Sunday, June 02, 2024

On This Sunday Morning.

It is fitting to write about the far-right evangelical have made a pack with the Republicans… you do away with abortions, and contraception and we will back you!

They already made abortions illegal in all the Republican states and now they are working to ban birth-control pills. You don’t believe me?

The Hill wrote,
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) vetoed a slew of bills Friday, including one focused on protecting access to contraceptives.

“While I look forward to working with the General Assembly to see if we can reach agreement on language in the future, today I must act on the language before me, and there are several bills which are not ready to become law,” Youngkin said in a release shared by his office.

“This includes legislation related to contraception. Let me be crystal clear: I support access to contraception. However, we cannot trample on the religious freedoms of Virginians,” he added.
So it is okay that they force their religious beliefs on the rest of us. Stateline reports…
Last year, conservative Republicans in the Missouri legislature took a run at blocking Medicaid funding from going to Planned Parenthood, a frequent and prominent target of anti-abortion activists and politicians.

But in the fine print of their measure, those Republicans revealed that their ambition wasn’t only to target a familiar abortion foe. They were going after specific forms of birth control as well, notably, emergency contraceptives, often sold under the brand name Plan B, and intrauterine devices, known as IUDs. GOP lawmakers tried to stop Missouri’s Medicaid agency from paying for those forms of contraception.

Missouri state Sen. Paul Wieland, one of the Republicans who led that effort, explained his position this way: “The bottom line is there is only one time something definitively happens and that’s the moment of conception. Once that happens, anything that happens should not be state funded.”
Ask yourself why are they doing this? What is their ultimate goal?
The right’s war on birth control is already starting
A new conservative incrementalism wants to erode access to birth control and lay the groundwork for a future ban.
By Mary Ziegler, professor at the UC Davis School of Law
October 10, 2023

A recent exposĂ© by The New Yorker dropped a bombshell about the organization that may now be the most important in the antiabortion movement: the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian litigation group with a string of Supreme Court wins and a $104 million dollar budget in 2022. Alan Sears, a long-term leader of the group, told the New Yorker of his hopes that one day, Americans would “say the birth control pill is a mistake.”

Sears’ comment contrasts with ADF’s successful public relations strategy: claiming to defend merely the right to conscience of conservative Christians. The history of strategies like the ADF’s make clear that today’s conscience arguments can underwrite future bans, even on birth control itself.


ADF is different from the first generation of antiabortion groups: it is openly Christian, and focuses on issues beyond reproduction. It has also made conscience arguments even more central to its work. In Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, decided in 2018, ADF claimed to defend the religious liberty of a baker who did not wish to bake a cake for a same-sex marriage. In 303 Creative v. Elenis, decided earlier this year, ADF convinced the Supreme Court that the Constitution permitted a Christian website designer to refuse to serve same-sex couples.
How many of you have watched “Handmaid’s Tale”?

Our bodies, our choice.

P.S. If Trump is convicted he will not be able to vote in Florida in November. Poynter reports...
Trump is a registered voter in Palm Beach County. The Florida Department of State website states that “a felony conviction in another state makes a person ineligible to vote in Florida only if the conviction would make the person ineligible to vote in the state where the person was convicted.”

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