Sunday, June 09, 2024

Vengeance Is Mine Saith Trump

By now you should realize that Trump is all about vengeance, anyone who crosses him is on his s**t list. And Trump like elephants has a very long memory.
Trump Defends Vow to Prosecute Rivals, Saying ‘Sometimes Revenge Can Be Justified’
New York Times
By Chris Cameron
June 7, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has in recent days been escalating his suggestions that he could prosecute his political enemies if elected in November.

In interviews broadcast on Thursday and earlier this week, Trump’s remarks demonstrated how he is trying to put his legal troubles on the ballot as a referendum on the American justice system and the rule of law. His allies in the Republican Party have also joined his calls for revenge prosecutions and other retaliatory measures against Democrats in response to his felony convictions by a jury in a New York court on 34 charges.

Trump was offered several opportunities by sympathetic interviewers in recent days to clarify or walk back his previous statements. Trump instead defended his position, saying at points that “I don’t want to look naive” and that “sometimes revenge can be justified.”
In the past, Trump has fired  FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions because he thought that they have betrayed him. He has used his status as cult leader to endorse candidates who are running against Republican incumbents who voted for his impeachment or otherwise opposed him. Trump has bragged that he has "hit list" of those he believes have wronged him, and he has expressed a desire to "even the score" and seek retribution if he regains power.
Trump was asked to respond to critics who fear he would look for “retribution” if he wins in November and returns to the White House. “So No. 1, they’re wrong,” he said. “It has to stop because otherwise we’re not going to have a country.”

Trump instead said that “based on what they’ve done” — referring to Democrats — “I would have every right to go after them.”

He added, “And it’s easy, because it’s Joe Biden, and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him.”

Hannity then pushed the former president to condemn “this practice of weaponization.”

Trump replied: “You have to do it. But it’s awful — look, I know you want me to say something so nice,” but, he added, “I don’t want to look naive.”

The former president was also asked, in an interview with ABC15 News in Arizona that aired Thursday, about prosecuting his opponents, and he suggested he was considering it.

“I thought it would be a horrible thing to do to Hillary Clinton,” Trump said, repeating a recent false suggestion that he had never called to “lock up” Clinton. But he added: “The world is different now. So when you ask me the question, would we do it? I’ll talk to you in about three years from now.”
“The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see, the future is.”  Yoda, Attack of the Clones

Fox News wrote,
Former President Trump told Fox News on Wednesday that critics claiming he'd seek retribution against political opponents are "wrong," but he would have "every right" to go after his adversaries if he is re-elected in November.
"You don't know the power of the dark side," Darth Vader, Return of the Jedi
Left leaning Salon write that,
Donald Trump, spinning the old, false line that the trial that led to his conviction on felony charges was "rigged" and orchestrated by Joe Biden, suggested in an interview with Newsmax that the "precedent" would give him an opening pay his political opponents back in kind, according to the Washington Post.

“I said, ‘Wouldn’t it really be bad? … Wouldn’t it be terrible to throw the president’s wife and the former secretary of state — think of it, the former secretary of state — but the president’s wife into jail?” Trump mused on Tuesday, referring to his 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton, who he had repeatedly said should be "locked up" despite now blaming his supporters for saying it instead.

“But they want to do it,” Trump said, apparently referring to Biden and other political rivals. “So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them ... it's a terrible precedent for the country."

The precedent Trump was referring to was his imagined version of events, in which President Biden supposedly instructed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to prosecute him, and then rigged the trial secure a conviction. Despite making this claim for several months now, Trump has been unable to cite any evidence to suggest that Bragg, an independently elected prosecutor, coordinated with the White House at all. Prosecutors said that they were only following the facts in their case.
"The Fear Of Loss Is A Path To The Dark Side," Yoda, Revenge of the Sith

NBC News, 'It's very possible': Trump floats imprisoning his political opponents
Fresh off last week's historic guilty verdict, former President Donald Trump had a warning for his political opponents on Tuesday.

In an interview with the conservative outlet Newsmax, Trump seemed to float the possibility of imprisoning his political opponents if he becomes president again.

"So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them," Trump said when discussing his guilty verdict.

"Does that mean the next president does it to them? That’s really the question," he added.
SheFinds wrote…
“It’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them,” Trump said in an interview with Newsmax on a separate occasion.
“If Once You Start Down The Dark Path, Forever Will It Dominate Your Destiny.” Yoda: The Empire Strikes Back
Trump turned to the Dark Side from day one, all his business dealings were shady dealings,
Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump
NPR All Things Considered
By NPR Staff
September 29, 2016

During the presidential debate on Monday night, Hillary Clinton raised a 1973 federal lawsuit brought against Donald Trump and his company for alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York.

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.

"Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy," Clinton said on Monday night.

Trump responded to Clinton by emphasizing that the case was settled with no admission of guilt.

"Yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's company — had a real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens," Trump said. "And we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country — it was a federal lawsuit — were sued. We settled the suit with zero, with no admission of guilt."
Trump has turned to the Dark Side a very long time ago and now the Republican party has followed him to the Dark Side, anyone who crossed him paid the price and he is turning the country to the Dark Side with him, really scary part is that 59% of country agrees with him!  As a country we do not need to have a president who runs on revenge.

Question: What do you think Trump will do if the Supreme Court justices that he appointed vote against him?

Trump demands loyalty and that would be the ultimate betrayal in Trump's eyes. 

1 comment:

  1. Many people on the right do not want history to be taught in school because they are intending to repeat it. Trump and his allies are working from the bottom to put his followers in power at the lowest rung of local government and work up the ladder. Purge the shelves of the local library; control school curriculum; etc. Consider the probability Trump, even if he wins another four years or doesn't, he will continue to dictate policy. He is after a third term. It does not take much to install a figure head and rule from the sidelines.
