Monday, June 10, 2024

We Are Being Persecuted Around The World.

I have to admit that I thought at first this was about the state of Georgia but it is the country, the former Soviet block country.
Georgia’s ruling party on Tuesday introduced draft legislation curtailing LGBTQ+ rights.

The proposals by the Georgian Dream are similar to laws enacted in Russia and come on the heels of the authorities adopting another law critics denounced as borrowed from Moscow’s playbook — the “foreign influence” law. It ignited weeks of mass protests and was widely criticized as threatening democratic freedoms and jeopardizing Georgia’s chances of joining the European Union.

If adopted, the bill will ban same-sex marriages, gender-affirming care and changing one’s gender marker in the official documents, adoption by same-sex couples, public endorsement of same-sex relations at gatherings and at educational institutions, and depiction of same-sex relations in the media.

The new initiative was announced by parliament speaker and Georgian Dream member Shalva Papuashvili just a day after he signed the “foreign influence” law into force.

The “foreign influence” law requires news media and nongovernmental organizations to register as “agents of foreign influence” if they receive more than 20% of their budget from abroad. It set off mass protests last month in Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, and opponents have dubbed it the “ the Russian law ” because it resembles regulations in Russia that the Kremlin uses to crackdown on dissent.
I want to point out something, there was a candidate for the presidency from a sunny state here in the U.S. that banned the saying of the word “Gay” in classrooms in their state.
Georgian Dream’s proposals curtailing LGBTQ+ rights could also draw comparisons to laws in place in Russia. The Russian authorities over the last decade also banned public endorsement of “non-traditional sexual relations,”gender-affirming care and changing of one’s gender in the official documents.
And the curtailing of our rights in the Republican states!
During the 1930s in Germany they needed a sacrificial goat to blame all the worlds ills upon and the Jews were that target now we are the root of all evil.


Notice: They talk about insurrection if Trump is defeated. "Conduction 1"

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