGBTQ people.

It's part of a wider playbook to undo many modern civil rights advances for minority groups.

White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez has been following this, and she joins us now.


So, on LGBTQ rights, what has Trump said he wants to do?
Trump has just about said he would be a dictator, the interview goes on…
Laura Barron-Lopez:

So, technically, this relies on Trump, if he is reelected, enacting a legal concept known as the unitary executive theory, and that's outlined in Project 2025.

And it essentially suggests that Trump could basically just work around or ignore congressional oversight. And we spoke to Kim Wehle — she's the professor — a law professor at the University of Baltimore — about Trump's ability to carry out Project 2025.

Kimberly Wehle, Former U.S. Associate Independent Counsel:

With Donald Trump , the question isn't so much what the law authorizes. It's that if he has an army of employees that are willing to be loyal to whatever he wants and they implement what he directs, then the question is, is there going to be pushback through Congress, through the courts, through the voters?

If there's no accountability and pushback, then the answer to your question is, yes, then these things can happen, because there's nothing to stop him.
Stop and think for a minute, when else in history did we have a leader who had such a loyal followers and was almost like a cult?

They burned our books and they forbid owning them.
They made us criminals.
They put us in concentration camps.

1 comment:

  1. Who will be next? Who will be added to the list? Deportation of undocumented persons, probably the majority will be dark skinned peoples....not northern Europeans (Norway?) and Canadians. Throw in the "Dreamers" who have contributed to the USA. Go after LGBTQ+ peoples just like Hitler went after those peoples as well as those afflicted with mental challenges. Trump's appointees and those already on SCOTUS have already signaled they are waiting for cases to overturn same-sex marriages and contraception. The White washing of history. The banning of books. If you're straight, white and male you're in. Others? Second class citizens. Two generation ago these thoughts were rejected and the fight was on foreign shores as the cost of 400,00+ lives. Reincarnation of the supreme tyrant of the 1930's and 1940's?
